Years ago

Hawks and Trice part ways

Mutual release. Not vaccinated. Looking for replacement now.

Topic #49236 | Report this topic

Years ago


Reply #871741 | Report this post

Years ago

Who will be next?

Reply #871742 | Report this post

Years ago

Tbh I would have thought teams would have asked players about their views on the vaccine before even signing them given where things are headed in Australia

Reply #871743 | Report this post

Years ago

TBF, they've headed there very quickly. They signed him two months ago. For guys like Webster and Trice they will be able to get jobs elsewhere, but for lower end guys who don't want to COVID vaccination this is going to create a tough situation.

Reply #871746 | Report this post

Years ago

So has the NBL made this decision based on the need for international and interstate travel that requires it or are they doing it off their own bat?

Reply #871747 | Report this post

Years ago

I imagine teams are doing this based on the fact that this means players either won't be able to get in the country or won't be able to play any road games.

Reply #871750 | Report this post

Years ago

I think it's because NSW and Vic have shown they'll discriminate on the basis of vaccination status, hence players won't be able to play there if unvaccinated for COVID. NZ may have also got word that entry to Australia will require COVID vaccination.

Reply #871752 | Report this post

Years ago

I enjoyed watching Trice last time around and I think he made Hawks the favourites this year, so it's a shame from that perspective.

Reply #871753 | Report this post

Years ago

Every Australian state will discriminate against unvaccinated people moving across borders, it's not a NSW/Victoria issue, unless you think Perth would welcome Trice in.

Reply #871754 | Report this post

Years ago

It is a NSW/VIC issue at the moment because of their COVID situations.

It will move into other states at some point, undoubtedly, but if the NBL season was starting now there would be no vaccination restriction on players in Tas, SA, QLD and WA, and most likely NZ too at this point.

Reply #871757 | Report this post

Years ago

All state will want vaccinated people, players until probably high 80% double vaccinated.

Most euro countries are the same, Denmark are at 82% full vaccination and are now opening to all, basketball wages in Denmark are very very poor. Some middle eastern countries might let you play, money ok but ain't that safe.

Reply #871759 | Report this post

Years ago

The NBL didn't make decision. Hawks did. But it's a business one.

Don't know if we (NBL) can carry another season without fans or travel. And travel will now require vaccination because of state law. They cannot be expected to carry a player who won't be able to play away games.

And I sure as shit won't risk watching game where a non exempt player may pass on a variant to me where I can avoid it.

Reply #871761 | Report this post

Years ago

"And I sure as shit won't risk watching game where a non exempt player may pass on a variant to me where I can avoid it." Not sure how that would happen. Let's not worry about who isn't vaccinated sitting next to you, eh.

Reply #871763 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

Vaccine status and beliefs aside, realistically there is going to be problems travelling interstate if you're not vaccinated. These players have every right to decide not to get the vaccine. Bui at the same time, if a team cant bring their top players interstate for any reason, that leaves the league in a dysfunctional situation, so their hand is being forced on this issue. It's unfortunate but these are the times we live in. No one should be discriminated against for their vaccine choice, but inevitably people will be because that's the way olur state governments are operating. It goes much higher than the NBL so don't blame them or the teams.

Reply #871764 | Report this post

no name  
Years ago

vaccination status should be irrelevant, it is a personal choice tht only helps the individual in terms of less severe symptoms

a vaccinated person can equally carry and infect others as has been proven and reported globally

what is crucial is regular testing. pre flight for all flights

somebody that is negative is much less likely to spread covid than somebody that tests positive.

we should only discriminate against those that refuse to submit for testing when crossing state / international borders.

Reply #871766 | Report this post

Years ago

Trice signing was reported on 21 July.

The Hawks, and other NBL teams, should've discussed this with players by then. It was becoming clear before then that being unvaccinated could potentially create obstacles.

Reply #871768 | Report this post

Years ago

Gives a whole new meaning to home-court advantage!

Reply #871769 | Report this post

Years ago

And yeah absolute shame, Hawks were favourites for mine, before hearing this news.

