Years ago
36ers Schedule released
Hope you like Sunday games! Horrible schedule for mine. Worst I can remember. Hopefully the team works though.
Years ago
Hope you like Sunday games! Horrible schedule for mine. Worst I can remember. Hopefully the team works though.
Rabbit 41
Years ago
wouldn't go if you paid me no matter what day it is - awful organisation that treat people appallingly
Oberon 31
Years ago
yer - was not a big believer in Conner (nor am I in what Ive heard from CJ so far), but the way they treated him was inhumane - seems standard practice for 36ers though
to 77
Years ago
off to Adelaide United FC for me this season - go Reds
Too many Sunday games ,not good for families with District kids trainings regular on Sundays See how season goes if miss finals will not renew.
Disapointed to se Sixers have almost 3/4 season games on Sunday.
"but the way they treated him was inhumane" PLease tell us about this "inhumane" experience. Can't wait!
If my maths is correct...36ers have 1x Monday game, 1x Tuesday game, 3x Friday games, 1x Saturday game and 8x Sunday games.
The Sixers are so far removed from being an SA team it is ridiculous. Have nothing in common with Sixer teams of the past. A bunch of blow ins from top to bottom, that long term hardcore Sixer fans have zero interest in following.
Years ago
The schedule was always going to be inconvenient for someone. It just so happens Sunday is the most convenient day for me so I'll be making a lot of games this season.
Years ago
My understanding from someone at the league is that Nick actually requested all of the Sunday games to be as early as possible - to make them family friendly games.
Does anyone left at the club have any idea?
Pug 95
Years ago
Grrrrrrr. Sunday games. That's me out fro most of the season. Saturday night has always been by far and away best for us. We’re not a Soccer Club Mr new CEO!
Titan 93
Years ago
Just in case you needed any more evidence that the 6ers don't listen to, or rate their people!
Guiy 78
Years ago
Agree Oberon. To bring Conner back, have him quarantine for 28 days, then tell him part of Mojave agreement is a starting spot, then sack him when he expresses such a decision is an 'interesting' one to make without consulting him is a DISGRACE.
Years ago
To what extent do you think 36ers dictate schedule?
The NBL makes the fixture - maybe blame them if you don't like it?
Dione 65
Years ago
Worst fixture ever. I love a beer when watching the 36ers. Doesn't work on Sundays.
Years ago
was as one eyed as the next 36er faithful up until the way they treated Creek after the 2017 Grand Final Series
that was the end of the 36ers for me
they used to pride themselves on being a very accessible and 'family friendly' club
you used to go to games and see the same familiar friends and it felt like family
the access to the players after the games was really good
then they did creek dirty
and moved to the entertainment centre (i get it they wanted more supporters etc) but they should have only played a few games there against the bigger teams i.e. perth/united that always have good crowd support
they stopped really listening to the supporters at all and now it just isnt the same vibe anymore at games
only DJ has hung around and the way they handled the kevin white/joey wright incident didnt help at all and now hiring of connor henry and his departure...
team looks ok on paper but they have sold their soul a litle bit each year since the end of 2017
yes they will get good crowds (guessing if restrictions ease will always be around or more than 70% capacity)
but it just isnt the same
i dont mind sunday games but definitely prefer friday night or saturday night games... maybe they didnt want to interfere with the soccer games at hindmarsh?
Dione 65
Years ago
Agree re Creek. The way the club treated him, lost me forever. Club never been the same.
Red 35
Years ago
They clearly don't care about the country people with that spot. Will have to fill the place up with free tickets for politicians again!
Charon 74
Years ago
I'm not going to watch the 6ers at lunchtime Sunday, except when Creek comes to town
Using Creek and family friendly in the same arguement. Baffles me.
So many "new users" just now. All bagging the 6'ers. 1posters and "new nicks. How unusual.
