Years ago

Cambage confirms Tokyo

What a surprise

Topic #48476 | Report this topic

Years ago

Once you strip the bluster, it looks like she eventually got to her answer - that removing herself as an example in sport wouldn't exactly advance her cause.

Reply #847591 | Report this post

Years ago

Good to see BA pander to her by bringing in some young ballers for diversity in their celebration of 500 days before the worlds. Otherwise it was again very white with LJ, Ebzery and Nicholson.

Reply #847593 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think we will make it very far if sandy picks her faves over form.

Mitchell is no longer a starting pg
George too slow at pf
Talbot not really suited to the 2.

Allen and Cambage are clear locks at 3 n 5.

Reply #847594 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

Let's be real, Cambage was never sitting this one out. She had her little self-indulged public temper tantrum, and all the concerned parties have grovelling acquiesced to her in the way we all expected. No reasonable human being thinks for a single millisecond that the AOC or anyone else purposely excluded or promoted anyone based on skin colour, but if some maniac like Cambage can even raise a vague, conspiratorial theory to that end, suddenly action must be taken to address an evil that never actually took place. Cambage won the gold medal in the oppression Olympics with this one!

Reply #847606 | Report this post

Years ago

No reasonable human being thinks for a single millisecond that the AOC or anyone else purposely excluded or promoted anyone based on skin colour
Unintentionally excluding people is still excluding people.

Reply #847607 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

If someone just wasnt in something, doesn't mean they were excluded. Exclusion infers someone isn't allowed to do something. Just because, for whatever reason, no black person happened to be in a photo, doesn't mean they were excluded from doing so. For all Cambage knows some could have been asked and have declined for any number of reasons. She has no evidence of exclusion, just evidence that no black people happened to be in the photo. There certainly wouldn't have been any decision made on race so I am not sure what she wants, other than to shame white Australians at every possible turn if she can possibly conjure up half a reason.

Reply #847618 | Report this post

Years ago

But they were inclusive, there was an indigenous athlete on the promo.

Is there a law mandated requirement to be diverse?

If so what is the prescribed ratios of caucasian to indigenous representation that we must have?

What about Asian / Indian / African Australians? What is the required ratio?

I read today that the Golden Globes are the latest victims of cancel culture because there are no black members.

These same members that awarded GG's to actors like Forest Whittaker, Denzel Washington, Chadwick Boseman, Kerry Washington.

Reply #847619 | Report this post

Years ago

Exclusion infers someone isn't allowed to do something
It doesn't "infer" anything. Subconscious bias is still bias. Lack of representation is lack of representation.

Is there a law mandated requirement to be diverse?
Is there a law mandated requirement not to call your boss an asshole?

Reply #847620 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

"It doesn't "infer" anything. Subconscious bias is still bias. Lack of representation is lack of representation."

Subconscious bias isn't even proven and assumes that people see nothing other than race. If subconscious bias were the thing you make it out to be, white coaches and white NBA team owners would be signing up 80 percent white kids, not 80 percent black kids. I put it to you that 99 percent of people care more about substance than skin. Maybe not Liz Cambage and her cohort of self-indulgent BLM sycophants, but everyone else.

And for crying out loud, it's one particular photo shoot. Is a mountain not being made of a molehill? It is one particular photo shoot done by a nation that is, til this moment, despite all diversity, majority white. Sometimes, you're going to see some things that are all white because that is what the majority is. No one is for a second pretending there aren't some great black Australian athletes that are going to be at the Olympics. If the promotional material were consistently only white, you'd have a point. But you don't. It was one, somewhat meaningless photoshoot. That's all it was. It wasn't the whole promotional campaign. It's a pretty sad situation when every photo you take has to be run by BLM and the cancel culture police to make sure it checks every little box for their brittle egos.

"s there a law mandated requirement to be diverse?
Is there a law mandated requirement not to call your boss an asshole?"

That retort makes literally NO sense.

Reply #847622 | Report this post

Years ago

And for crying out loud, it's one particular photo shoot.
Sure, but you can say "it's just one particular incident" about the tens of millions of such incidents every year.

