Jack Toft
Years ago
Brisbane v Sydney May 13
Well.... the table changes form game to game, so take a screenshot and at the end of the round see how all the seats at the table have changed. It's musical chairs and so far only Cairns don't have a chair, with New Zealand and Adelaide looking to sit on the lap of others.
Sydney lost third spot last night, but can reclaim it like a trench in the Somme with a good win. A loss would mean Gorj's boys could re-enter the top 4. For Brisbun, well they just need to win. So like a midget at a urinal, which team will step up tonight?
The season is 2-1 to the Kings and will match up with the Bullets quite closely. Brisbane will need to play well to keep up with them and could pray for a plague of cane toads to stop the game early, but there's no Duckworth Lewis in the NBL and no more leaky stadiums.
Gee, both teams have good reason why they should win, so this game will be lost on the small things like turnovers and sloppy plays. Every 3 point shot will count. I'm just thinking that the Bullets might just keep their season alive....