Reply #871770 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

Israel has something like 80-90 percent double vaccination rate and they still have a massive covid problem.

""And I sure as shit won't risk watching game where a non exempt player may pass on a variant to me where I can avoid it"

Well expect a new covid booster shot for every new variant every 6 months then.

The vaccine neither prevents you from getting covid, nor passing it on, so you could have any player pass that variant on to you, and you can play whack-a-mole with variants for the rest of your life but that isn't really the way to live.

Reply #871771 | Report this post

Years ago

United to go back to back.

Reply #871772 | Report this post

Years ago

Qudos bank arena is privately owned, WA government own there stadium, not certain on others but I believe they will only let in vaccinated supporters.

France had low vaccination rates and the government made the law no vaccine no entry, to any stadiums, halls, restaurants, galleries etc, etc., the vaccination rates went up immediately and police check it.

It will be a choice, you either get vaccinated and participate in life, or you will be allowed out but can't get in anywhere ,once upon a time leper’s were put away from all and left to die, you were shunned, it’s your choice.

Reply #871773 | Report this post

4 real  
Years ago

I mean, you get a flu booster every year (unless you're one of those people who don’t believe in any vaccines at all), really not much different. I’d much rather get a booster and spend less than half an hour of the year doing so than, y’know, become gravely ill (and the continued issues many have had following it) and/or potentially die.

Reply #871774 | Report this post

Years ago

@ ME

Israel are only 64% double vaccinated as of 19/9/21, the opened up early on single vaccination rates, it's easy to check.

Australia should be opening up on 80% double with low numbers in the community and the latest reports say it will be sustainable, probably with masks still required in areas.

Reply #871775 | Report this post

Years ago

Israel has just under 60% of the population fully vaccinated. It might be over 80% of eligible people, but they have lots of ineligible kids + eligible people not taking the vaccine.
People have a choice to not get vaccinated, but that's a selfish choice. Hopefully there is some requirement to show proof of vaccination to get into crowds in Australia. That will be the only way to get some people to roll up their sleeve. But they can choose to not attend football / basketball games, cinema, etc!

Reply #871776 | Report this post

no name  
Years ago

if stadiums make that call that no vaccination no entry, then they may be compensating the clubs for all the refunded memberships, assuming that at least some of each clubs membership base is not going to get a vaccination

I agree with previous anon, vaccines and vaccine passports do not prevent the spread, only good for the person with the vaccine.

although for teams doing road doubles across multiple states, pre-flight testing may become a little annoying, but at least provide some level of protection to the arrival state and allow them to maintain the league

Reply #871777 | Report this post

Years ago

Not good our league is losing players. NBL should of been clearer with its vaccination rules before free agency.

Reply #871780 | Report this post

Years ago

these would of been planed for wks no wonder why Tim coenaard signed as injury replacement and last month rumours of Alex mudronja sign as TP i think

Reply #871783 | Report this post

Years ago

Giancontigers - there are no specific 'NBL vaccine rules' this relates entirely to a player’s inability to travel across state and National borders due to government restrictions. This stuff takes literally 5 minutes to ...……. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH ABOUT. Ahem.

Reply #871786 | Report this post

Years ago

Giacontigers this isn't the NBL pushing an agenda. This is them being real about what each of the state governments are going to push. WA and QLD are already making certain groups have proof of vax before you can enter.

Reply #871787 | Report this post

Years ago

They should allow people their "choice" but block hospitals from treating covid sick who passed on a vaccine. US is full of unvaccinated people filling wards with weeks of often futile treatment before they kick the bucket.

Israel has been effective for months, its more a case that you lose antibodies over time and likely we will all need annual booster shots as well as hopefully updated vaccines that work stronger on the new variants.

Reply #871788 | Report this post

Years ago

*Off Topic**

I'm putting money on the NRL having some serious issues when it goes back to normal interstate travel - quite a few of the top players are pentacostal, jehovas witnesses etc who have shown reluctance to vaccinate on religious grounds.