Reply #847623 | Report this post

Years ago

There are thousands of occasions due to availability that when promotional photo's are taken that you just have to accept the fact that only certain people are available. For the 500 days to the Cup promotion they used the 2 players that were available. I’m sure BA would have loved to have Liz there but hey she is with her WNBA team. The rest is just smoke and mirrors bullshit

Reply #847624 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

She's pointing her finger at the AOC and that jockey company. Where are their other incidents? If they dont have other "incidents" (if you can even call this an incident), then what exactly is she complaining about? Let's come back to earth on this - she's having a whinge because a particular photo shoot didn't have black people in it. It's laughable, really. Only someone obsessed with race, who is about to suit up at the Olympics, and is obviously not being forgotten, could concern themselves with such a banal situation.

"Waaah, my favourite race isn't in this photo! I am going to shit the bed and leave the party. No, I'm cool. I am going to stay at the party, but you're going to keep hearing me whinge!"

There is an Aboriginal in the very same photos, but for some reason that isn't quite black enough for Cambage. She starts doing a family history to find a white ancestor in the bloodline or something. It's sad and pathetic. The girl needs to get a grip.

Reply #847625 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes, her constant complaints about racial issues are very definitely evidence of an isolated incident.

Reply #847626 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

Come the Olympics, and if he plays, Ben Simmons is going to be the biggest Australian name, and he's going to dominate the photo shoots. How will she concoct racism from that, I wonder?

Reply #847627 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

"Yes, her constant complaints about racial issues are very definitely evidence of an isolated incident."

So if someone complains a lot about something, those complaints are instantly valid? She's someone who searches out problems to complain about. She thinks Lebron James getting paid more than her is somehow sexism. She's an idiot. Just another one who has bought into the "everything is sexism or racism" koolaid and doesnt look any deeper than the first thing she can find offense in.

Reply #847629 | Report this post

Years ago

Of course you don't think it's racist, because you are horrendously racist as is obvious to anyone who reads anything you post on the subject.

Reply #847631 | Report this post

Years ago

The premise of her contention was negated by Maurice Longbottom being in the photo, who she obviously assessed as not being dark enough, despite the fact that he is actaully darker than her.
This glaring absence of logic on her part demonstrates how consumed she's become by notions of colour (and their relative tones) and a chosen exclusivity of identity.(her mother is white)
Her beautifully articulated offer to the Australian public to "kiss her black ass" further highlights this dualistic colour orientation especially given that her mother is white and, despite how she sees herself, the reality is, she is not black, but brown.
I have nieces and nephews who are darkwe than her - some completely black, and they 'never' make a point of their skin colour.
She's clearly choosing to play the colour card on the basis of her choosing.

Reply #847632 | Report this post

Years ago

Why do people keep bringing up her being half-white as though it changes a damn thing? She doesn't look white, and racists aren't exactly known for their research...and the to extent they do dig in it's when white-passing people might've had a half-black grandparent and can therefore be deemed unworthy of humanity.

It's completely fucking irrelevant.

Reply #847633 | Report this post

Rain man  
Years ago

She had a very valid point. Obviously there are behind the scenes issues regarding Covid and availabilities, but the point was still valid. Her way of communicating it however is well off the mark. Other athletes certainly agree with her, and indigenous athletes certainly may feel their participation as token when they are the only ones there, and so on.

Regarding this recent announcement however. She has lost the plot. She's essentially taken claim that the new indigenous committee is a result of her threat to boycott and Instagram posts. Essentially removing any point of pride for the people who advocated for that committee and worked tirelessly to have it come to fruition.

Her points are generally correct. It’s always her communication that creates the issues, and puts the spotlight on her and not the issue at hand. It begs the question if she is doing this for promotion of herself or the issues now.

Also... Her vitamin company on Instagram has about 95% representation of its models as white people when you remove her from the equation. Worrying

Reply #847637 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes, Liz Cambage has missed out on so much due to her race and size

Shes played in the Olympics, WNBA, WNBL, China, etc making over 100k a year playing basketball for a living, clearly never had a good opportunity in her life...