Europe 15
Years ago
paid 6ers staff must have just arrived at work and under instruction to try to polish the turd with some positive comments
Just a fan
Years ago
Lol the "individual" who has different names, you are the same person ahhahaha every forum that involves the 36ers u comment on all ur accounts and are the only person that agrees with ur comments. If u want to be secretive try not to use (-) every single time lol
KET of course they are going to blame the front office for a NBL made decision
So many names with the same format as the "Random name suggestion for anonymous posters:" Hell the one for this reply is Rabbit 97.
Titan 17
Years ago
the fixture and lack of consideration for fans has copped a hiding n Facebook as well!
Can only schedule when the venue is available and the COVID conditions allow. They have released a schedule which itself is an amazing achievement with all the moving parts.
Charon 74
Years ago
Soooo Amazing! AFL been playing here all year and entertainment centre has bugger all acts with international borders closed. Amazing work 6ers!
Years ago
What are peoples issues with it exactly?
People wanting more Saturday night home games or?
If you're Adelaide you get good amount of extra coverage via FTA which probably helps with giving value to your sponsors and early afternoon Sunday is probably prime "bring the children to the basketball" type family time I’d imagine?
Not as good for those wanting Saturday night bball and hit up the local bars after
Years ago
It's tough for the fans that travel to the games. At least with Friday night or Saturday we still have some time off before the week starts again.
For my situation it's difficult as Sundays are the main district training times. The earlier on Sunday, the more problematic it becomes.
Fridays aren't great but are good in December and January when games are not on. Saturday's perfect.
I presume that there is some research in the Adelaide market that you don't need the district bball crowd, and to put games on at times that clash with district bball training can produce bigger crowd numbers from a broader audience.
If so, all the power to the club.
Years ago
At the point travel becomes onerous, wouldn't people prefer to get home by dinner time on Sunday opposed to very very late on a Sat/Friday night?
I’d have thought the more travel the more reason early or mid Sunday arvo is beneficial?
The convenience argument on that doesn’t stack up - sounds more like "I don’t want to do anything on a Sunday arvo"?
If that’s the real argument, then fine - but if you asked various groups of people what their preference is, you’re going to get varying opinions, and the Sunday arvo seems to be least inconvenient-family friendly maximising, so from a 36ers perspective it’s probably great.
I think maybe Adelaide loses out on the “professionals after work” type crowd
Years ago
" For my situation it's difficult as Sundays are the main district training times. The earlier on Sunday, the more problematic it becomes."
Absolutely fair point - but I think young district kids play on Saturday, I don't think it’s a matter of eliminating district as a whole market, I think district just ends up covering 7 days a week through trainings and games depending on which level and age.
Charon74, did you ever think it was other teams who's venues may not be available hence unfortunately the NBL had to schedule games where they can across the board.
KET please stop. You don't understand Adelaide, regional SA or Adelaide District basketball. You don't have to comment on every topic. Especially one you're just making things up on.
Years ago
I played for Forestville for 10 years and coached Sturt for 4 years - I understand "Adelaide" and “District basketball”.
You disagreeing =/= the person you disagree with is clueless.
What's the saying about assumptions?
Charon 74
Years ago
Hey someone with weight / respect around NBL table. Always had plenty Saturday nights when we were a respected club
The landscape has changed considerably since the abacus Charon
Charon 74
Years ago
Is it that long since you think we've been a respected Club?
Then you should know KET that District on a Saturday is over by 12:30. Hardly an issue for families wanting to go to a Saturday night 36ers game.
A 7:30pm tip off with 10min quarters isn't that late a night. It's also an event, a family outing, a chance for mates to go out together. Like it or not Daytime/Afternoon just isn't the same.
AFL going to nights for this reason, NBL going to afternoon because it doesn't rate anyway so easy to fill time when ratings are always going to be low.
Years ago
Using Creek as a reason for not supporting the club is fast losing its validity.
a) Its a long time ago now, so many things have happened since, when are you going to let it go?
b) Mitch Creek is hardly a Saint.
c) The club has 'generally' / more often than not made the right decisions.
Charon 74
Years ago
Club has made next to no good decisions and treats it's fans and people like crap
Years ago
NBL has Saturday night games - your complaint here is 36ers don't get enough of the allocation for your liking.
