Years ago
Creek / Peatling incident
What's everyone’s take on this?
Why did the guy in the grey suit get involved?
Years ago
What's everyone’s take on this?
Why did the guy in the grey suit get involved?
Years ago
Handled perfectly, which is a surprise to be honest.
What a dunk though by Creek, sheesh. Delly with a big "Spalding" stamped across his head
Refs 100% right, cracking game, Vickerman can certainly coach.
Years ago
Great dunk. The gesture over Delly unwarranted and a bit dumb to be honest. Incendiary behaviour. If he'd flexed at the crowd, I’d be fine with it. I think Delly wasn’t likely to fight over it, imho.
The player "defending" was the 2nd incendiary action.
Pearling was just plain stupid and incendiary. How often can we say that Creek has been less stupid than others in his behaviour??? (36ers contract out to NBA excluded).
The smaller ref actually trying to hold Creek back from behind though? Perhaps somewhere between Creekian dumbness and Peatlingesque stupidity.
The refs calls were probably right, on balance. Reviewed the evidence first. Regardless of whether or not they got a better perspective, they at least put time between the incident/s and the decision making, always more likely to get a fair, balanced and appropriate decision this way. Perhaps all decisions on potential disqualifying fouls should be managed this way.
I can see some suspensions or fines at review.
Nothing wrong with Creek celebrating that dunk, 100% celebration worthy! Peatling is a thug and should be rubbed out for at least 2 games for that piss weak attack
Years ago
wow u dunked on 5 foot 2 guy and then stood over him then flexed.
pearling did less on him that would of happened at a social league game.
Funny all the creek fans losing it but the easiest way to stop creek is to bring in the covid vaccine and watch him run!
Years ago
Will be an interesting call by NBL. Surely a suspension has to come out of the hit...imagine if AFL, intentional and high contact (perhaps even head the way Creek felt his jaw) would be straight to tribunial and 4-5 week rest.
They can't allow it to go unpunished.
Peatling pretend tough man. I can't wait to see his next contest against Creek.
Years ago
I thought the on court outcome was good but unsure about the call on Creek. I beleive he got the foul for the flex? I think the flex was fine BUT I do think Creek getting up and running at Peatling should have been a foul. Just think they called it on the wrong incident.
Would have been a great dunk even if delly wasnt there
Years ago
There is mo thread for the showdown so I will say this here - Mitch Creek is the best Australian player in the league right now and it isn't close. I really hope he hasnt completely done his dash with the national team because on pure basketball ability he's well and truly in that conversation.
I've said it before, Creek is equally as good as Tate, just didn’t have the right people in his corner and maybe a few to many snags short of a barby. He would not be on his own there by the way.
The person who says it's ok because it’s creek and attacks him and says that’s deserve says a lot about that persons mental state. Are you dumb or stupid there’s no room for that behaviour.
Years ago
Yes and don't forget Creek is 6"5 maybe 6”5.5. So not too much taller.
Creek is the league MVP right now. If he can keep shooting the 3 ball like he has, he is going to the NBA.
Diop Kick
Years ago
Great dunk, the celebration would have been a tech in the nba, it was provocative.
Peatling deserves a week for running him over from behind. Dumb, excessive, deliberate contact
Creek Looks to be starting sf for asia cup squad atm
Potential squad?
Maybe Broekhoff, Mccarron, Dech, Vasljevic, mcdaniel, acuil*
Years ago
I'm no fan of Creek, but he did nothing wrong there. He’s got every right to be a bit excited after a dunk like that.
Peatling clearly in the wrong there. Completely uncalled for.
And I’m a United supporter. I quite like Peatling usually.
Mcdaniels been solid defensivly and from midrange but a long shot.
Years ago
Yes, I believe that the right calls were made. Peatling is definitely gonna cop it. On the plus side, peatling has made the Nbl viral, and it seems that generally, league is experinecing a considerable increase in popularity and quality.
Poor stuff from both Peatling and Creek. They're lucky that fans weren't stampeded by these morons.
Years ago
We can't be saying that celebrating a dunk like that is instigating. A player can celebrate like that and even should celebrate that, we want passion and characters.
There was nothing whatsoever silly or foolish in Creeks celebration, he did nothing wrong whatsoever IMO. If you take that incident in itself, isolated away from reputations, nobody would bat an eyelid at it.
The Peatling reaction is bizarre, ridiculous and a straight out cheap shot. Absolute brain fade - wasn’t even "going into bat" for Delly. He apologised to his coach and should have, he let his team down by being flat out stupid.