Poor woman, i hope she can cope, must be tough

Reply #847646 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

"She had a very valid point. Obviously there are behind the scenes issues regarding Covid and availabilities, but the point was still valid. Her way of communicating it however is well off the mark. Other athletes certainly agree with her, and indigenous athletes certainly may feel their participation as token when they are the only ones there, and so on.

Well when you're a minority of a population, you may sometimes be the minority in a photo. If they've worked their way into the Olympics, their participation is hardly 'token'. Some also agree with others that the earth is flat. Agreeing with stupid ideology doesn't make ideology reality.

"Her points are generally correct."

LOL. HOW?!?!?!

"Of course you don't think it's racist, because you are horrendously racist as is obvious to anyone who reads anything you post on the subject."

Oh yes, Koberulez... I forgot, I am racist... massive fucking eye roll champ.

Reply #847647 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

Any time you question someone's self important view, where they make broadstroke assumptions that everything is racist, you must be a racist. Good to know, Kobe. Now go back to having a cry about the Opals body suits that they actually all chose to wear.. lol

Reply #847648 | Report this post

Years ago

"Oh yes, Koberulez... I forgot, I am racist... massive fucking eye roll champ."

He's not wrong

Reply #847649 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes, Liz Cambage has missed out on so much due to her race and size

Shes played in the Olympics, WNBA, WNBL, China, etc making over 100k a year playing basketball for a living, clearly never had a good opportunity in her life...

Poor woman, i hope she can cope, must be tough
Did Cambage suddenly become the only POC on the planet or something?

Reply #847650 | Report this post

Years ago

Cabbage "doesn't look white"

She doesn't look black either. Yet she calls herself black.
Live in a black community like I have, and it's obvious that she is not black.

See how its all about 'colour identity' to her?
Wonder what her white mother thinks of her disparaging remarks of Tom Maher on the basis of him being white?

Skin colour is so relevant to those that chose to exclusively identify with sone side of their ancestry to the exclusion of the other side.

My Zimbabwean friend said to me on Sunday that her black skin has never been a hindrance in any way in the 10 years she's been in Australia.

Cambage complained about the photo because of what her colour identity filter interpreted when she saw it.
Again, Longbottom is darker than her! So her point is negated immediately.

Is there still racism at an institutional level in Australia.....a little, but it has improved immensely in the past few years - the widespread pracrice official indigenous recognition of country & elders being one example.

Does racism exist still in the attitudes of some individuals? Yes, I've argued against white racist people in the Kimberley and in victoria multiple times. Those people come from positions of prejudice bias and sometimes personal bad experience that subsequently shapes their views of others on the basis of skin colour, or a distorted cultural assessment.

Cambage is misguided in her criticism of the promo photo which again, is more a product of selective colour identity on her part than any actual racial bus by the AOC.

Reply #847652 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

It's quite laughable that black people not being in a pretty inconsequential photo shoot has become such a big deal. If racism was so rife in Australia I think Cambage could find a more worthy fight than this one.

Reply #847655 | Report this post

Years ago

Just saw pictures of the Chinese, Nigerian, USA, Argentina national basketball teams, are they all racist too????

Reply #847657 | Report this post

Years ago

Nobody comments on the URL " liz-cambage-calls-herself-a-psycho"?

Reply #847661 | Report this post

Years ago

I think team USA basketball should have to select atleast 5 white guys and an asian American on their team too, so you know its diverse and not full of one race, as you know doesnt matter if thats their best team or not, aslong as its diverse. As the smart ones dont care about selection based on skills or merit, just want diversity.

Reply #847663 | Report this post

Years ago

Well done #663
You've somehow got even less of a clue than ME

Reply #847675 | Report this post

Years ago

The US has a greater than 60% white population.

Does that mean that they don't need to bother with having people of colour in their promotional material because it's inconsequential?

Reply #847679 | Report this post

Years ago

Thankyou Koberulz for the way you have managed this discussion. It is difficult to discuss racism with individuals such as ME who have no understanding of what racism is and the impact it has. Congrats to Liz Cambage for making us all aware of the issue

Reply #847686 | Report this post

Years ago

Thank god the 36ers have sudanese, african american, Philipino, indigenous australian players on their roster

Whether we win a game or not, we have nailed diversity

Liz and others will be proud.