The NBL decides the fixture - they likely incorporate:
> The optimal spread of games (ie not chucking all of them on a sat night)
> TV partners - the ones that are actually paying $$$ now; and those that provide FTA reach but aren’t going to give it at prime time (10Peach)
> Team input (don’t try to overstate this - it’s one factor that the NBL needs to consider and balance for 10 teams that all probably want the same thing)
> Venue availability
> Logistics including ensuring each club plays each other 3 times and associated travel
> Externalities such as Covid/Gov regulations
Sunday afternoon games whilst it’s not going to please everyone, I don’t think 36ers will be complaining at a very family friendly time.
You can’t be convenient or please everybody- I don’t think the small number of district players that happen to be training on a Sunday afternoon - if there are any - would be troubling to the 36ers.
Whilst someone like myself prefers a sat night game and hitting the bars up after, the reality is there would be plenty of young families preferring to go on a Sunday arvo to give them something to do during the day.
That just might not be you or me.
Maybe take onboard that the 36ers wouldn’t have ultimate control in this, and what’s inconvenient to your particular situation isn’t necessarily inconvenient for others or as far reaching on district basketball as you’re peddling.
Perhaps put the gun down - a good portion of people on here are from Adelaide and most of us have spent a substantial portion of our lives around district basketball.
Your posts come across like you’re writing to The Advertiser editor in outrage that our precious parks are being taken over by some nefarious company - won’t somebody think of the children!
Green 20
Years ago
6ers staff spending way too much time in this form I'm. No wonder our membership packs are late every year.
It has nothing to do with respect and everything to do with venue availability (not only your's but also 9 other clubs). There are 2 Sunday prime time free to air spots that they also have to fill. Throw in some COVID border travel restrictions at the beginning of the season and here you are.
Years ago
long serving loyal supporters have long memories
wed still boo bradtke and hodge if they were still playing
redhage too
goulding would still "feel the love" from a 36ers crowd
but i suspect those supporters are less and less
club doesnt care about the past....
boti summed it up perfectly in one of his blog posts
ill still go to the odd game
but unlike previous years i wont know most of the players
creek is one of the nicest players i have ever met, has he done some silly things off court? no doubt he has, not denying he isnt a saint
name a right decision the club has made since 2017 that has has the majority of loyal long time members support? (maybe that is the issue...its the loyal members fault for not wanting change...communication is key and they have left members in the dark for a while...)
KET you're changing your story now. I thought it was Saturday District that was an issue?
No one is saying all games should be Saturday night. People understand the various ways in which a draw gets pulled. 8/14 is over the top. Considering 1 is a Tuesday between Christmas and NYs and one a Monday NOT the Adelaide Cup Long Weekend but the Monday after (makes total sense) I'd say people have a fair complaint to make.
The NBL advertising of this Schedule is they're putting the fans first. They're not putting Adelaide fans first by scheduling ONE Saturday twilight game for the whole season.
It is however reality of where the 36ers have dropped as a brand. Apart from Cairns I'd suggest every other club would have a better National following now.
Years ago
Club has made next to no good decisions and treats it's fans and people like crap
name a right decision the club has made since 2017 that has has the majority of loyal long time members support?
Signing Kai Sotto to a Multi Million dollar deal was a marketing genius. He has millions of loyal social media fans.
Vesta 38
Years ago
Getting JVG!!! That's going to start an avalanche of feedback! Just FYI, JVG bought in ALL those people (and other duds) you’ve advised the club has dine well to get rid of!!! Goodness me.
Let’s the JVG games begin ...….
Years ago
" KET you're changing your story now. I thought it was Saturday District that was an issue"
Changing what story? I'm arguing there isn’t much of a district issue flat out - but if you’re going to pedal that there is one, Sunday afternoon isn’t going to be a bad slot!
I said district is played or trained 7 days a week - so it’s going to inconvenience someone regardless of slot and Saturday is no different to that.
I bet it would be an inconvenience to those who have Sunday morning 8.30am training to go to!
“ They're not putting Adelaide fans first by scheduling ONE Saturday twilight game for the whole season.”
