Years ago
Bogut and Anstey talking about a COVID positive in Boomers camp
This is just heartbreaking
Years ago
This is just heartbreaking
Years ago
Covid positive due to playing team USA/Bradley Beal+++
Years ago
Well they're eluding to it but nothing has been confirmed, then Bogut followed up by posting a funny meme so who knows what the truth is just yet. It could just be that Bradley Beal is confirmed now and now we have something to worry about. I don't know.
If Boomers are out though, so too will be the USA and the whole competition will be a farce.
Years ago
Nigeria would have to be also yeah, if an Aus player has it? Our group would have 2 teams in it... Surely they hold the games back a little.
Years ago
well I'd like to think so. But Anstey also saying stuff. I don't know if Anstey is just reacting to Bogut or not. Bogut seems to be posting to create a bit of drama with 'say it isnt so" rather than something specific or something.
Years ago
Bogut went full Karl beston with his approach to this one.
Years ago
Olgun -
"As of this evening, every Australian Boomers player and official had returned a negative COVID-19 test, multiple sources told ESPN. The Boomers played Team USA on Tuesday in Las Vegas; since that game, the USA's Bradley Beal has entered health and safety protocols."
Bogut -
"Boomers all good"
Years ago
It seems like Bradley Beal isnt even confirmed yet so this all might be a mountain out of a mole hill. He probably was a contact of a case.
Beal didn't get the shot when offered, him and his wife are antivaxers
Years ago
Now Olgun saying Bogut's tweet is about something completely different... What is the big fella on about now
Years ago
How long ago did we play the US? It can take a few days for infection to become detectable.
He went nuts when he retired, atm is bashing Dan andrews for vic lockdown. Didn't say to much about Gladys though. His favourite guy to follow is a man that bashed his wife with a chopping board.
Years ago
I think we might be seeing some sort of late roster change and Bogut is mimicking Karl Beston on it.
Wouldn't surprise me if someone is shipping out for Cooks or Giddey
Years ago
The cryptic dickheadery of Olgun and Bogut needs to stop with the "Say it aint so Basketball Australia" and Olgun going "he's talking about something compleeeetly different". How about just tell us what it is, or say nothing. Or at least confirm that all Boomers and Opals are healthy, safe and ready to go chase some fucking medals?!?
Years ago
Bogut is just seeking attention and Anstey is a drama queen.
Years ago
Bogut is attention seeking as always. Don't get sucked in Hoops and leave this garbage to Twitter.
Years ago
Because Olgun hasnt said anything different and alleges to have spoken to many sources my feeling is that Bogut's tweet probably isn't Boomer related at all. If it was something bad or scary I think Olgun would have at least alluded to it in some way. I think Bogut needs his head read after that Tweet. A lot of people really care about the Boomers and he knows what is going on with them right now, so it's pretty idiotic to have tweeted what he tweeted when he did.
Has anyone met olgun, guy is an absolute chump.
Ask walsh.
Something Opals-related maybe? They are in Vegas too.
Years ago
Yeah I have met him. yes, he's a chump. reminds me Oswald Cobblepot (aka Batman's penguin). But he for whatever reason has that basketball job writing for ESPN so his words carry some weight.
Likely a replacement Boguts tweeting about. Giddey for Sobey or cooks as they realise they need another big with Baynes knee still not right.
"Has anyone met olgun, guy is an absolute chump.
Ask walsh."
Which Walsh?
Years ago
Bogut went full Karl best-tard on that tweet so I now hold his words with the kind of weight that everyone else seems to - very little.
Koberulez comes on here regularly attempting to show his "superior" knowledge, yet can't work out how long ago Australia player America? Ok
Years ago
But he for whatever reason has that basketball job writing for ESPN so his words carry some weight.
Years ago
Could be Opals related with what Anstey replied to Heal but really... who even knows? It's been an Australian basketball jock strap convention on Twitter tonight with everyone saying something a bit stupid.
Years ago
They've all taken a turn to be Karl Beston and infer theyre in the know, but disclose absolutely nothing
Years ago
Anstey tweets:
"Boomers seem to be all good But..... Man facepalming"
Years ago
Who is Karl Beston? That twat on Twitter who passes himself off as an hoops expert?
