Jack Toft
Years ago
GF Series: Game 3 Friday Night - The Final Countdown
This is a must win game for the Wildcats who went home empty handed after the first two finals at home in the West. Captain Jesse Wagstaff went scoreless in both games and couldn't engineer a point. He was colder than a Russian mother-in-law's kiss. He for one will be looking to warm up in game 3. I can't find the last time Wagstaff went duck eggs on the scoreboard twice in a row. You could bowl me over with a feather. I reckon a United team goal is to make it a hat trick.
If the NBL wanted a home team to drop two GF games they would have subbed in another team to play the GF.
But let's not take anything away from the Melbourne team. Goulding has been playing a Captain's knock and Jock Landale is walking the talk. Baba played an exceptional game in game 2 and he is bound to cause some headaches for the Wildcats.
The Cats will need a hero in game 3 in order to push it to game 4 and beyond, and with a few Cats licking their wounds on the sidelines, will be hoping for some Melbourne Magic for a few of them to come good.
It's an uphill battle for them and it's hard in war to overcome an enemy in the high ground, which United have. We cannot underestimate the power of the Cats, but this is not the Championship you are looking for.
United to cut down their nets and add to the silverware cabinet.