Years ago

2022 NBL Cup in doubt: Loeliger

In other league news, Loeliger deemed the inaugural NBL Cup in season tournament a "huge success", though he did flag potential tweaks in the future.

"I think in retrospect, while it was a great success, and the Victorian government were an amazing partner in terms of being able to host 36 games in 30 days in a single venue, it was a huge effort but as the same time too much basketball in the one place in a short amount of time.

"The concept is great, but I would want to revisit it in future years in terms of how we maximise the opportunity and potentially spread it over multiple markets, potentially shorter in time, maybe break it up over a couple different periods during the year.

"It's probably going to be a challenge to do it again this coming season given all the parameters around travel and congregating are still so unknown but it's very much on the table for something we're continuing to see how we can make it a long-term future asset."


Topic #49270 | Report this topic

Years ago

Makes sense because of the state border restrictions.

I heard Australians are more likely to be able to go to London rather than going to Western Australia next month.

NBL has got a lot of work on their hands. But personally just have the Cup part of the home and away season. Spread the games out rather then having so many games in a short period of time.

Perth would be great place to have multiple games if that was the case. WA premier needs to open the state borders at least when the country is 80% vaccinated.

Reply #872509 | Report this post

Years ago

It might come back in 2023, but sad they can't continue it. More of a loss to the other states who haven’t had the Cup yet.

Reply #872510 | Report this post

Years ago

When will people get it through their thick heads?
WA is completely dependent on mining, most of which is FIFO. A MINOR covid scare at the airport caused flights to be grounded for days, and thousands of workers to be placed in isolation. We are not opening the borders until the rest of you idiots stop spreading covid. Period.

And why would anybody be stupid enough to think that 80% is some magic number?
Even if they were 100% effective, which they are not,that still leaves 5 Million people to get infected, of which 200,000 will die.

It's also a completely illogical argument. If vaccination is that effective, then the disease will die out, and community transmission will cease. And then we'll open the borders anyway.

Reply #872513 | Report this post

Years ago

Australia need to open up and get rid of their silly rules. People die it's life, move on. World will probably end by the time we’re out of lockdown...

Reply #872516 | Report this post

Years ago

Gee no Cup, what a surprise. People here don't listen

Reply #872517 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm not surprised with all the cases we have in Melbourne and Sydney. I can’t see any of the other states opening up anytime soon.

Reply #872518 | Report this post

Years ago

Tasmania has a liberal government and they are saying 90%. Again why would the states with out covid open up, now that's all states except Victoria and nsw.
Nbl will have to start in a hub form, Adelaide would be best for that.

Reply #872519 | Report this post

Years ago

I wouldn't be surprised if the season starts in January again. December is most likely, but I got no idea which states will host the first couple of games.

Reply #872520 | Report this post

Years ago

I wouldn't be surprised if the season starts in January again. December is most likely, but I got no idea which states will host the first couple of games.

Reply #872521 | Report this post

Years ago

Now let's think about a 2 conference start. WA, SA, QLD & Tas all play each other. NSW, Vic and NZ play amongst themselves in NSW or Vic.

Reply #872522 | Report this post

Years ago

Five teams in each group, that would probably work till covid under control in Victoria, Nsw and NZ.

Reply #872524 | Report this post

Years ago

Heard nor read anything re the pre-season Blitz. No doubt it has also been cancelled???

Reply #872525 | Report this post

Years ago

Season won't start in Nov. Looking at December at this stage.

Reply #872530 | Report this post

Years ago

I know the British Basketball League's has 10 teams like the NBL. Their BBL Cup has 2 groups which are North and South with 5 teams in each group.

Would be easier if the NBL could put teams in groups to avoid the travel restrictions.

I like your idea anonymous. Have Melbourne, S.E. Melbourne, Sydney, Illawarra and New Zealand in one group. Then have Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane, Cairns and Tasmania in the other the group. That could work, but covid does spread fast so nothing is perfect.

Reply #872535 | Report this post

Years ago

Define "under control “ in Vic and NSW. They are not going back to no cases. That boat has sailed. If other states want to stay Covid-free they have to stay shut to over half of the Australian population (and the rest of the world). Doable I suppose, but it is going to create more and more problems over time.

Reply #872536 | Report this post

Years ago

All states will get covid even if the states are 100% vaccinated. Big issue is our health system is not really to deal with heaps of covid patients. Our country should of invested money in our health system.

Covid will eventually be in every states. Australia needs to face the facts. I would rather live in a world like Britain.

Reply #872537 | Report this post

Years ago

State will open, they need all to be at 80/90%, not just the people in the cities. Yes the health system should have had money spent on it but at least we've got planes and submarines on the way in twenty plus years. ::)))((.

Nbl are doing their best but it’s going to be two seasons of pain in a row.

Reply #872541 | Report this post

Years ago

3 seasons of pain.

