Years ago

Clarification of Kai Sotto's Contract

Hello guys! Good Day! If you are familiar with me from my previous posts and Thread especially about the Olympics, my name is Stevy. I am not an Australian and I don't have the knowledge like you guys about the NBL.

I want to clarify things about Kai's contract if it is really worth multi millions?

I am a bit informed about the salaries through this blog post:

I am also aware that the official article of the NBL says that it is a multi year deal:

I am truly aware that he is a Special Restricted Player but right now I am in a heated argument with another forum about this issue. They insist that it is really a 2 million, 3 year deal which makes Kai the highest paid NBL player in history and currently for the season which is improbable in my opinion and an insult quite frankly to the Max Salary Players in the NBL.

I have already contacted the NBL and News AU to clarify things but so far no responses.

If there is anyone in here with extensive knowledge on salaries and if there is anyone in here that is involved with the NBL, kindly clarify please.

Thank you so much guys! Have a nice day!

Topic #49111 | Report this topic

Years ago

Even if it was $2M over three years it wouldn't be the richest contract in the league, but there's literally one source using the word "million" at all and it's a headline, not even an article proper.

Reply #867651 | Report this post

Years ago

I mean we'd never know.

If it was worth multimillions - plural - over 2 years (third an option) or even three years that would be a shock.

Reply #867652 | Report this post

Years ago

Question to ask is - why would Adelaide pay millions to a guy to ride the pine?

He isn't a starter - closer to a DP then a bench he IMO

Reply #867653 | Report this post

Years ago


Thanks man, I am not familiar on the richest contract in NBL thanks for letting me know. I know that it is hardly an article, to be specific it is 53 words but the guys that I have been arguing with are hell bent on this. Is it really possible btw if an SRP contract can be worth 2 mill 3 years?


I know, honestly I am okay if it is true or not true but I just need to clarify things to settle our debate in the other forum.

If there is anyone with NBL insider knowledge or works for the NBL or whatsoever, if you can put your thoughts into this thread please do.

Reply #867654 | Report this post

Years ago


Exactly man, this is what I thought but they are really hell bent on that one article.

Reply #867655 | Report this post

Years ago

The point isn't the length of the article, it's that headlines aren't written by the people who write the articles so they're more prone to factual errors. Same goes for picture captions.

Is it possible he's earning $2M over three years? Sure. There's no upper limit on contract sizes, it's possible he's earning $500M a year. It just wouldn't make any sense whatsoever.

Reply #867656 | Report this post

Years ago

You would of thought Kai Soto would be on a cheaper contract. 2 million for three years seems too much. NBL are very slack with responding. Try their media email. I think the NBL don't even look at their emails.

Reply #867657 | Report this post

Years ago


I know man, I know believe me. I truly understand your logic, the problem is that I am dealing with fanatics. They are calling me delusional for not believing the article and they are saying that I am eating garbage for not believing them To end this debate I need hard evidence because they are not just budging.

Reply #867658 | Report this post

Years ago

$20k/year would be two million pesos over three years. If there's any way that millions of dollars are involved it's an odd buyout clause or some weird thing. Save your time and don't argue with them. End the debate by walking away.

Reply #867659 | Report this post

Years ago


I already did, is this address right?

This were the contact addresses that I used:

For NBL:

For AU:

Contact Us
1. Postal address: GPO Box 4245, Sydney NSW 2001.
2. Courier deliveries: 2 Holt Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010.
3. Email contact: [email protected].
4. switchboard: +61 2 9288 3000.
5. Having technical issues on

So far no responses from them in email.

If anyone can contact the NBL or News AU and it would not be a hassle, please do if you can. Thank you!

Reply #867660 | Report this post

Years ago

More likely to be multi million pesos and not definitely not Aussie Dollars. is full of fake news and clickbait.

Reply #867661 | Report this post

Years ago

It's an error from the headline writer.

It's a multi year contract, which is what the headline should have read, not multi million.

Anyone who actually thinks multi million could have been true is not thinking clearly.

Reply #867662 | Report this post

Years ago


I already did one way or another. I told them that it was pointless to speculate and to settle the issue, I decided to contact the NBL and News AU through their contact addresses. I told them that I would give an update as soon as possible.

Reply #867663 | Report this post

Years ago

I will be impressed if Sotto gets 10 mins a game. It seems likely he will have a fair few DNPs. I don't think the 36ers are that incompetent to spend "millions" on an unproven skinny Asian teen.

Reply #867664 | Report this post

Perth fan.  
Years ago

Definitely must be multi year. Not multi million.
Only a small handful of players would be multi million and certainly not a 19yo bench player.