Haven’t seen the post-Peatling reaction scuffle - but that creek celebration and Peatling response isolated id say let Creek get away with the flex and Peatling ejection would be sufficient result.
If McVeigh dunked like that he'd would have celebrated all the way to the mcg. It was massive, yes Creek comes across as a tool but nothing wrong with what he did. Peatling on the other hand, brain fade.
Years ago
^ lol that's true
Have to enjoy McVeighs disproportionate reactions to his own shots - I feel like he has this passion in everything he does in life
If the NBL don't give Mason at least 2 games I’d be shocked especially singing the new deal and trying to maintain the brand in collaboration with the NBA. Remember This is a new NBL now with more at stake and if this is allowed can you imagine what happens if a fan is hit etc...Mason has had issues with Creek before and that also will play a factor. Creek should cop a fine as well but since he wasn’t ejected and shouldn’t have been he will be fine to play going forward. Mason 2 games maybe 1 if they playing nice to the United home discount.
Years ago
Creek celebration a little over the top, crossed the line into dangerous territory that invites some reaction
However, that isn't to justify Peatling response. Peatling deserves suspension. Had potential to blow up into an all out brawl, no room for that in our game. NBL must respond accordingly.
Years ago
Do silly things, win silly prizes.
Creek won a silly prize thanks to Peatling. Deserved it.
Years ago
Wasn't a great Creek response, agree with that. Peatling deserves what he gets, but onbrand for Creek too.
The bloke in the grey suit should cop a decent ban for poor fashion sense.
Years ago
That Dunk was so sick, one of the best I've ever seen live
Years ago
"No way Creek should play for Australia."
Why? Because of some allegations?
Years ago
Yeah this reminds me, Peatling and Creek got into it in the semi finals
Years ago
There is no excuse for what Peatling did. It's a cheap shot anyway you look at it, even if you don’t like Creek.
Peatling is young. Hopefully he learns something and keeps that rubbish out of his game.
Years ago
Creek whining about people hitting him is hilarious.
Deserved it. Shouldn't be in the league.
Years ago
Shouldn't be in the league over something that was never proven.
KobeRulz assaulted me everyone, and I think you should make lifelong judgements on him accordingly. Evidence not necessary.
Peatling has been talking smack about creek for ages. Was bound to happen eventually
Was poor form the court announcers comment about Zhou. We don't need that in the game
If Peatling gets to be half as good as creek he'll be a good player, he ain’t getting there though.
Years ago
Delly should be thankful that Peatling saved him from Creek's flex.
Nothing cuter than a grown man coming to another grown man's rescue in a sports game.
All these people on here and social media throwing shade at Creek over some allegations & rumors that were unproven in a court of law are about as awesome as Peatling.
Years ago
Things don't have to be proven in a court of law in order to have happened. People don't just make up those sorts of things.
Dave Q
Years ago
Give it a rest KR. No one deserves to get king hit like that on a basketball court.
You and LV had a whole thread related to the other stuff - maybe take it there.
Years ago
Heard Creek on SEN this morning. Handled it all quite well, focussing on his own team rather than MU (and hard for me to say that as I am generally not a fan of his). I
Years ago
I agree with ME, he's the best Australian in the comp at the moment.
Especially with how he's been shooting the 3 at a high clip.
That was always my biggest criticism of his game and now that he's worked on it and improved on it full credit to him.
Years ago
"Things don't have to be proven in a court of law in order to have happened. People don't just make up those sorts of things."
Well that may be true but you dont have the full story. I know the alleged victim's family came out with claims later that he'd been high on cocaine and there'd been an argument, acting oblivious to the fact that she'd probably been high on drugs at the time also. It sounded like an absolute dysfunctional mess. And we don't know the nature of the argument, reason for the argument, whether there was mutual violence going on. I know you cant excuse violence towards women but at the same time, context matters. If a woman is high and lunges at you with a knife and you punch her should you be labelled a woman bassher forever and have your chance to represent your country ripped from you? Yeah... this is pure speculation and he equally could have just savagely beaten down an innocent stranger. We don't know. But the point is WE DON'T KNOW.
"I agree with ME, he's the best Australian in the comp at the moment.
Especially with how he's been shooting the 3 at a high clip.
That was always my biggest criticism of his game and now that he's worked on it and improved on it full credit to him."
