Years ago
Basketball Victoria Kids Vaccination
Can someone from Basketball Victoria confirm whether kids under 16 need to be double vaccinated to play?
Years ago
Can someone from Basketball Victoria confirm whether kids under 16 need to be double vaccinated to play?
A Aron
Years ago
If they knew, we'd know, clubs are screaming for it and they're shitting themselves.
Especially now they've released the calendar with the first grading game on Friday December 3rd.
Truth is even if the government give guidance to BV each venue then has their own rules. If multiple venues require double Vax for all patrons 12+ it's hard to see them moving forward for now.
Years ago
Thanks A.Aron.
I'm a domestic coach being contacted by parents who aren't expecting their 12 year olds to be vaccinated, especially as schools aren't mandating it yet.
Some are willing to do it if they have to and others prefer to wait it out. One would follow Kyrie Irvings approach and skip playing at venues that demand it and only play at school courts.
It's crazy times!
Some guidance from Basketball Vic would be nice. I know some of their employees are active contributors here...
These are crazy times we all are facing I personally don't believe in the vaccine but if that’s what people choose to do that’s between them and his or her family. I think if Kyrie stands on his position more people may also skip sports and events. He however has millions if they make this mandatory there will be some serious issues because everybody will not get it no matter how hard they push or difficult they make it for those who refuse. Under 12 getting a vaccine to play in Victoria interesting.
Not being vaccinated is going to mean a very limited/isolated lifestyle in the short to medium term. Having the vaccine to play community sport is no different to no jab no play childcare. If your kids aren't vaccinated they ain’t getting in. There are regulations and restrictions everywhere in life. Get on board or get left behind.
Years ago
Not sure basketball clubs / associations are the ones that should be leading this discussion, but they should at least be pushing Gov for clear direction in readiness. We do not need anymore delays when we get back, so clarity soon is imperative.
Years ago
BV will not make this call the health department will.
Years ago
But kids who want to play had better get vaccinated just in case (& also cos it's the smart thing to do health wise anyway).
Years ago
From Basketball NSW website:
"Based on the current information, only adults (16+) who are fully vaccinated, those with a valid medical exemption and children will be permitted to participate in community sport at the 80% vaccination level."
Something similar needs to come out from Basketball Vic to support planning efforts for the start of the season.
NSW will have kids in stadiums next week. We're 4 weeks away. Relax!
Years ago
I think help people "to relax" by forecasting what will be required so they can sort themselves out, would be my advice to BV.
Years ago
Not sure why people are waiting unless you don't like playing sport or basically doing things the state of victoria rightly or wrongly (not the forum for the chat) will require 16+ to vaxed for just about anything other than going to the shops it seems to buy milk. Better get to it basketball will be back in November
A Aron
Years ago
You're clearly not from Victoria if you think this is at all possible.
"I think help people "to relax" by forecasting what will be required so they can sort themselves out, would be my advice to BV."
A Aron please don't pretend you speak for all Victorians. You certainly do not!
A Aron
Years ago
The post is asking BV to forecast what decisions are to come from Vic Gov, c'mon now be serious, how the hell does anyone know what decisions will be made on the run next.
You can disagree with other things I may have said, but ask any business person from almost any industry in Victoria and they'll agree with me on this one.
Years ago
There's going to be many heart health issues with young sportspeople as there is overseas at the moment for the vaccinated. Sportspeople collapsing whilst they’re playing their chosen sport. As they say a pandemic of the vaccinated.
A Aron
Years ago
Shhh! Naughty boy Doggr, they'll come after you on here now. You have a thought that questions theirs.
Doggr, remember when they said there'd be a generation of 30 year olds dropping dead of heart attacks due to their use of ecstasy in the 90’s? Yeah, still waiting for that one (those 30 year olds are now 50)
On school courts, yes the kids under 12 can use their school courts between 9 and 3.30 but make no mistake as soon as it hits 3.30 the school indoor courts will follow every other Victorian indoor stadium rules. After 3.30 it is deemed non school activity.
Years ago
201 explore the data on the Australian Government website. And by the way don't do drugs it’s bad for you
A Aron
Years ago
Another issue is that many schools regardless of any government rules have already advised they're not going to hire their courts to outside community groups for the time being, that could run well into next year. Clubs depend on those courts.
Years ago
Our club saw a 20% drop off in participants last season.
Registrations this season are down massively for the U10 and U12 age groups in particular. Hopefully stadium entrance requirements in VIC match what NSW are doing for under 16s to facilitate a smooth start to the season and encourage players to get back in to sport.
But who knows what this government will do with a leader that's more punitive than rational.
All those speaking will change when that vaccine does something horrible to they child. My reply then will be you got with the times don't complain now.
^^ thanks for the heads up Chicken Little. Adjust your tin foil hat now and then won't you
#257 I hope your child doesn't hate you in 50 years because you forced them to be excluded from life. I’m glad they never got chicken pox or measles because the herd did the heavy lifting for you.
#257 your child has more chance of being seriously injured or dying in a car accident with you behind the wheel than they do of having a nasty reaction to a vaccine. Nice attempt at scaremongering though. Kudos to you.
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