Years ago

NBL1 non conference schedule

Now that NBL1 East is part of the NBL1 stable, we are effectively nation wide, just missing NT teams, don't know if 1 or 2 teams could potentially join NBL1 Central eventually

I’ve thought about this before, but do you think eventually we might get to a stage where weeks 1 and 2 (for example) are non-conference games a la ncaa non conference

For example: week 1 certain teams play 2 games at home against visiting teams (Saturday night Diamond Valley and Eltham host Sturt and Norwood, with the Sunday game DV and Eltham hosting the other Sth Australian team)

Week 2 the teams played away in week 1 get to play at home, but against different teams (Sturt and Norwood host Central Coast and Newcastle over the 2 games), week 1 Central coast and Newcastle hosted Perth and Willeton for example

This is across both Men and Women, and only 1 major away weekend, with 1 major home weekend too

Each team gets 4 (2 H and 2 A) non-conference games to test themselves against other conferences

Before you know it, progressive clubs might even host their own version of an 8-team usa style Maui Invitational tournament over a Friday-Sunday weekend

Thoughts, or am I just doing wishful thinking?

Topic #49353 | Report this topic

Years ago

If you can pull $$$ out of your.... It might be a chance. So, NO!

Reply #874773 | Report this post

Years ago

Wishful thinking. NCAA have bigger budgets that the NBL. There would be single NCAA teams with bigger budgets than the entire NBL1.

National finals will be the extent of it

Reply #874779 | Report this post

Years ago

How much extra $$$$ would be needed for 2 home games + 1 away weekend which would entail flights and 1 night accommodation?

Extra $15-20k?

Reply #874781 | Report this post

Years ago

Great idea, but costs cash

Reply #874783 | Report this post

Years ago

Very wishful thinking at best. Next.

Reply #874792 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah na, new branding but same incomes/expenses , just a shiny new name.

Ffs do people understand how club Bball works?

Does the OP have anything to do with Hawthorn magic and their business model?

Reply #874793 | Report this post

Years ago

There would be nothing stopping the cashed up clubs in doing so.

Reply #874796 | Report this post

Years ago

Nope never had anything to do with Hawthorn, though do know how the club system works very well

Will admit I've been out for a couple years coaching wise, but still keep an active interest

With my OP, I wasn’t meaning in the next couple of years, I was more meaning 5-10 years down the track, or if this is what was there BHAG (big hairy audacious goal)

Post covid, airlines might be interested in getting more bums on seats thru some subsidised sponsorship of flights, maybe a Hotel chain as well, no problem in asking the Qs right.

Take away the cash problems at the moment (which I do recognise), wouldn’t this add to the overall NBL1 comp, imagine the banter between conferences and overall discussion with Wins/Losses, which conference is doing best in their 4 non-conference games etc etc

What would each conferences "Doomsday Double" be, I’d imagine the Cairns-Townsville double would be very difficult, but also an awesome road trip

Yes, a long way off, but I’ve often wondered if this was an end game idea for NBL and NBL1

Reply #874800 | Report this post

Years ago

Some cashed up clubs do it now , mount gambier has no choice if it wants to play any pre season games

Reply #874801 | Report this post

Years ago

You do know most players have regular jobs, so unless they want to give up their total weekend, they'll just want to travel and play one night.

Reply #874811 | Report this post

Years ago

I've literally said 1 away weekend and 1 home weekend, that’s it

So home weekend won’t matter to them
1 away weekend, most places could fly Saturday morning, play Saturday night, play Sunday (for some trips might involve some travel granted) then fly home Sunday night

Again just 1 weekend away trip, and I do know it’s pie in the sky stuff at the moment

But who wouldn’t be excited about a weekend road trip with their teammates interstate??