Reply #871790 | Report this post

A Aron  
Years ago

Was Trice already in the country? Or was he not allowed to enter without a Vax?

Reply #871791 | Report this post

Years ago

It's not stadiums that will make the decision on vaccination requirement. Governments will do that. Does not matter if the stadiums are privately owned, they still need to abide government regulations.
Same for travel. It’s not the NBL deciding the rules. Although maybe interstate travel will not technically be banned, but just so inconvenient for unvaccinated people to render them useless as basketball players needing to travel frequently.

Reply #871792 | Report this post

Years ago

Potentially silly question - Do people who have already had Corona Virus like 4K McCarron need to be vaccinated?

Reply #871795 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #871797 | Report this post

Years ago

Crazy times, heard the West Gate has been shut because of a protest. Government needs to open up. People are going crazy.

Reply #871798 | Report this post

Years ago

Exactly JB.

#777 Current vaccines reduce death and severity, not stop spread for now. Not ideal but better than nothing. Hence I worry about vaccinated people spreading it to me too, but way more worried about unvaccinated people as they are more likely to spread variants. I'm somewhat immunocompromised and could lose my sight if infected. (Corneal transplant)

#773 We've had no jab no play years for rules now. Vaccination status isn't a protected class.

#771 see above. And yes we will be playing whack a mole but you know vaccination slows mutation right?

Ok, that's it am checking out now.

Reply #871799 | Report this post

Years ago

"It will move into other states at some point, undoubtedly, but if the NBL season was starting now there would be no vaccination restriction on players in Tas, SA, QLD and WA, and most likely NZ too at this point. "

This is pure speculation. At the moment, SA and WA aren't letting people from NSW and Victoria into the state, regardless of vaccination status. It's a huge leap to presume SA will blithely ignore vaccination status when it 'opens up'.

"Potentially silly question - Do people who have already had Corona Virus like 4K McCarron need to be vaccinated?"

Not a silly question. Current advice is to get vaccinated, even if you've previously had COVID-19. Note that there were some early reports of people suffering from long COVID symptoms whose symptoms decreased or disappeared after vaccination. I don't know whether any further investigation of that apparent effect has been carried out and reported.

"a vaccinated person can equally carry and infect others as has been proven and reported globally"

Recent research found that vaccinated people carry the same peak viral load as unvaccinated people, during their infectious period. However, that research also found that vaccinated people have a shorter infectious period - 2-3 days shorter. i.e., the viral load drops off earlier and faster in vaccinated people. As a result, a vaccinated person will infect fewer people, after contracting COVID-19, than if they had been unvaccinated, because they'll be exposed to fewer people during their shorter infectious period.

Reply #871800 | Report this post

Years ago


Crown have already stated that they are looking to mandate a no vaccine no entry policy at all of their venues country wide

Qantas are mandating for overseas travel. not yet for domestic as they would likely have issues with FIFO in WA and QLD so cannot make one rule for one and not for all domestic flights.

this is not derived from a state or national requirement

neither are in place yet (to my knowledge), but shows that some companies, venues etc are looking at going above and beyond mandates and law

so not completely out of line to expect other companies / venues to potentially do the same.

Reply #871801 | Report this post

A Aron  
Years ago

Funny, which are 2 of the companies only surviving thanks to government subsidies during lockdowns... Qantas and Crown? Wonder why they went first and made it public.

Reply #871802 | Report this post

Years ago


how do you expect vaccinated people to know when their viral load is high?

only way is testing, which if it returns negative then why enforce vaccinations in the first place

yes totally agree it will reduce impact to people that have it and potentially reduce load on hospitals, but it wont helps spread, may reduce potential for spread, but only takes one vaccinated person at a sport stadium to pass to potentially hundreds or thousands of people

if they dont know they are carrying it then outcome is the same as an unvaccinated person, albeit they have a smaller window. still russian roulette

testing is key to control of spread across borders

Reply #871803 | Report this post

Years ago


That is incorrect about Jehovahs Witnesses. I know many who have had the vax and many more who are about to.

Reply #871804 | Report this post

Years ago

"People have a choice to not get vaccinated, but that's a selfish choice."