Call me crazy, but maybe, just maybe we should just select the best players regardless or race and athletes to participate in the olympics (photo shoots included) and professional sports and any job really. Im pretty sure thats what equal opportunity is meant to be.

Reply #847691 | Report this post

Years ago

What exactly are the criteria for picking the people who are the best at photo shoots?

Reply #847696 | Report this post

Years ago

Liz seems to be the expert on photo shoots so ask her

My guess would be just a fairly random selection from a random range of sports based on who is willing and available and able to get to the location at the set time. Didnt think there needed to be a set criteria.

Another thing that shouldn't need to consider race or religion or anything else.

And in the end its a photo shoot, not a big deal or signal of racism or anything like that.

If Liz dominated training camp and wasnt selected because she is the wrong colour then im all ears and supportive of her, but that has never been the case and never will be, she also doesnt get selected because of her colour, she gets selected because she is a talented athelte just as everyone else does. Putting these things to race etc is disrespectful of the talents of those selected.

Reply #847703 | Report this post

Years ago

She'll play Tokyo 21, Sydney 22 for sure.
France in 24 50/50 Id say. She’ll be almost 33 y.o in France.
Don’t see her at 26 WC at 35y.o
Most like
Most will pass on asia cups.

4 more seasons in wnba gets her 1.2+ million salary.
Doubt she plays wnbl again.

Reply #847706 | Report this post

Years ago

You all are missing the point.. she is trying to raise awareness of the lack of black representation in the sports industry. Why does anything else matter?? You bashing her and questioning her blackness only confirms her claims. If she were white it wouldn't matter because her claims are still valid.

Reply #847792 | Report this post

Years ago

#792 the fact is it's a promo shoot with the available talent. There is a plethora of Australian talent overseas plying there trade. You can only use the cattle you have available. Then took come out with the cringeworthy "I’m in baby" just makes her look pathetic.

Reply #847801 | Report this post

Years ago

'Lack of black representation in the sports industry', you serious?

You watched the NBA, WNBA, NBL, WNBL, even AFL and many other sports?

Reply #847802 | Report this post

Years ago

She wasn't talking about players playing the sport, as if they need to have an equal number of people from each race per team. It is simply about the lack of representation of Black people in the promotional pictures. If you keep on confusing the two it makes you look really stupid.

Reply #847811 | Report this post

Years ago

Its not stupidity, its a deliberate ploy so that they can change the argument to suit them.

Reply #847812 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

"She wasn't talking about players playing the sport, as if they need to have an equal number of people from each race per team. It is simply about the lack of representation of Black people in the promotional pictures. If you keep on confusing the two it makes you look really stupid."

LOL. Take a look at sports promo pics in general and tell me with a straight face there's a "lack of representation". No, there was a lack of representation IN ONE PARTICULAR PHOTO SHOOT and Cambage had a melt down about it. Black athletes well and truly are given their shine in sports and anyone who thinks differently must be stuck in a time warp.

Reply #847815 | Report this post

Years ago

Lack of Black representation in promotion of sports, you serious?

Heard of this Michael Jordan guy?? Or Muhammed Ali?? who are both used to promote sports in various forms decades after they finished playing. Where they white or black? Jordan had the biggest sports doco just about ever released last year 2 decades post retirement

Or more modern examples like LeBron James, Giannis, Zion who are known and celebrated world wide, or more local examples like Bryce Cotton and Casper Ware.

The majority of NBA players are black and their promotions represent this, even in a NBL setting guys like Bryce Cotton and Casper Ware are 2 of the most celebrated and promoted guys in the NBL. Lamelo Ball was probably the most promoted and pushed player in NBL history and he would be similar colour to Liz.

Black althetes are on the medal podium and celebrated in many sports at every Olympics

Sports is actually one are of society where black people are celebrated above most others in the sports which they play and excel at

What colour are most of the Athletes joining LeBron in the new Space Jam movie??

Reply #847817 | Report this post

Years ago

And the above has what to do with the AOC?

Reply #847818 | Report this post

Years ago

I didn't says she said ALL photo shoots. I was referencing the recent Olympic ones specifically.

Reply #847820 | Report this post

Years ago

"Sports is actually one are of society where black people are celebrated above most others"

That was telling...