Reply #867665 | Report this post

Years ago


Believe me guys, believe me. The things that you guys are saying has already been said to me to them. They told me that I had the most delusional comment and that I was up against a legit site with editors. Also since that it has been more than a week and they haven't corrected their headline, it proves their argument and that I was wrong.

Reply #867666 | Report this post

Perth fan.  
Years ago is on par with Facebook for crap.

Reply #867667 | Report this post

Years ago

His contract details are between, him, his Manager and the 36ers.
The NBL aren't going to breach privacy and fill you in on the details sorry.
Like Issac says, just walk away. You could literally post his entire contact and they would still believe a headline typo.

He’ll be lucky to see multiple minutes, let alone millions of dollars.

Reply #867668 | Report this post

Years ago


I am not asking for the whole contact or anything unreasonable. I just want to clarify the Multi million part. I know that Kai is a draw in the Philippines and I am sure that he is earning a lot of money but I just want to clarify the multi million part. If the NBL really won't respond to this then I am cool. I know that it is not that simple. However for the ones in News Au maybe they can clarify since they are the ones who put it up?

Reply #867669 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide as a club is probably not even worth 2 million dollars lol

Reply #867670 | Report this post

Years ago

Somethings on Facebook is actually true, is totally crap.

Reply #867671 | Report this post

Years ago

Stevy, I'm going to take a guess and say you’re arguing against Filipinos that are known to be just a tad more than parochial.

I suspect in that region it will rain anti-36ers chatter and hatred when he only gets a few mins a game or DNPs.

I want all the best for Sotto, especially given he’s on my team and hope he surprises - but pragmatically, he will be lucky to get much time on the court.

Murdoch-media headline screw up is infinitely more likely than Sotto achieving $1mil over two/three years let alone $2mil.

Reply #867672 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks for the comments guys, much appreciated! I am settling with messaging the 36ers in their FB page to ask for the clarification on that News AU article. So far the message pushed through and there was a pre generated/automated message that they will respond as soon as possible. I should get a response from them at least, sooner or later. Of course, if you guys can add more on this, please do.

Reply #867674 | Report this post

Years ago

I mean, if you're going to keep trying, while you are at it, you might as well try to convert evangelical Christians to atheism.

Reply #867676 | Report this post

Perth fan.  
Years ago

Keep us updated won't you.

Reply #867677 | Report this post

Years ago


I know that I should not be this flustered to pointless conversations. I also know that it is senseless to engage in the first place but it is what it is. I just can't take it when they said that I was delusional. I know that I would not get anything out of this even if it turns out that we are all right but I just have to even if I don't.

@Perth Fan

For sure man! I will also update this thread on their responses.

Reply #867681 | Report this post

Years ago

If he converts what he's being paid in Adelaide to Philippine pesos, then yes he's probably a millionaire.

Reply #867683 | Report this post

Years ago

I am sure that he is earning a lot of money
I wouldn't be that sure. Doubt he'd be in the top eight of the team.

Clubs and the league are not going to give you salary numbers or confirmation. They will write you off as a loon, sorry.

Reply #867712 | Report this post

Years ago


No I don't mean the NBL contract itself Isaac, I mean that I know that Kai is earning a lot of money from his sponsorships, commercials and etc in the Philippines. I know that compared to his teammates, Kai's contract shouldn't be that valuable especially as a SRP player, I know that he is not signed as a Next Star or a Max Salary player but they keep on insisting to me on the article like its the sh*t and calling me delusional.

So far no responses guys, will keep you posted.

Reply #867714 | Report this post

Years ago


Oh I see, that is tough man if I can't get a reply. Hopefully at least News AU will reply to me. If it ends up that I don't get any reply at all then I will just live with it, at least I tried. Thanks for the heads up.

Reply #867715 | Report this post

Years ago

Why make millions when we can make... thousands

Reply #867723 | Report this post

Travis 2nd Best  
Years ago

Not really note worthy.

Legendary Sixer Brendan Teys has been signed multi years by Adelaide for almost a decade now and has probably netted, possibly 12.935 million

Indian Rupees

Reply #867806 | Report this post

Have a lie down son!

Reply #867809 | Report this post

Years ago

Looked up Kai Sotto on YouTube to see what all the fuss was about. Unfortunately it looks like he won't really play any meaningful role. Interesting that he has a few videos put out by Overtime. Kid has his own clothing line and a basketball Academy in the states lol. He seems like a nice kid but who ever is handling his career is very greedy. Reminds me of the lamelo ball minus any real talent.