Years ago
"Who is Karl Beston? That twat on Twitter who passes himself off as an hoops expert?"
None other than!
Just a fan
Years ago
Perthworld you seem to hate moldavan or whatever his name is lol Why do u always talk about him?
Boguts basketball IQ to normal IQ is mind boggling.
Olgun is okay when he sticks to reporting but when he tries to get into X and O's and analyse game play its absolutely cringe worthy.
What happens in Vegas
Years ago
If there is a positive we ain't in Victoria so get them on the plane and lets head to Tokyo.
Years ago
Discussions are underway about canceling tomorrow's pre-Olympic exhibition game between the Australian Boomers and Team USA, sources told
and I. The USA's Bradley Beal has been ruled out of the Olympics, while Jerami Grant is in COVID health and safety protocols.
Years ago
Question regarding replacement players, how come teams like USA, Nigeria can still bring players in that weren't originally listed, but Australia can only use Giddey and Cooks as injury replacements? That's how I've understood it since the final team was announced.
Just wondering, in light of this Cambage news:
Do you think maybe that's what Bogut’s initial "say it ain’t so" tweet is referring to, about the incoming Cambage stuff??
Years ago
Yeah, definitely cambage I'd say. Sounds like she not only got into a fight with Nigerian players but she's been going around vegas treating it like her own personal holiday while everyone else has been adhering to strict covid protocols.
It's okay though. She'll claim racism and people will buy it!
Wait for
1. Mental health card. Can't isolate and follow protocols because of mental health issues
2. Try to fly the flag for mental health causes
3. Relate her 'mental health issues’ back to previous systemic racism
4. Accuse anyone of not buying this line as racist and an example of why she is like she is.
5. Blaming Olympic officials and teammates etc of being racist for taking a stance
6. Turning back on Australia
7. Dragging Ben Simmons into it
Years ago
Ben Simmons would co-produce a victimhood documentary for her
Years ago
Wonder what happens with Boomers exhibitions now. I am sure the USA game has to be cancelled but what would we do from here? Not warm up until game 1? Play Spain in Vegas instead of USA? Get on the first flight to Tokyo and hunker down for a week?
Years ago
"Get on the first flight to Tokyo and hunker down for a week?"
I could think of worst places to be. Uber eats that prime grade sashimi!
Years ago
Playing Spain would be good for both teams.
USA campaign a bit harder now maybe
Years ago
Boomers USA game 2 cancelled
Opals USA still going ahead
Years ago
Interesting that Spain still seems willing to play USA
Years ago
Bogus has an excellent basketball brain, but no real sense of reality off the court, and no social filter at all.
He is a basketball idio savant. I respect his contributions on the court and in game leadership, but t he's Pete Evans level intellect when it comes to life skills.
Years ago
By the time they all finish in Japan, they will be lucky to have any not with Covid19...Japan does not want to hold the games due to their increased infection rates, but the IOC have insisted stating the TV rights and Sponsors will cost too much if they pull the games.
Let's just hope these athletes in all disciplines don’t end up having ongoing health issues after these game, it’s privdn vaccinations don’t stop you catching or spreading it, just potentially not getting seriously ill, but even that is not guaranteed.
Madness holding these games in this current climate.
Years ago
" Australian athletes have been vaccinated."
So had the paramedics in Sydney, the multiple health workers overseas, vaccines don't stop you contracting it, just hopefully reduces the severity of symptoms, you can still be infectious and vaccinated
Years ago
The truth comes out about Cambage, and her willingness to "fight racism" while dishing some out to Nigerian players because she's not a hypocrite or anything
Everyone keeps saying words I wouldn't repeat.
Are they saying she used racist language or just swear words.
Like say she used racist language or she didn't.
No hypocrisy getting into a verbal fight. A lot of hypocrisy getting into a racist verbal fight.
Also a racist verbal fight should see her off the team for a while. And possibly suspended by any basketball organisation for a period of time (WNBA / WNBL)
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