He's easily the best Australian player in the league with the most complete game, and probably the one Aussie you could genuinely build a team around. As a Sixers fan it is sad to see that that had to happen in Melbourne and not here.
No one deserves a low blow / hip'n shoulder for dunking...
Years ago
I think we can all agree on Peatling. Creek's celebratory reaction wasn't a problem in isolation. It was a stunning play that warranted a celebration. But he went into dangerous territory by standing over and directing it at Delly. A more likeable character would've directed the gesture elsewhere. Delly made a solid play to try to contest it. Creek's interview post-game, also tends more towards villain than hero. Even so, Creek's allowed to be a d-head. There's no rule against that. He's the best Australian player in the league, for sure.
Gaze was right. Immediately running after Peatling wasn't going to help. A more mature and level-headed character would've stayed put, understood that Peatling was going to cop it, and further the Phoenix momentum on the back of this advantage. Retaliating was only makes things worse for the Phoenix. I'm amazed that players continue to respond like that to "defend" their teammates after a blatant incident like that. Reacting to create a scuffle doesn't defend them. It just gives the refs an excuse to penalise them. Credit to the refs for getting it all right in the end.
Years ago
No wonder Creek did not last long in the NBA. They basically met him ... and then released him.
Years ago
Similar view to mine.
I had thought that Peatling reacted to o the Creek flex over Delly. Creek's was a very aggressive gesture and physically threatening to a player on the ground and basically defenceless.
I didn’t know of any history between Creek and Peatling. Perhaps Peatling would have still done it even without Creek flexing. In his own simple mind, Peatling probably thought he was defending Delly, but how much was just pent up bad blood between Creek/ Pealing.
I wrote it before I think, but if Creek had flexed at the crowd, or even the Melbourne bench from a distance, I’d be fine with it and just think Creek being Creek. Flexing at the crowd would have just made him the player that the MU crowd love to hate. Before anyone asks, if the crowd had reacted at Creek with abuse, that’s on the crowd and up to stadium staff to deal with.
No one came out looking good immediately afterwards, except Delly who was professional enough to not react but responded with a lift in his game (as did Creek, imho). The refs did an excellent job in reviewing the video and handing out appropriate in game consequences. The league can decide on fines and suspensions. I’d be happy with a few games and fine for Peatling, with a fine for Creek and some form of good behaviour/ last warning for Creek. Creek doesn’t need to miss games just for that.
Has Creek even considered how this footage looks for any future shot at the NBA, with r even any court appearance he has for aggression or physical violence???
Peatling was not rushing in the protect Delly's honour ffs, he saw red because Creek was schooling him and to add insult to injury he’d just had his pocket picked by Le’Afa & face planted to boot.
Years ago
Yep, move on KR, everyone else hasThat's the exact problem I'm taking issue with.
Years ago
KR wants to be judge jury executioner!
A lot of people on here, and a lot of administrations particularly in sports would rather not play "trial by (social) media" and let the judicial system - as imperfect as it is - play that role.
There's nothing unreasonable about people that know they don’t have intimate knowledge of proceedings or the way legal systems operate and why they operate that way, deciding to leave it alone.
I wouldn’t go around getting annoyed at people being even tempered.
Peatling was getting his arse kicked, he did it to hide embarrassment, two weeks minimum.
I love Creek he's a gun player and proven by the courts innocent that’s all we can go off the courts when something changes I’ll change until then go Creek "Hahahah"
Years ago
He was never proven innocent by the courts. That's not even a thing courts do.
Years ago
" He was never proven innocent by the courts. That's not even a thing courts do."
mhmm we know what you're trying to say, but the smart ass remark isn’t right.
I didn’t pay attention to the specifics because I have a life (ish) but one assumes it was dropped and never properly tested/insufficient evidence. So you’re probably right on that.
But Courts do establish facts, and those established facts do inform other proceedings if they occur (such as associated civil litigation) - a person can be proven innocent by a Court by finding of fact.
Years ago
Innocent until proven guilty...None of us is a juror in Mitch Creek's trial, so that doesn't apply.
^^ no one is, because there isn't/wasn’t a trial
We love Creek !!! Simple as that you don't he’s a MVP player we are blogging about thee end hahahahah
It actually does. Was he found guilty? Did he go to trial? So in the eyes of the law he committed no crime. Now EAD and go away
Years ago
"Similar view to mine.
I had thought that Peatling reacted to o the Creek flex over Delly. Creek's was a very aggressive gesture and physically threatening to a player on the ground and basically defenceless."