Reply #867810 | Report this post

Just a fan  
Years ago

The fact you guys even suggest kai is on a multi million dollar deal is cringe. U would assume it would be millions in his currency. Olgun reported the salary cap is 1.4 million or so u would think Adelaide are spending a portion of that each year making it a million dollar deal seriously is comical. Like people are saying who knows how many minutes he is getting anyway so why would it be logical to spend millions on someone?

Reply #867818 | Report this post

Years ago

@Travis the 2nd Best

HAHAHAHA, gosh the sarcasm. I laughed my ass off in that Indian rupees part man.

@Daniel Trollingham

I will soon probably in a week if I don't get any responses like Isaac said. I am just so tired of debating man, this is the only way to end the debate in the other forum.


Well in fairness to Kai he looked good in his stints in the Asia Cup Qualifiers and the FIBA OQT but no way that multi million headline is real like many others has pointed out.

@Just a Fan

Believe me dude, believe me but the guys in the other forum are calling me delusional, that my logic was utter nonsense and all of the above. Yes, I know that it is a pointless/stupid debate but it is what it is. Thank you for your insights.

Quick Update:

No responses yet guys, Honestly I don't think I will get any responses like Isaac said. So I will just update you guys in a week if it turns out that there is no or there is responses. I will keep you guys updated in 7 days. On the bright note my message to Adelaide is now in delivered status in FB rather than the sent status, maybe I will get a response from them, maybe not. Either way if no responses guys in a week then its okay, it is what it is. If you guys have anything more to add, please do. As always, thank you for your comments and if there is someone with NBL insider information please do comment if you can. Thanks a lot guys!

Reply #867824 | Report this post

Years ago

Why are people still going on about this?

It's been explained very clearly, it was an error by the headline writer of the original article, who is clearly not a basketball person.

They obviously misread the article, saw multi-year and mistakenly headed it multi million.

Simple as that.

Reply #867833 | Report this post

Years ago


Simply because that they did not edit it. The guys that I have been debating with are really determined to use the article as basis on Kai's contract. I already said what you said before and they told me that the "typographical error" argument" doesn't make sense and it's already thrown into the garbage since it was not corrected. They would not even believe this thread or the words of you guys who are living in Australia. So I don't even bother to send them this thread link because it is pointless.

Reply #867836 | Report this post

Years ago

They living rent free in your mind.

Whatever website it is, don't go on it for a while and never visit the thread again.

Reply #867853 | Report this post

Years ago


Thanks for the input KET, I just can't leave the site because I had too many meaningful and pleasant conversations with most of the people in there. Most of the people in there are just fans of basketball like me and there are plenty of pleasant people in there like in Hoops Au, the thread is just in bad shape right now because of the lack of moderators, they are just not active anymore. Imagine Hoops AU without any mods. I just can’t let a fanatic ruin the experience for me but yes maybe I should just not post in that specific thread anymore if it gets too toxic for me.

Reply #867854 | Report this post

Years ago

Should be a six-part podcast on this investigation

Reply #867855 | Report this post

Years ago

Just ask their CEO Jeff Van Groningen on his Facebook. I was lucky to met Jeff at the NBL Cup. He liked my retro 2007 Brisbane Bullets jersey I wore at the Brisbane games.

Reply #867882 | Report this post

Years ago


I hope you guys are at least having a good time in this thread hehe.


Thank you so much for your comment, Hopefully he will respond to my message. Appreciate your advice!

Reply #867886 | Report this post

Years ago

At the risk of receiving the same response from you that everyone keeps getting, you need to let it go for the following reasons:

1. The NBL and their 10 teams WILL NOT answer this question. If they are not already being transparent with the public on salaries, they won't just tell you.

2. Clearly the article title is wrong. Mistakes are made all the time and whoever wrote the title is an idiot.

3. The majority of basketball "fans" from the Philippines are morons.

You only need to look at the comments attached to every single FB post by FIBA. Even if it is not related to theit team, they always change the subject to be about them. They also think their team is actually good, which it isn't. They also still bring up the brawl with Australia and how weak the Aussies were. Last time I checked, it was a basketball game and they got their arses kicked.

Forget those on the other forum man, you will stress less.

Reply #867987 | Report this post

Years ago


1.) Thank you man, Yes Isaac already told me that more or less I won't get any responses. Hopefully they do but I am aware that it is a long shot. Will not really expect any responses within this week but I will update you guys if ever.

2.) I know man, but those guys that I talked too genuinely think that it is real. Refer to their reactions above.