Reply #872548 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm missing it, no sport on the box worth watching.

Reply #872552 | Report this post

Years ago

2 seasons, 1 GF series

Reply #872555 | Report this post

Years ago

Some idiot said "WA, SA, QLD & Tas all play each other. NSW, Vic and NZ play amongst themselves in NSW or Vic."

Reply #872557 | Report this post

Years ago

It's called 2 conferences until the borders open up. MORON.

Reply #872562 | Report this post

Years ago

#562 I think you are the idiot or moron would cover it.

Reply #872563 | Report this post

Years ago

Coming from clueless I'm hardly offended

Reply #872564 | Report this post

Years ago

Right so the 2 conferences will be held exactly where for the NSW VIC and NZ teams with the borders SHUT?

Reply #872610 | Report this post

Years ago

Gee like last year you relocate NZ to either NSW/VIC as by the time December rolls around both those states will be 80% vaccinated and be open to each other. It's not that hard to follow mate.

Reply #872615 | Report this post

Years ago

D2.0, Im curious to how you decided that the mortality rate is 4%? Are you able to provide or cite any scientific sources to back this up?

Reply #872652 | Report this post

Years ago

By December most state borders will open. It's not that hard to calculate?

Reply #872658 | Report this post

Years ago

Great idea moving it a state where when you leave you will have to do at least 2 weeks iso to play in any other state assuming they will let you in.

Reply #872659 | Report this post

Years ago

By December WA etc have not said they will open to NSW and VIC. So let the 5 clubs from the plague areas play together until such time as the other states allow cross border and then catch up on the cross overs. Is that too hard to calculate?

Reply #872681 | Report this post

Years ago

Tasmania say 90%, WA saying when there high 80% which I'd looking like February.

Reply #872702 | Report this post

Years ago

Keep digging that hole.

Reply #872733 | Report this post

Years ago

To late, Morrison dug the whole so deep by being incapable of doing his job. Nbl has been dished a shit sandwich. Get vaccinated.

Reply #872745 | Report this post

Years ago

All good and well to say the nation should have spent more money into healthcare resources, but without the staff it's pretty useless. Pay nurses more money I say to increase the workforce.

Reply #872903 | Report this post

Years ago

I did see some stats that suggested an average fatality rate of 3.7%
But it varies considerably

That might have been the historical rate in Victoria.
The rate in NSW is much lower. That could reflect improved treatments, or the positive effects of vaccination.

IIRC I read somewhere that the fatality rate once vaccinated is less than 1%, and presumably is only the very infirm.
But of course I'm talking about the risk to unvaccinated.

My point is that whilst "80%" may sound good, in practices there's still huge potential for infection and spread.
In reality, it may be worse, because it's probable that low-vaccination could occur in community clusters.

Reply #872906 | Report this post

Years ago

We have to open up eventually. Look at Britain getting heaps of cases, but are still living normal lives. Cricket saga is another issue.

Reply #872907 | Report this post

Years ago

D2.0 - mortality rate for COVID-19 has been around 0.5%-1.0% of total cases, during the past 4 months in Australia. You can see that from recent NSW numbers, where case numbers were around 1200-1400 a day and deaths were about 8-15 per day, lagging case numbers by about 10 days.

A recent pre-print (, based on Canadian data, estmated vaccination provided 87%-95% reduction in risk of contracting the Delta variant, across different vaccines (including Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca). It also found mortality risk for vaccinated people with the Delta variant is only a 20th to a 10th of that for unvaccinated people with COVID-19. Similarly for hospitalisation rates.

The Doherty modelling has recently been updated to consider the impact of high caseloads on 'opening up' at 70%-80% vaccination coverage. National Cabinet was briefed on the results on 17 September. Two weeks ago, a professor from the Doherty group published a useful article discussing the findings (

Reply #872912 | Report this post

Years ago

Can we not have yet another topic derailed by the Covid Craniums here. PLEASE

Reply #872915 | Report this post

Years ago

I heard Jeremy on SEN with Kane. Jeremy said NBL Cup is unlikely to happen this season because it will be hard fitting the extra 36 games to the season with the border restrictions, getting players vaccination and so on. But he also said the NBL Cup won't be counted in future seasons.

Reply #873055 | Report this post

Years ago

I heard that on SEN too. NBL Cup did have low attendances for the games when only the interstate teams were playing. United and Phoenix had better attendances. It was only beneficial for the Victorian teams. Perth had a bit of support but not even close to their home games at Perth Arena.

The only reason NBL had the Cup was to have the extra games incase the season got effected if some states went into lockdown. Cup could work in Perth because the locals showed heaps of support for the AFL Finals and Dreamtime game. They love their sports just like Victorians.

For future use they should just make the NBL Cup home and away. People only support their teams from their cities. The most packed out games for the Cup was only when United or Phoenix were hosting.