Depends on the fan - you mean they’re not putting *you* first.
Learn to live outside your own bubble - 36ers have been clear as day in their attempts to get young families in - I’d imagine young families are the “winners” in this.
36ers have 12 Sunday games, Melbourne United 10 - I think it’s around the mark?
Perth aren’t going to have Sunday 1pm games at home - that would be a 10am game for them. Even a midday game their time is a bit rich. They’re going to be more Thu/Fri/Sat evening game slanted as a result.
Would I prefer a few more Saturday home games? Sure - but it looks pretty advantageous for Adelaide if your aim is to get families going and have more FTA exposure to increase value for your sponsors - which is the point I made above that was so strongly shot down with “you don’t know Adelaide rar rar rar”.
Mimas 85
Years ago
JVG! Don't think I’ve got the energy to go though all the things that bloke has touched that have turned to crap, both at 6ers, and at numerous clubs he’s ruined prior.
Green 20
Years ago
Bringing up JVG. That's an own-goal (our new soccer oriented CEO will understand that one) for the numerous 36ers critics!
Years ago
The screw-ups:
1. Taking Mitch Creek to the Supreme Court to try to void his NBA contract
2. Hiring JVG in any capacity let lone GM after what he did to the Kings
3. Giving Joey Wright a new 5 year contract in 2017 despite already being under contract at the time.
4. The Terrence Ferguson bungled $400K NBA buyout payment.
5. Losing Nathan Sobey to the Bullets.
6. Losing local Majok Deng to the Taipans.
7. Signing imports Jerome Randle (again) and Eric Griffin and supposedly paying Griffin big money even though he couldn't be played alongside DJ.
8. Firing Joey Wright in 2020 despite 2 years left on his contract.
9. Signing Conner Henry to a 3 year deal.
10. Telling Matt Hodgson to leave because we're singing Harry Froling.
11. Losing Anthony Drmic and Froling to the Bullets
12. Losing Jack McVeigh to Tasmania.
13. Firing Conner Henry despite 2 years left on his contract. Presumably assistant coach Jamie Pearlman has been fired too after only one year.
14. Signing rookie head coach CJ Bruton to a 3 year deal.
Years ago
" 10. Telling Matt Hodgson to leave because we're singing Harry Froling.
11. Losing Anthony Drmic and Froling to the Bullets"
Unless it's Isaac Humphries, I’d say anyone singing is a screwup.
Was losing Froling a screwup? I don’t remember wanting him back.
Is this a list of screwups for one ownership group or have we forgotten our screwups relating to Ingles and Newley?
Years ago
Was losing Froling a screwup? I don't remember wanting him back.
Is this a list of screwups for one ownership group or have we forgotten our screwups relating to Ingles and Newley?
Green 20
Years ago
Great entree Zodiac. Looking forward to the rest of the list when you get time. She's been an interesting ride with this management!
Oberon 31
Years ago
The sprinkling of positive comments have ceased. 6ers staff have clearly clocked off for the day!
Oberon 31
Years ago
15. 3 dud imports (in a 2 import season) recruited by JVG last season
Hogwash 43
Years ago
Was just thinking, how can there be so much hate the the way this club is managed..... but Zodiac has probably answered that!
Just a fan
Years ago
If saying not signing Harry frolling is a bad thing u guys are odd
Also the Mitch creek thing is old, why would u want a drug and women abuser at ur club ahaha
Years ago
Stating the obvious, but: Lots of posts from same IPs but with different aliases.
Titan 17
Years ago
Creeky is my all time favorite - that's why I now support SEM every time they come to town
Just a fan
Years ago
Yes @isaac this is what I was trying to say before lol seems pretty obvious ahahahah
Titan 17
Years ago
must be all the 6ers staff working from one place
1st home game for the JJ's Vs the 6'ers. If they don't beat that rabble they will be in for a LONG season. Will Roth last 1 season?