Reply #847821 | Report this post

Years ago

Same applys to the AOC, go through all the sports and many people of colour represent Australia at the olympics

Some basketball examples are Patty Mills and Liz herself

If they make themselves available this year guys like Ben Simmons, Josh Green, Patty Mills, Mattise Thybulle would all be likely selected for the Boomers, guys like Thon Maker and Duop Reath are also a chance too.

You telling me that the AOC and basketball Australia have never used Patty and Liz to promote the Olympics and Basketball? and that these 2 are not 2 of the most celebrated Olympic basketballers we had and talked about and promoted at the last Olympics?

To call Australian sporting bodies or the Australian sporting public in anyway racist, apart from the odd individual idiot in the crowd who gets punnished, is just dumb, many of our most celebrated athletes in many sports are not white and are people of colour.

Reply #847822 | Report this post

Years ago

"go through all the sports and many people of colour represent Australia at the olympics"

Yes they do. Thats kinda the point.

"To call Australian sporting bodies or the Australian sporting public in anyway racist, apart from the odd individual idiot in the crowd who gets punnished, is just dumb, many of our most celebrated athletes in many sports are not white and are people of colour."

And look what happens when they dare speak up about the racism that they and people that look like them do face. They get told to shut up and focus on their sport.

Reply #847825 | Report this post

Years ago

Or more modern examples like LeBron James, Giannis, Zion who are known and celebrated world wide, or more local examples like Bryce Cotton and Casper Ware.
When are Ware and Cotton ever used in anything? If the NBL wants someone to come out and do promos for something, they get Chris Goulding or Adam Gibson. Every time. Goulding was the only guy the league's marketing department had ever heard of until a year or two ago, and even now he gets pulled up every time they want some material shot (as opposed to just grabbing highlights or slapping a face on a poster or something).

To call Australian sporting bodies or the Australian sporting public in anyway racist, apart from the odd individual idiot in the crowd who gets punnished, is just dumb, many of our most celebrated athletes in many sports are not white and are people of colour.
"I can't be racist, I have black friends".

Reply #847826 | Report this post

Years ago

Gee NBL head office is in Melbourne, Goulding and Gibson live in Melbourne. There may be something in that.

Reply #847827 | Report this post

Years ago

Lol yea exactly

They are also in Melbourne and willing and available in the off season when many of these photos would occur, where as guys like Scotty Hopson and Keifer Sykes would be still over seas and possibly not signed to the NBL when the photo shoots occur.

Watch a broadcast and tell me they dont talk about Bryce Cotton and Casper Ware more than basically anyone else, I would have thought that was also promotion.

We going to pretend that they didnt promote Lamelo Ball or RJ Hampton last year too? They were probably 2 of the most promoted athletes in NBL history.

Reply #847828 | Report this post

Years ago

"Look at all the promotion Cotton and Ware get!"
"The barely get any, that all goes to these white guys."
"Yeah but there's a reason for that."

There may or may not be, but that doesn't make citing the nonexistent promotion they do makes any sense.

But it's good to know that if you're black, you too can get the same media profile as some white people, as long as you're historically good at what you do instead of just being good, or competent, or around for a long time.

Reply #847829 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

This whole conversation is ridiculous so I am going to check out now, after saying there exists a group of people who want to see racism and sexism in everything and don't bother to look any further for explanation. Some of these people are black people, with a bee in their bonnet, who may have experienced real racism in their lives, and therefore now look for it everywhere, even where it isn't. And some of these people, more pathetically, are white, and they want to atone for sins of people who look similar to them, most of whom died hundreds of years ago. They want to be one of the "good white people" and they go around self righteously claiming that yes, everything every other person does is 'racist' and they're the enlightened ones for choosing to shine the way to the rest of us, who are, as Kobe would say "horrendously racist". They think mindlessly labelling thing racist without any evidence makes them good people. It is virtue signalling at its finest.