Reply #873065 | Report this post

Years ago

Wouldn't mind if it was just separate.

Reply #873066 | Report this post

Years ago

"the NBL Cup won't be counted in future seasons"

thank goodness

"The only reason NBL had the Cup was to have the extra games incase the season got effected if some states went into lockdown"

and the large amount of money NBL received from the Victorian Government to run the tournament in Victoria

Reply #873067 | Report this post

Years ago

^^and I expect that money won't be forthcoming from any State government in the next and future seasons.

Reply #873068 | Report this post

Years ago

The arguement that bums on seats is the (financial) saviour of the NBL, in the long term, is flawed because stadia are finite.

Wouldn't a FTA deal with infinite viewership be far more lucrative?

Was the NBL Cup watched heavily? I watched every game! And loved it. Must admit that I was a bit basket-balled-out by the end of the season.

Reply #873069 | Report this post

Years ago

" Wouldn't a FTA deal with infinite viewership be far more lucrative?"

How many people do you think watch FTA secondary or third-ary channels?

Reply #873070 | Report this post

Years ago

"The arguement that bums on seats is the (financial) saviour of the NBL, in the long term, is flawed because stadia are finite."

Clubs make their money out of ticket sales, merchandise, corporate boxes etc etc TV deals are gravy. If there are no bums on seats clubs will fold pretty quickly.

Look at Perth for example. Due to demand the price for tickets, corporate keep going up and up and up. That's where they make their money. And places like Illawarra don't.

Reply #873081 | Report this post

Years ago

I attended nearly every game except for the games at the State Basketball Centre. It's a pain driving there when you live on the opposite side if the city.

Reply #873083 | Report this post

Years ago

That's what you get for being one of those "north of the yarra" people ;)

Jokes aside, that’s an impressive effort! I tend to go to a couple in Melbourne and a couple in Adelaide over the Christmas period

Reply #873085 | Report this post

Years ago

United weren't playing any games at that Stadium, but I think I nearly attended every game at John Cain except for gameday 2.

Reply #873091 | Report this post

Years ago

@ Anon,
"Clubs make their money out of ticket sales, merchandise, corporate boxes etc etc TV deals are gravy. If there are no bums on seats clubs will fold pretty quickly."
Haven't several clubs already proved you're right? That's where a FTA deal has the advantages. Firstly a FTA deal will guarantee a certain amount of regular, dependable income. Secondly, it has the potential and probability of attracting new fans to attend games. Thirdly, it doesn't depend on people turning up to every game to turn profits. That depends on advertisers etc, I think, which has little to do with attendances. The clubs still get their agreed-to cut of the FTA deal.

"Look at Perth for example. Due to demand the price for tickets, corporate keep going up and up and up. That's where they make their money. And places like Illawarra don't."
Are you cherry-picking? Who else in the NBL does as well? It goes without saying that the Wildcats have done a marvelous job with/on their fans. They are a standout in the NBL. However, Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney teams are getting by, but if left to their own devices, all the others are doomed. Perth is recognised as a sport-mad community and has just 1 (beloved) team in the NBL to support. Next closest, over the border in Australia, is arch-enemy Adelaide, then those latte sippers, and so it goes.

A mix of full houses and FTA is obviously the best for the league. And, FTA is much better with full houses.

So here's to full houses all this season, and a substantial FTA deal in the near future.

Reply #873094 | Report this post

Years ago

" Firstly a FTA deal will guarantee a certain amount of regular, dependable income."

No FTA network wants the NBL on a main channel, no FTA wants to pay the NBL to show the league.

FTA, guarantee, dependable income are words that do not share the same sentence with NBL.

“ So here's to full houses all this season, and a substantial FTA deal in the near future.”

The way FTA are channeling their funding and the way it's operating with streaming, we are seeing less money and opportunity into non-major sports for FTA and we are seeing less coverage/content for major sports in favour of shifting it to streaming.

AFL, NRL, Cricket, ALeague, Tennis all have shifted their content towards subscription TV or streaming.

Sorry, but the chances of NBL receiving a pay day and decent coverage on a main channel gets worse, not better with time.

Reply #873099 | Report this post

Years ago

That's why Perth are so successful. But there general ticket prices are too dear for just a 40m game of basketball. My club seat would be worth a fortune if my club was the Perth Wildcats.

It wouldn’t be bad if Perth had that second team. Just for the families who want a lower price membership and just want to support a family friendly team like how Phoenix are run and they gradually get better overtime. Be better for the Wildcats to face a team without travelling far and build a strong rivalry.

Reply #873102 | Report this post

Years ago

People who clearly don't know anything about the Perth sporting and basketball market need to stop talking about it.

Reply #873103 | Report this post

Years ago

Well look at that. The season starts in conference style format. Wow. #610 how do you like those apples chump?

Reply #873457 | Report this post

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