Years ago
Too many selfish people.. support the club ...happy for me living Western suburbs. Recall so many unhappy with the Dome or arena whatever and wanted different venue ... get your wish and still not happy ... either support or sod off ... it's your team .. get on board .. does it matter when playing or more that they are playing ... and get off the JVG badgering tram... he's great value.. he is a doer not a gunna ... look at coke or west end and stop the negative shit ... bring on the season ... true believers will rally... all the way CJ ..
Yeah, JVG was so good in Sydney. Such a great hiring. Sod off is a better option.
Oberon 31
Years ago
JVG! Certainly his last year assuming club misses finals again.
Years ago
1st home game for the JJ's Vs the 6'ers. If they don't beat that rabble they will be in for a LONG season. Will Roth last 1 season?36ers giving a new team their first victory - isn't that a story as old as time itself?
Years ago
Strong enough Isaac that it's almost worth us betting our houses on a Tassie win!
Years ago
Hi Guys, We have a new show out Throwback Hoops on Youtube and all podcast channels. Spotify, Stitcher, iTunes. We have 2 episodes out and we will have a new one every week.We will be having some big names on the show this season. We talk all things hoops, including NBA, NBL, Aussies playing overseas as well as some fantasy and throwback jersey talk. @throwbackshoops on twitter. Please do support us and check out the show. Youtube link below. Adelaide team preview will be dropping on Sunday the 24th.
Titan 17
Years ago
isn't it amazing how much 'hate' there clearly is for the current 36ers management?
Years ago
Not really, given many of the posts are from your account using different names.
Years ago
1. Taking Mitch Creek to the Supreme Court to try to void his NBA contract
2. Hiring JVG in any capacity let lone GM after what he did to the Kings
3. Giving Joey Wright a new 5 year contract in 2017 despite already being under contract at the time.
4. The Terrence Ferguson bungled $400K NBA buyout payment.
5. Losing Nathan Sobey to the Bullets.
6. Losing local Majok Deng to the Taipans.
7. Signing imports Jerome Randle (again) and Eric Griffin and supposedly paying Griffin big money even though he couldn't be played alongside DJ.
8. Firing Joey Wright in 2020 despite 2 years left on his contract.
9. Signing Conner Henry to a 3 year deal.
10. Telling Matt Hodgson to leave because we're singing Harry Froling.
11. Losing Anthony Drmic and Froling to the Bullets
12. Losing Jack McVeigh to Tasmania.
13. Firing Conner Henry despite 2 years left on his contract. Presumably assistant coach Jamie Pearlman has been fired too after only one year.Agreed poor decision to get him in in the first place but again we at least have the metal to admit wrong and seek a different direction (I didn't say better direction, see below)
14. Signing rookie head coach CJ Bruton to a 3 year deal.
Years ago
^ I think that's a more pragmatic analysis on the 36ers.
It’s a bit weird calling signing Froling a screwup and then losing Froling a second screw up on the basis of them signing him in the first place.
FWIW I think re-signing him was the right thing to do at the time he had real potential and then he didn’t go further so letting him leave was the right move.
I’d have like to have kept Drmic. Same with McVeigh but right price - not sure that’s a screwup if they’re paying overs.
Wright 5 years was a mistake - even a brilliant coach you’d give 3 right?
Moving on was right because it became untenable - the decision was right - whether the culture was in part due to bad management that could be deemed a screwup.
CH - I think ditching him so late in the piece wasn’t ideal - they probably should have made a decision earlier and stuck with it. Shouldn’t have taken so long for wires to cross or come to the realisation that he’s not our guy.
There have been good recruits - Giddey, IH, McCarron.
Questionable import choices.
Not including a third import for the start of this season IMO will amount to a screwup on the basis of there being a glaring issue which they haven’t filled and probably won’t by sounds of it.
Years ago
Titan 17 got called out.. people who love basketball want to see the sixers succeed ... how can you claim.managemeng are poor when that's there driving motivation. Nature of the era is the consistent migration and evolution of teams - no longer is it family and longevity .. in / out revolving door to find success... have feeling this year be very special and sure t17 be on the gravy train .. praising the foresight of all and sundry ... cj lead us all the way to that chip .... the guy is a winner ...
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