I find this take a bit on the nose. At the risk of hearing 'woman basher' retorts, what does anone think Creek was going to do? Start laying into Delly while he's on the floor? It was a demonstrative flex. No one was hurt in the gun show. Peatling's attack was opportunistic and childish. And unlike any alleged misdeed of Creek, we actually have the evidence of that.
" I'd be happy with a few games and fine for Peatling, with a fine for Creek and some form of good behaviour/ last warning for Creek. Creek doesn’t need to miss games just for that."
Fine Creek for what? Creating what will arguably be one of the biggest highlights of this NBL season? That dunk on Delly was epic even by NBA standards. If you think of great NBA plays, this is like the NBL equivalent of the Michael Jordan hand-switch lay up. This is an iconic moment in NBL history. That dunk actually meant something. It was emblematic of the arrival of the NBL and the league is now milking it for all it's worth. Fining him for it would be hypocritical to the extreme.
"That's the exact problem I'm taking issue with.
It blew up for two weeks, then disappeared and he's faced zero consequences. Still being used as the face of the team and one of the faces of the league. It's garbage."
It's not the NBL's job to be the social justice police. It's an entertainment package that fosters the best possible Australian basketball talent. Mitch Creek is that. The police investigated the claims made against him very seriously. He missed out on the opportunity to play at the Olympics. In the end the police were not able to convict him or even pursue charges against him. What do you want? His heart on a plate? The correct avenues to deal with the issue have been pursued and have come to an end. It is indeed time for you to get over it.
Years ago
^^ no one is, because there isn't/wasn't a trialPrecisely my point.
It actually does. Was he found guilty? Did he go to trial? So in the eyes of the law he committed no crime.I'm not the law.
And unlike any alleged misdeed of Creek, we actually have the evidence of that.Ignoring evidence doesn't make it go away.
It's not the NBL's job to be the social justice police.Sometimes people do things because they're the right thing to do, rather than because they're legally compelled to do them.
Years ago
"Are we going to talk about Creek's post-game attempt to calm things down by claiming he had no idea whether the dunk went in or not? Because that is a hilariously blatant lie."
Yes please. Let's talk about it. What more would you like to say other than what you just said?
Years ago
"Sometimes people do things because they're the right thing to do, rather than because they're legally compelled to do them."
And the right thing to do is to put a red cross through the name of anyone ever accused of anything, I suppose. Context and truth be damned. Dont worry about knowing the full story. Gotta be seen to do "the right thing" in Kobe Rulz eyes.
Which brings me to another point, you know what Kobe was accused of, right? By your reckoning his NBA career should have ended in 2003. How do you reconcile being a Kobe Bryant fan with these other views you hold? Ya know "bla bla bla if you're not a perfect person off court you dont deserve a shot bla bla bla"
Years ago
"That's the exact problem I'm taking issue with.
It blew up for two weeks, then disappeared and he's faced zero consequences. Still being used as the face of the team and one of the faces of the league. It's garbage."
Sounds a lot like something that happened in 2003 also...
Years ago
That sounds nothing like anything that happened in 2003, actually.
And the right thing to do is to put a red cross through the name of anyone ever accused of anything, I suppose. Context and truth be damned.What context is there that makes you think this allegation is false?
Ya know "bla bla bla if you're not a perfect person off court you dont deserve a shot bla bla bla"There are a truly staggering number of ways to not be a perfect person that fall well short of what Creek was accused of. There are also vastly more of them when you're a dumb teenager than when you're almost 30.
Years ago
Should Creek have paid his way out of a court case instead of not being charged to guarantee your support KR?
Go Creek we love him !!!! You don't thee end hahahah
#178 that's right your opinion doesn’t matter because you’re not the law.
Bryant paid his way out of rape accusation after totally humiliating the victim publicly.
So forgive me if I don’t give 2 shakes about your take here, when your hero was a grub.
The point made by many posters is you, Koberulz have chosen to use a player's name, brand & profile and your love for him as your nickname. Something you want to display.
Kobe at best is a womanizer, and adulterer at worst a rapist, who IMO based on the extensive amount of coverage I've read and seen on the case, either paid off or intimidated his accuser. Alternatively, big business, NBA/Lakers and media fan boys like yourself, intimidated her into not being willing to testify.
The same intimidation and pressure that led to the woman in Creek's case taking a similar position.
You can't support and love one and accuse the other. It's hypocracy at its absolute worst. You just love one and hate the other indivudally. That's your position. Don't try and take the high road on Creek while on here and social media you promote your love of Kobe.