Whether you get a COVID vaccine is purely a personal choice. You can choose that the benefits outweigh the risks for you and get it, but that has little impact on anyone else.

If these vaccines provided immunity from the virus then you could mount some case for collective responsibility, but that's not the case here.

In fact, virologists suggest so many people being vaccinated so quickly with a non-immunising treatment has sped up mutant escape and resulted in a huge increase in the number of mutations, which could cause further issues down the track.

Reply #871805 | Report this post

Years ago

So much theory's out there. If true the Government should open up the country and let people live their life’s. For the people who choose not to get vaccinated should suffer the consequences. It’s their choice.

Only issue is our health systems will be full of covid patients. No one talks about unhealthy people filling up our health system. Those’s people should know why there in hospital, but end up making bad choices.

At the end of the day the people who mostly suffer are the good people who are listening to the rules but end up paying because of silly individuals like today. Government and all states need to united and need to make one rule for all Australians.

Reply #871811 | Report this post

Years ago

* so many theories.

Reply #871813 | Report this post

Years ago

The only real issue for Australia is that we have a lower level of hospital beds per capita, compared to places like Germany and UK. If we open too soon or people don't get vaccinated and a larger proportion ends up in the hospital there comes a point where people are dying, not just from Covid which is inevitable, but from other illnesses or accidents.

Simple solution.

Base health accessibility for covid, and covid illnesses only on vaccinated people. If you don't want to have the vaccine I'm totally fine with that. But don't expect to take up a bed for someone else who needs it.

And the whole world will require vaccinations for international travel, so if you are happy to not fly overseas, and don't want a vaccination, then that is your choice.

Reply #871814 | Report this post

Years ago

Even domestic travel airlines will require vaccination. WA are already requesting proof of at least 1 dose to get in and then still quarantine for 14 days. Basically if you want to be a professional athlete moving forward you better roll your sleeve up.

Reply #871816 | Report this post

Years ago

That's exactly what the country should do.

Reply #871817 | Report this post

Years ago

Australia is a civilised country and will treat patients whether they need care through bad luck or poor life choices (smoking, substance abuse, refusing vaccination, etc). I can't imagine doctors and nurses asking for vaccination status. Get real!
But we need to convince people to get the jab, and need to place restrictions on those who still chose to not get jabbed, to protect the population as a whole.

Reply #871819 | Report this post

Years ago

A civilised country wouldn't have any requirements around COVID vaccinations until they are actually out of trials and fully approved.

Reply #871822 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think posters on this forum get to comment about what civilised communites should do. :)

Reply #871823 | Report this post

Years ago

Actually, they most definitely would.


a) They would need to keep the borders shut for approximately 10 years (timeframe for previous vaccine programs) and institute lockdowns for each and every outbreak, which would decimate industries and education and hence destroy the economy in the short and long run, increase unemployment creating long term supply issues for goods and service and therefore inflation which would create an environment where all Australians are paying more for goods and service despite earning less. Plus a massive budget blowout that will take generations to pay back.

or b) They open borders and allow covid to run through the country for the next 10 years including any and all new variants. This would overrun the health system to a point where any and all elective surgeries would be unavailable, basic healthcare would be impossible and the death rate would be significantly above the 600,000 marks a 2% fatality rate implies. For reference, the UK has had 1.22% more deaths over and above those from covid due to hospital waiting lists. That means possibly 1M Aussies dying, not just from Covid. This would also destroy the workforce and lead to a large unemployment rate, decreased productivity and international competitiveness and force more people into unemployment and again, blow out the budget for future generations, who are already saddled with higher than ever education costs and house prices, to pay back through tax increases and decreases in government spending.

Neither of those is a good option for anyone.

Reply #871824 | Report this post

Years ago

You're assuming no one will get the emergency vaccine without coercion. Case studies all around the world show that isn't the case, significant numbers do.

Reply #871825 | Report this post

Years ago

I am assuming that as the vaccine isn't out of trials and fully certified it isn't allowed to be provided. Like all other medical procedures which aren't fully certified.

