Jack Toft
Years ago
GF Game 2 Sunday June 20
Game 1 was tight and just when Perth fans were popping champagne corks, United came back with a performance beyond the arc in the Championship Quarter (the third) that had Trevor G more worked up than a feminist complaining about a Men's only Business Club.
United eventually holding off the Cats to go one up in the series.
Obviously Perth missing the prowess of Cotton and the enthusiasm of Luke Travers who came alive in the SF series and is possibly the reason why Cats fans are now booking annual leave, or co-ordinating their FIFO rosters. Whether he is fully fit after his calf injury for game 2 will be seen. There must be something about that #4 jersey that brings out the tiger in the Pussycat who wears it.
I'm expecting game 2 to be just as tight. No doubt both coaches would have defragged with the referees seeking clarification on some aspects of the officiating in game 1 and this could be reflected in the umpiring in game 2.
Overall, I hoping Travers is back soon and look forward to mowing the lawns early and sitting back to watch game 2