Relax Coach
Years ago
Size 5 ball for under 12's good or bad idea?
Just announced by Basketball Vic - Size 5 ball for under 12's. Is this a good or bad idea?
Relax Coach
Years ago
Just announced by Basketball Vic - Size 5 ball for under 12's. Is this a good or bad idea?
Great idea. It is incredibly frustrating to see the amount of uninformed, knee-jerk push back to this change from BV. Aside from the inconvenience, for some people, of having to spend money on a new ball I cannot see one valid argument to the contrary.
This idea that BV is "SoFt" for changing the size to facilitate better decision-making and help the athletes pass, shoot, and dribble the ball is laughable. While the most obvious benefit is in these areas the area that was most noticeable to me in the showcase was the change in-game style. Idiotic coaches who only care about winning will pack the paint and have their kids not close out to the three-point line in current settings but with the size 5 this was curbed as kids could make skip passes and shoot from further out, stopping this packline bullshit.
As for the comments surrounding adjustment. It took the kids a day and, frankly, there are many kids in the boy's side of the game that play 14's and 16's domestically and alternate BETWEEN games and yet have no significant trouble doing so.
Great adjustment
The muppets protesting wouldn't remember when females used a 7 up until mid to late 90’s
Double Clutch
Years ago
Great decision. Would also love to see the 3 point line closer for under 12s like you see in many European countries.
More practice time on development and less time on how to pack the paint.
Years ago
I like the idea.
For classics will be a 5 or 6 ?
Needs uniformity across country if implemented at a national level.
Gives the kids a chance to shoot from outside - so playing a zone all the time will not pay off in U12s.
Years ago
what sizes are they using for similar age groups in other countries ?
Years ago
As a coach I can see the benefit for early success as was put to me by a NBL Legend - Larry Bird and MJ all used the same size ball when they grew up and it didn't harm them, seems like a good money maker for Spaulding too if you want to be cynical
Years ago
Under 12's? The ball the kids like is the right one! A minute (tiny, not 60 seconds) percentage get anything more than fun out of it.
The cream will always rise. Don't worry. Patty Mills probably started with a round ball!
#725 Just because it worked doesn't mean it couldn't be improved upon and doesnt mean that we should recommend what other people did just because they turned out fine. Survivorship bias. The evidence is clear. Look at how many highly accredited basketball minds are singing the praises of BV, I am yet to see one highly accredited basketball mind saying this was the wrong decision and will worsen the game. Please feel free to link me somewhere if I am mistaken
Years ago
This aligns with the FIBA U12s rules, which is never a bad thing.
Pre Covid, I was taking some teams to China for an annual international U12 tournament. They used sz 5 balls. It took the kids 10 mins in the first practice to get used to the smaller size.
Coming back, it took them 10 mins to change over again.
In my opinion, there are only benefits there - particularly for the younger U12s who are yet to develop enough upper body strength to shoot / pass properly.
Note that the FIBA rules for 12 recommend lowered hoops. The national federations make the final decision. Spain, France run their U12 comps on lowered hoops with sz 5.
This is another basketball over reaction with sponsorship and marketing at the forefront.
I think its fantastic all beginners (pre association or regulated games) using a size 5 for Aussie Hoops or any pathway programs pre u12 this is great idea, if this was mandated & adopted nationally.
What perplexes me with the rocket scientists and state body employees promoting this is a decision has been made to amend the ball to a size 5 for the younger age groups, but a decision to leave the actual backboard and ring at 10ft remains unchanged.
If the science was to improve skills to the under 12's age bracket, why wouldn't the ring be lowered to increase %, scores and shooting form at the same time.
I think making a decision on the ball is a sales & marketing ploy, with sponsorship benefits, the science behind it is all BS!!!!
The first decision to improve skill development should not be a ball size change for juniors. I could see benefit in lowering the rings for all domestic association games to improve shooting form and shooting fundamental and aim.
This is all about the $$$$ rebates and tender for who's supplying the balls!
Years ago
O-kayyy, #806. If you say so.
As a coach of the relevant age groups, my preference would be
U10 size 5 (or even a size 4 if it exists), lowered ring for boys & girls
U12 size 5, standard ring height for boys & girls
U14 size 6, standard ring height for boys & girls
U16 onwards size 6 for girls (but would see no problem with size 7 for u20s and adult women), size 7 for boys
I agree that a smaller ball with high rings is tough but it's better than size 6 with high rings for u12.
I wouldn’t want kids to have to jump from size 5 and a low ring to size 6 and a high ring when moving up one age group - better spread across multiple age groups.
Years ago
Cheaper to make people buy new balls than lower rings and change structures.
Don't get people who think it's about selling more balls. What size do you think Under tens play with?
Kids keep the balls they already use.
Years ago
Good idea, but you reckon the powers that be would have made sure there was a proper supply of size 5 balls before making this call! Cannot get a Spalding size 5 anywhere.
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