Thanks for your input KET, but im talking specifically about overseas viewers here (7 hours behind here). The new TV deal is great for the NBL no doubt and yeah I agree, its hard to compete given the context of the deal and the new premium services.
However, I wish to mainly watch Bullets games and NBL TV was great for watching whichever games, whenever. I just dont have the free time to watch whatever content will come to free to air etc. I want to watch my team when I can, though I know thats me, however small my niche is.
Yes, no transparency. NBL TV should have been discontintued after the TV deal was announced not dragged along for a few months and new features teased - and money taken. Probably naive to think it would continue but there is a market for overseas viewers which seems to fall outside the newly available options. So my my only option is to hope that the free content covers to some extent the content I want to watch, rather than pay a fair amount to get the exact content I want to see.