Years ago
Bogut’s Side of The Simmons Story
Bogut just dropped his tell all on Simmons, what's everyone’s thoughts? Seems that BA did make some mistakes, however the big takeaways were the politics of it all between Simmons’ camp, the Vic Gov and Fed Gov. Also while Bogut said Lemanis made some mistakes (not picking Ben in 2014) he was tremendous throughout this whole experience in terms of putting up with all the stuff going on and to be faced with a situation where you could be responsible where millions of dollars would not go to junior grass roots is tough. Seems like BA ultimately got caught in the middle with all the politics with ultimately getting pressured into letting Simmons play the warmup games. Bogut however did say multiple times that BA can be and has been useless towards its players a lot of the time and even said in his opinion Simmons himself isn’t to be blamed the influence of his camp appeared to be all over this, right even to the point of someone contacting BA directly. Seems like a whole tone of bullshit going on and granted only one side of the story