Reply #874813 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah because all that works for the eastern states flying too Perth for example. Never going to happen

Reply #874814 | Report this post

Years ago

Not saying it's going to be easy, and maybe initially the home and away is between West and Central, whilst South, East and North combine their home and away rounds

Just spit balling ideas

Reply #874815 | Report this post

Years ago

Not saying it's going to be easy, and maybe initially the home and away is between West and Central, whilst South, East and North combine their home and away rounds

Just spit balling ideas

Reply #874816 | Report this post

Years ago

from OP;
"Before you know it, progressive clubs might even host their own version of an 8-team usa style Maui Invitational tournament over a Friday-Sunday weekend."
Up until a couple of years ago, Ipswich ran a pre-season tournie for QBL clubs around Easter. May resume when covid settles?

from another poster;
"You do know most players have regular jobs, so unless they want to give up their total weekend, they'll just want to travel and play one night."

I don't see this as a problem, not in pre-season.
Firstly, for developing chemistry with new teammates.
Secondly, these elite basketball players haven't played elite basketball in months, have been training for a few Weeks/couple-of-months, and should be busting to play some games. In fact, it will help to get them into game-shape, physically and mentally.
Third, is that as you are playing against non-conf teams, you can try your stuff without giving anything away to anyone who matters.
On the down-side, $15 to 20K (suggested by another post) would be a fairly big hit to most clubs. Most clubs would welcome an additional $15k towards recruitment.

Reply #874817 | Report this post

Years ago

To RobT, I was the OP and also said about the $15-20k, that was just a guess

I'd be very interested to know the flight patterns of the Tassie teams and Mt Gambier in relation to when they fly out for Melbourne/ Country Vic road trips, what their players do etc

As I was only initially thinking 1 Home double header and 1 away double header weekend, the additional costs would obviously factor around the Away weekend, and where exactly you were travelling to

But if South teams played against Central, East or Brisbane teams in North conference and vice versa, that would obviously be a lot cheaper away trips than the West and North Qld teams which I fully acknowledge

I just initially brought it up as an interesting concept that I’d often wondered was a next interesting step for the NBL1 comps

What would be the overall point of them? Other than conference prestige, cause you couldn’t add them to your conference ladder as everyone is playing different teams/strength etc

Maybe it could go to an overall conference champion or give additional spots to the end of season national tournament ie the 5 conference champions, then the next 3 or so off the non-conference records (again just throwing out ideas) to make them worth something )

Reply #874818 | Report this post

Years ago

So the OP wants to propose added games with additional costs, travel, time away from players, coaches, support staff normal routines for the purpose of trying something new.

All for programs which all lose money already.

And is getting offended anytime someone points out the flaws in this. All this thread has done is prove why this won't happen. Well done.

Reply #874819 | Report this post

Years ago

Haha all good, trust me I'm not getting offended at all
If it doesn’t happen then it doesn’t happen, won’t change how I’m enjoying seeing where NBL1 is going, I was just merely asking whether anyone thought this might be a/the direction NBL1 was going in the future

Again, if it’s too cost/time prohibitive, then yeah don’t worry about it, was just a thought

I enjoy the banter and if people disagree then that’s cool too

Maybe an association tries to run a pre-season no -conference tournament first to get the ball rolling

Not saying it will happen, but could see a court rich club like a Knox, dandy etc trying something like that, invite some big name clubs from interstate and running an NBL1 Cup, don’t see much harm in that

I know after working at some different clubs involved with NBL1, and a state body, the almighty dollar is the winner at the end of the day

Reply #874820 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah I think the best you could hope for would be teams in the border regions organising pre season games with geographically close(ish) teams in the other comps

Reply #874821 | Report this post

Years ago

There's a few non conference pre-season events already. Mt.Gambier/Millicent one that I've been involved in before that's always good value.

Reply #874822 | Report this post

Years ago

Can't see clubs spending all this money for preseason games. Need to wait and let the NBL1 evolve until it gets a NBL1 championship series going with all the grand finalists of each conference and do an NBL1 Cup.

Reply #874868 | Report this post

Years ago

"To RobT, I was the OP and also said about the $15-20k, that was just a guess."

That makes 2 of your posts I agree with! (how many more, I wonder. So many Anons)

Reply #874901 | Report this post

Years ago

Over time i'm sure there will be clubs that set some things up.

There will be some clubs that are able to and happy to spend $$$ and some that are not able or willing to.

Nonetheless,exciting that there are some possibilities.

Reply #874954 | Report this post

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