3.) HAHAHAHA, it is truly a shame. To tell you the truth, as a Filipino, our reputation as basketball fans in the world isn’t good. In fact, honestly, I think that we are one of the or the most toxic basketball fans in the world. It is really hard to have a good conversation with the average Filipino fan. Most of my countrymen are ill informed about basketball or too biased, especially outside the PBA or the NBA. They are hardly informed about anything else aside from what I mentioned. In fairness, the forum that I go to is honestly one of the few places where the majority of Filipinos there are level-headed, well-researched, good-mannered and all of the above. It just sucks that I am dealing with an obvious Sotto fanatic in one of the threads there, but overall, I prefer to engage with the people there than the usual hot spots of toxicity, especially on YouTube. I had plenty of good conversations in the other forum. I am so sorry about the majority of Filipinos that keep on bringing up the brawl. It is an issue that both Basketball Australia and the SBP have moved on with. It honestly frustrates me also that most fans are like that. Thank you for your comment man, yes like I told KET, I will be more reluctant in posting in that specific thread instead. I know that I am in a stupid/pointless debate and it is just not worth it.

Reply #867991 | Report this post

Years ago

Higher that Bryce Cotton? I do t thinks so..$50k-70k per year could be..

Reply #868349 | Report this post

Years ago


Thanks for the comment, to this day the guys in the other forum still believes the multi million contract article being true without regarding Kai's classification, depth chart of Adelaide and etc. If you can contact News Au's phone with your telephone, I can't because I am not from there, I would really appreciate it a lot. No responses so far from NBL, News AU, and Adelaide.

Reply #868358 | Report this post

Years ago

Ask them how pissed they'll be when Sotto gets junk minutes

Reply #868361 | Report this post

Years ago


Credit to the majority of people in the other forums. Most of us, like everybody else in Hoops AU are reasonable people. I believe that you can have a good conversation with the majority of people there, but, of course, when you are dealing with toxic fanatics, don't expect too much. Expect the same conversation that you will have with the majority of Filipino basketball fans on YT, FB when you are talking to fanatics.

Being reasonable should not even be a rarity, which speaks volumes about the reality of our reputation as a whole in basketball.

Personally I have followed Kai since his younger days and I think you guys would be pleasantly surprised when its all said and done. Of course, I am a Filipino so I am hoping for the best for him. If he can sustain his performance in the ACQ and OQT, I think he can be decent for you KET in limited minutes, considering that you are a Adelaide fan.

Reply #868363 | Report this post

Perth fan.  
Years ago

Any word on Sotto contract Stevie.
?? We need to know.

Reply #868451 | Report this post

Years ago

@Perth Fan

Hehehe, sure. It hasn't been a week yet, 6 days to be exact, since I sent those emails to News Au and NBL. I also sent messages to Adelaide 36ers, News AU and JVG from Nachos95's suggestion. These are the developments so far.

Email - No responses

Messages - No responses, JVG and News AU did not read it while Adelaide put me into seen.

These are the responses so far Perth fan. Not hopeful at all and, like Isaac said, I really did not get any responses. I would have loved to call News Au, but I am not from Australia.

Reply #868452 | Report this post

Years ago

This is from a blog. Take from it what you want


Another NBL contract of much interest is Filipino sensation, Kai Sotto’s.

The national team member is locked into a 2-year deal (plus a player option) with the Adelaide 36ers at the moment.

While initial reports have not disclosed the exact amount, Sotto was set to make approximately $200,000 USD with the NBA G-League Ignite before he opted out for the NBL.

Kai Sotto’s NBL contract in Australia is likely between 150k - 300k USD/per year.
As an NBL Special Restricted Player (SRP) - meaning a player from China, Philippines, Taiwan, India, South Korea, Singapore and Japan., Sotto’s contract DOES NOT count against the team salary cap.

So when considering Kai Sotto’s international appeal, his designation as a SRP and the pay scale of NBL Marquee Players and imports, it wouldn’t be unfair to speculate the big man is making anywhere between $150k - $300k USD (200k - 400k AUD) for his three-year deal.

Reply #868453 | Report this post

Years ago


Thanks man, I was already aware of this information. Check my first post above. I also posted the link to that blog there. In fact, the fanatics are already aware of this, but NO, to no avail. They continue to shove the News AU article down my throat and call me delusional and all sorts of nasty things. They are saying that, since the special restricted contract is not counted towards the salary cap, they are even doubling down and justifying it.

Reply #868455 | Report this post

Years ago

Kai Sotto is nothing more than a mere marketing gimmick. The toxic filipino fans on the nbl Facebook page make me sick.

Reply #868553 | Report this post

Years ago

Filipinos are not nice people unfortunately.

Reply #868554 | Report this post

Years ago

Filipinos are on the norm great friendly people, to many with no idea.

Reply #868557 | Report this post

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