Reply #871826 | Report this post

Years ago

Smart comment, it's a bit scarce hear at times.

Trials have been completed by scientists around the world and approve different countries medical professionals. Maybe you should try and understand the procedure.

Reply #871827 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

"Base health accessibility for covid, and covid illnesses only on vaccinated people. If you don't want to have the vaccine I'm totally fine with that. But don't expect to take up a bed for someone else who needs it.

So only covid beds for people who are living proof that the vaccine is ineffective? Interesting!

Reply #871832 | Report this post

Years ago

Actually, beds for those who are able to understand that they have decreased the likelihood of serious ilness by 75% by taking a vaccine and therefore have actually made the effort to help the occupancy rates as well as transmission rates.

All medications have potential side effects. And no one is saying it's a 100% 'cure'. Otherwise, there would be no vaccines, because none are 100% effective nor come with O potential side effects.

Reply #871836 | Report this post

Years ago

How hard is it to understand that no vaccine is 100% effective and that to get the most out of them we need a very high uptake! That's how you protect the wider population through a vaccination program.

Reply #871840 | Report this post

Years ago


That's already happening in the US and UK. Because they have run out of beds and ICU units, as such doctors are telling cancer patients to stay at home because they haven’t got any other option.

Reply #871843 | Report this post

Years ago

"Trials have been completed by scientists around the world and approve different countries medical professionals. Maybe you should try and understand the procedure."

The trials are ongoing, that's stated on their documentation, and the approval in almost every country is for emergency use.

Therefore people should be able to make an informed decision on whether to get it or not in consultation with their doctor, and avoid coercion (eg losing your job) as per the Nuremberg Code.

Reply #871848 | Report this post

Years ago

"How hard is it to understand that no vaccine is 100% effective and that to get the most out of them we need a very high uptake!"

Virologists views are actually the opposite with vaccines like those for COVID which don't provide immunity.

Targeted vaccination of demographics at risk provide them good protection from severe outcomes, but widespread use of a non-sterlising vaccine causes mutant escape, which we are currently seeing.

Reply #871850 | Report this post

Years ago

Dark times ahead, the world was meant to go in a dark place unless we change as an Society.

Too many people with the seven deadly sins with which are Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride.

The seven virtues.

1 Kindness = cures envy by placing the desire to help others above the need to supersede them.

2 Temperance = cures gluttony by implanting the desire to be healthy, therefore making one fit to serve others.

3 Charity or love = cures greed by putting the desire to help others above storing up treasure for one's self.

4 Chastity or self-control = cures lust by controlling passion and leveraging that energy for the good of others.

5 Humility = cures pride by removing one's ego and boastfulness, therefore allowing the attitude of service.

6 Diligence or Zeal = cures slothfulness by placing the best interest of others above the life of ease and relaxation.

7 Patience = cures wrath by taking time to understand the needs and desires of others before acting or speaking.

Reply #871852 | Report this post

Years ago

He was going to be great for us. Hoping we can get a point guard who can score like him at late notice.

Reply #871853 | Report this post

Vic Police  
Years ago

I'll be doing my own research on this so called "earthquake"

Reply #871884 | Report this post

Years ago

widespread use of a non-sterlising vaccine causes mutant escape, which we are currently seeing.

It doesn't "cause" mutations, it just allows mutations, which also happens without vaccinations.

Reply #871885 | Report this post

Years ago

Non-sterilising vaccines result in greater mutant escape.

Reply #871887 | Report this post

Years ago

"unless we change as an Society."
The butchering of the English language right there is dark enough. AN Society.!!
Forget all the other dribble.

Reply #871888 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree re misuse of English on this site. How can you take comments seriously when posters say "could of" or "would of" instead of "could have", etc, or don't know the difference between here and hear or they're, their and there?

Reply #871890 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't get me started on people using his in place of he's

Absolutely mind numbing

Reply #871902 | Report this post

Years ago

#884 this is the reality. Brilliant, bravo!

Reply #871903 | Report this post

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