Years ago
Hawks sign Harry Froling
Hawks making a lot of nice additions
Years ago
Hawks making a lot of nice additions
Years ago
Harry Froling has signed a one-year deal with the Illawarra Hawks, sources told ESPN. @Liam_Santa flagged Illawarra as a potential landing spot for Froling last night.Harry's problem has long seemed to be discipline, so you'd think him finding a spot under Goorjian is a good chance for him. That said, virtually any job in life requires some level of self motivation and discipline and he might need to build that up to survive unless Goorj is literally in his house hassling him every morning and night.
Years ago
Hawks looking good and five minutes later and they mess it all up by adding him.
Goorj isn't going to put up with him, how long until he gets released?
Years ago
Let's not forget the Hawks are providing Harry with a car - which was an exclusive hoops.com.au scoop.
6'0 T.Trice(i)/6’1 E.Naar/6’0 L.Dent(dp)
6’4 T.Harvey(i)/6’2 I.White
6’5 J.Simon(i)/6’6 D.Grida
6’11 D.Reath/6’11 H.Froling/6’11 A.Gak
7’0 S.Froling/6’11 A.Ogilvy
That leaves only a next star possible signing if simon is back.
No doubt a sg.
This is a good signing, he has talent and can play, will get the clip over the ear from Goorj when required, the ball now in Harry's hands.
Hawks clear favourites now.
People saying he can play really didn't watch the Bullets last year
Years ago
It's not so much about Harry I doubt Goorj or the Hawks really want him there it's likely more about buttering up Sam to keep him there.
Air Delay
Years ago
I really thought we needed another shooting wing option or 4 man back up - AKA Timmy C.
Perhaps there's still room for Tim if Emmett gets more opportunity as a back up 1 elsewhere?
One of Harry's main deficiencies is his foot speed. He can be really exploited defending on balls. But I have faith in the Goorj & I'm sure he'll know all this & Harry will have to bust his ass to earn his minutes.
Years ago
He has a lot of potential, but getting a clean start and not capitalising that much in Brisbane isn't the best sign.
Jack Toft
Years ago
At least Mrs Froling has to barrack for only one team next season
Years ago
Goorj keeping busy.
Just goes to show how the fortunes of a team can turn around.
Wouldn't be surprised tto see them in the GF next season.
Just hope the people of Wollongong get off their arses and support their team. Need to start building the crowds up. Hopefully they can push towards 5~6k at every game.
Years ago
Perfect spot for Harry. If he can't thrive under Goorj (and having his bro there also might help) THEN I'm willing to finally write him off altogether. Jury is still well and truly out on him, but it's a good gamble for both sides.
Goorjian won't tolerate his attitude,can’t see him playing more than 10 to 15 minutes in this lineup & that is if he is fit. Harry needs a change with his work ethic & Goorjian can help him with this, so this is probably a good spot for him to go
I certainly watched him in Brisbane last season, had some shit games but also showed a lot in some games, got the mvp in one game. Goorj will sort him out. One year ago every one was laughing how much a bum signing Ogilvy was, he had his best season in years.
Perth fan.
Years ago
An upgrade on Darling.
Might be motivated playing alongside his talented younger brother.
Wonder what kind of car he gets.
Must have been so inspiring to have played under Joey and LeManis.
Years ago
One year ago every one was laughing how much a bum signing Ogilvy was, he had his best season in years.
Ogilvy was great last season, do you think Goorj resigned him again this season because he's a good bloke.
Another Hoops Scoop. Close source says the car is actually being provided by local KFC, guessing it'll pay for itself within the year and turn profit by time playoffs start!
Years ago
Surely it's the local Hungry Jack's since they're an official league sponsor.
Is it the same person here who keeps saying AJ was awesome last season?
Tbh he was average and certainly didn't set the league alight. Good teammate sure. Vital player not so much.
Fat shaming of a female athlete is huge no-no.
Male athlete all good.
Jeez there are some seriously retarded people here. The crap posted about Cambage, Harry, Patterson and more is so insulting, yet so inanely childish.
This place is becoming more ranker than usual.
Elevated privileges now to stop those same retards getting Isaac in trouble. Sad days indeed.
Years ago
"Fat shaming"
Is it "fat shaming" or reflects a conditioning expectation on athletes?
Years ago
It's not fat shaming when you're on an advert showing your workout and implies that you're elite and trying to make the NBA then evidence shows that he's this generations Chris Blakemore, rookie of the year followed by an improved second season both for Adelaide and then lucky to make rosters after that an fizzling out fast.
Real shame but as said above atleast he has a super talented brother (and sisters).
That's the same excuse people give when young women who wear crop tops and short shorts/skirts get sexually assaulted, either verbally or physically.
They asked for it right?
Years ago
All, I will now take credit and accolades as appropriate for dropping that hot news that Harry is now provided with a car as a part of his contract.
Whilst I don't know exactly the make or model, sources tell me, much like the fulli sikk KFC merch going around at the moment (hats, shoes, shirts etc), it very well may be a KFC sponsored car.
Years ago
BeeGee needs to move to Tiktok...better age demographic
BG must have posted that when he was in the Centrelink queue.
Years ago
@Scout and anon, do I smell jealousy that you didn't find out HF was moving on first, WITH a car in his contract?
Sorry you both can't be on it like I am.
- posted from my desk at work.
He's a professional athlete. His body is what earns his money. If he doesn't like it, try a salad or be out of a job very soon. Lucky to have this opportunity.
It's simply telling the truth.
Strange his body isn't outta shape that's the point.
Every one is in lock d, there is no centre link queue. People who have full time jobs these days are the lucky ones.
Harry will be fine, it's make or break.
"Every one is in lock d, there is no centre link queue. People who have full time jobs these days are the lucky ones."
You have contradicted yourself so many times.
Years ago
Has this actually been confirmed?
It seems a bizarre signing?
Given they already have Reath, SFroling, Ogilvy and Gak. Not sure how adding another Ent is going to help.
I assumed with Daring moving on that they've freed up a spot for a forward?
I'm not saying Olgun's wrong, it just seems like a strange fit
Years ago
Confirmed 5 mins ago! I knew my sources (i.e. myself) on Harry selling his car were correct.
Years ago
Gak doesn't seem to be quite a rotation player yet, whereas the lesser Froling is a serviceable backup option. Sam's obviously on track, so they might have figured that getting Harry near him would be advantageous. And you'd be brave picking against Goorj.
Always got the impression Harry just misses a bit on discipline. If he had an imp on his shoulder constantly dictating his intake and training, it would pay off.
Years ago
IFF Harry does perform well next season with Goorj coaching, would he be better off staying with Goorj though, rather than trying for a richer contract elsewhere?
Years ago
If it works, that front-court is going to trouble a lot of team. On paper though it looks a lot less mobile.
Years ago
Whilst it could cause headaches for opposition coaches and players I thought the same thing about Brisbane last season when they got Harry and how along with Harrison, the had enough fouled to give and keep Hodgson playing hard the whole time he is on the court... with the Four or five giants they have at their disposal, they can play a bit like the Goorj of old and have three players foul on the one possession and only one gets the call type antics and create a real intimidating presence along with the speed of Those around them on court at any one time, it could be a real tough assignment and one I look forward to next season.
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