Years ago
Motivated reasoning going on here.
Leave KR alone. He loves Kobe and probably still has a poster on his bedroom wall. Was probably gazing lovingly at it while writing his last few posts....
Q Anon
Years ago
Koberulz you have nothing but opinion you know nothing about the facts of the matter. Everything you type is guess work on this topic. The matter was investigated by the police over many months and they decided that the complaint and the evidence don't match up.
Q Anon, that's not at all what happened re the Creek incident.
Q Anon
Years ago
So what, the police considered the evidence it didn't correlate to or support her story. No case to answer and thats the end of it. Did Mitch recant his? Oh thats right you never heard that story publicly did you. Move on.
It's KR he is always right and most times he's wrong.
Years ago
Just saw this on NBA Today's top 10 poster highlights. 7th or 8th one shown. Fun, short commentary about it.
Years ago
"because false accusations are vanishingly rare."
Okay, first off, no they're not. False accusations can only be PROVEN to be vanishingly rare. Just as you have to prove guilt, you also have to prove guilt with a false accusation. Rarely does a case where someone is seen not to be the offender then go on to spur a follow up case where the possibility of a false accusation is even considered and things have to be very, very obvious for them to do that. So if you cant prove an assault, and you cant prove a false accusation - as happens very often - you must assume some percentage of these 50./50 calls must be wrongful false accusations, correct?
"Should Creek have paid his way out of a court case instead of not being charged to guarantee your support KR?"
Exactly this. I think we all live with the belief that with the guy being Kobe Bryant, he wouldn't need to force anything on anyone. But at the same time, it happens. It very well may have happened. And chances are it actually DID happen if we're living in the real world. But KobeRulez seeks to treat Kobe with different standards than he does other people. Yes... she recanted her story. How much did he pay her for that? She's probably living quite nicely right now.
"You can't support and love one and accuse the other. It's hypocracy at its absolute worst. You just love one and hate the other indivudally. That's your position. Don't try and take the high road on Creek while on here and social media you promote your love of Kobe."
Thank you.
All I say in KobeRules on this issue is a guy with an axe to grind and a social justice warrior slant. His views on literally everything mirror the "everything is racist, everything is sexist" mantra. And where he's a complete hypocrite he'll perform mental gymnastics to reason to himself why Kobe's alleged misdeeds are any different to that of Mitch Creeks. Both were accused of violence against women. Both have a reasonably high likelihood of actually having committed the crime. Both got off for it. Yet only one feels his constant scathing ire, while he has the nerve to play the moral arbiter of the forum.
Kobe's alleged victim recanted and the police could not pursue the case. In Creek's case there was no recanting. No one could have been paid off. The police investigated the story to its full extent and found insufficient evidence to charge him. Shit... I think I know which one is more likely to be innocent in that scenario! I mean, you cant pay off anyone too flushly off just a few hundred K a year salary Creek would be on. That's not exactly "never have to work again" money for any recipient of any bribe. But I digress.
Hypocrite. You're a hypocrite. Mitch Creek is the best Australian player - and perhaps even the best player full stop - in the league. He is innocent until PROVEN guilty. And he deserves for his career to go ahead untarnished until such point as anything concrete is actually levelled at him.
KR, your Homie is a rapist and you're a hypocrite. So pipe down chachi!
"Creek's accuser didn't recant." Wrong again / still KR. Love it when you are called out for being a tosser here.
Years ago
She appealed/contested the decision to drop the charges, numbnuts.
Years ago
"Fuck off."
Excellent rebuttal.
"She appealed/contested the decision to drop the charges, numbnuts."
That still doesn't make him guilty.
Years ago
It's the complete opposite of recanting, though.
I'll bet my left aggert that there are innocent people in jail just as there is guilty wondering around free. Wether you like or dislike Creek is irrelevant, the decision been made and it’s one of the best dunks you will see. Move on.
Years ago
This is one of those things when they lose a debate so they lower themselves to telling people to fuck off. Just wear that you're a hypocrite the way Delly wore that poster and get over it.
Years ago
No way Creek should play for Australia. Team dynamics are important. He's just not liked.
Nix 95
Years ago
Creek is full of himself. It was a great dunk but he carries on like an idiot and he barely got pushed by Peatling.
Years ago
"...and he barely got pushed by Peatling."
Nix 95, do you think that Creek should have been given a flop-warning?
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