In this case, we are talking about ONE PARTICULAR PHOTO SHOOT, and you have to do a lot of mental gymnastics and conflating to make this racism. You have to ignore every other explanation including availability of athletes as a cause. You have to assume things like "unconscious bias" without even knowing the races or people behind the photo shoot. You basically have to want the issue to be racism to jump to the conclusion that it is racism, which is precisely what Koberulz, Cambage, and other mental midgets seek to do. Truth and reason is not the end goal to people like this. For people like Cambage, it is about power. It is about her saying "jump" and seeing how high these apologists jump for her. And for people liike KobeRulez, it's not about bringing about real solutions, equality, or anything like that. If people like KobeRulez wanted real, actionable solutions, they wouldn't be in the mud battling over imaginary offenses. You cannot change anything by fighting fights that don't need to be fought. No, this is a selfish crusade for people like him. It's about exorcizing his white guilt complex, grandstanding over other people, and feeling like a virtuous human being, despite being a bit of a jerk.

Reply #847830 | Report this post

Years ago

What has the NBL promoting Melo and RJ got to do with Liz's gripe about the recent Olympic pics?

Reply #847831 | Report this post

Years ago

There is plenty of evidence of ME being racist.

Reply #847832 | Report this post

Years ago

"LOL. Take a look at sports promo pics in general and tell me with a straight face there's a "lack of representation". No, there was a lack of representation IN ONE PARTICULAR PHOTO SHOOT and Cambage had a melt down about it. Black athletes well and truly are given their shine in sports and anyone who thinks differently must be stuck in a time warp."

But this particular shoot was not a grist to the mill thing as you suggest - it was a special event, unveiling the Olympic uniforms which represent the Australian nation. It was a major PR fail - which in hindsight AOC recognized.

My bet is that that if Cambage did not point it out, then one of her mates in the ABC would have eventually gotten onto it.

My gripe is with Cambage's response to Maher in which said she would not listen to him because he was a white male. Maher spoke of the need for respect for team mates and how one athlete's grand standing, issuing threats to withdraw less than 100 days to the Games, threatens team cohesion and ultimately performance. All of Maher's points strike me as both obvious and reasonable. By all means contest the content of the argument Liz, not gaslight your opponent on the basis of their gender and race.

It is not an acceptable form of discourse in liberal, civil society. It is the tactics used by bigots and extremists.

Despite all her gifts, Cambage's response to Maher is consistent with a pattern of behaviour and suggests that she is a toxic presence within the team.

Good luck to BA and the AOC whom are tasked with managing the situation. What a nightmare.

Reply #847833 | Report this post

Years ago

And some of these people, more pathetically, are white, and they want to atone for sins of people who look similar to them, most of whom died hundreds of years ago.
There are people from the Stolen Generation who are still fucking alive. That shit ended in the 1970s, FFS. Not "hundreds of years ago".

In this case, we are talking about ONE PARTICULAR PHOTO SHOOT,
Only if you ignore all the other things that happen. Anything can be described as an isolated incident if you ignore all the other incidents.

You have to assume things like "unconscious bias" without even knowing the races or people behind the photo shoot.
Subconscious bias affects POC just as much as it affects white people, so the races of those behind the photo shoot are fucking irrelevant.

Reply #847834 | Report this post

Years ago

"Some of these people are black people, with a bee in their bonnet, who may have experienced real racism in their lives, and therefore now look for it everywhere, even where it isn't. "

Wow! Generations of Black people have been treated horrendously in Australia and America yet ME just dismisses this as them having a bee in their bonnet.

Reply #847836 | Report this post

Years ago

"There are people from the Stolen Generation who are still fucking alive. That shit ended in the 1970s, FFS. Not "hundreds of years ago"

There are also people who committed some of these (and other) atrocities that are still alive, and they've got kids and grandkids and they've certainly passed their racist beliefs down, yet ignorant people like ME think racism hasn't existed in his lifetime.

Reply #847855 | Report this post

Years ago

Lack of black representation in the sports industry. She is talking about Australia. So don't talk about NBA or WNBA. Talk about AOC, AIS, NRL, AFL, BA, NBL,WNBL. How many people of color are on boards, GM, CEO, head coaching roles in these leagues. Go on start counting. Add swimming , racing , fishing, soccer, what ever you want to add .. even add assistant coaches if you want. Add the Junior National or state level also..

Reply #847880 | Report this post

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