Years ago

2021 U14 Club Nationals

Due to happen in October, some states having their qualification tournaments over the next few weeks. Have had friends in the west tell me that the Willetton Boys have not nominated for the Qualification Tournament!? One has to ask what the hell is going on at the Powerhouse club who are usually are all but guaranteed one of the spots available, such is the strength of their program in the younger age groups. Heads surely will roll over this?

Topic #48447 | Report this topic

Years ago

Heads rolling over U14s teams is a strong term and is a reason why youth sport has some of the worse people attached to it these days, get over yourself.

Its under 14 boys maybe look further down the chain as to the beginning of a programs pathway rather than the one right under your nose.

Heads surely will roll - I roll my eyes at people who think u14s basketball should be taken that seriously.

Reply #846668 | Report this post

Years ago

While I'm here I have a guess (as not from WA) that most of the coaches are volunteers or paid some rubbish attempt at covering costs with a Fulltime DoC and then we expect these casual parents/former players to give you a professional experience on an interns wage. Yet if you moved the needle on price for registration so the coach was actually paid for the hours they put in you'd all be crying that 'its too expensive we're pricing our players out of the game'

Honestly this rant has been building no doubt inside but can we either pay coaches by the hour at a top junior level and by the hour what they are deemed worth or just shut-up

Reply #846669 | Report this post

Years ago

There's a pandemic, calm down.

Reply #846681 | Report this post

Years ago

"baller" has friends?

Reply #846703 | Report this post

Years ago

What's the point of 14 nationals again?

Reply #846738 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon 738 - I mean...really? The U14 nationals is a sensational tournament. Big stage, young kids, super keen parents, all that enthusiasm...

Reply #846747 | Report this post

Years ago

What is the outcome of it? Is it just something that has been done forever and a day and we just keep on running it each year because that's the status quo?
Honest question.

Reply #846749 | Report this post

Years ago

What's the outcome of anything?

Reply #846759 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks koberulz

Reply #846760 | Report this post

Years ago

* Kids get to represent their clubs rather than their states
* 14s is probably the only chance alot of these kids will get to play at a Nationals
* It is probably the most relaxed out of all the nationals and alot of great interstate friendships are made between players, coaches, supporters and officials alike
* 14s also allows BA to identify some of the future talent coming through for 15 Oceania Teams / 16s Asia & World Champs
* There is alot more merit for 14s than there is for Schools or even 20s Nationals. Look at some of the skill level and complete lack of depth in a large majority of the 20s teams this week and its just not there at this age group. Blame COVID all you want but it is rather embarrassing from a national level the low standard of play that there has been in Mackay

Reply #846762 | Report this post

Years ago

Kids enjoy it a lot more than the other national tournaments.

I actually reckon it should be extended into 16s and 18s if anything.

Reply #846763 | Report this post

Years ago

Super keen parents? I wouldnt describe them as that.

Most relaxed environment? Not my experience.

Mostly a waste of time and resources(which I think is Willettons issue).

Reply #846767 | Report this post

Years ago

This decision is indictive of where our club is unfortunately going. Hard pressed to find any one currently at that club who is happy and enjoying the recent changes. Only good thing we have done in 3 years was fire our mens head coach 2 years to late. Other than that the place is a mess. People used to think politics were bad, has only gotten worse in the past 6-12 months. It has been a lot of if you suck some ones arse enough then you will get what you want.

There will be some serious egg on the face action when the mass exodus starts, the once shoe in for the top club in the state as a whole is about to be moving back in the pack.

The club is on a fast track towards imploding, problem is the people who should know this or a tleast be aware are to naïve and have their heads so far up their own arse so they can't see it.

Reply #846768 | Report this post

Years ago

Could not agree more with post above. We have been with the club for ten years. Then to be fine out we were not in the Tournament because we were not on the fixtures, and nobody from the club saying anything to us is an absolute joke. Nobody from the board who made the decision even showed up to discuss why it had been made. Instead they send in the CEO as a scapegoat and then don't answer calls or emails. We still want answers as to why we weren't consulted about this. You promise these boys nationals appearances and we are the elite club in the state for elite junior development, than you do this crap. I look forward to personally seeing the demise of the arrogance, cockiness and lack of accountability that this club has become. We and alot of others will not be here come end of the wabl season and wouldn't even be here that long if we hadn't already paid fees.

Reply #846802 | Report this post

Years ago

People hoping for the demise of a club of one decision, and yes possibly poor handling of it, to not attend Nationals for one year is the epitome of childish.

Say Willetton do travel but have to quarantine for 14 days interstate due to a case back in Perth, you would probably be going off your rocker that they shouldn't have put 12 year olds in that position!!

Parents quickly forget all the positives a club provides for their children in times like these.
Either way you can’t win with basketball parents

Reply #846820 | Report this post

Years ago

Great post, but it doesn't sound as though logic and reason are welcome here

Reply #846833 | Report this post

Years ago

Obviously a little bit of emotional release in this thread.

A little disclaimer I am not from WA, however, I have been involved in basketball and club administration for quite a while.

First piece of advice: if you are not happy put your hand up and volunteer. get involved and make improvements.

Second piece of advice: stop whingeing and stop bringing the club down or you are part of the problem.

Reply #846841 | Report this post

Years ago

Side note: Willetton hasn't actually qualified for the tournament but as always just assumes they will. For too long 14As AJC has been the pinnacle at that club and I have watched the toll every year on parents and kids. Ever wondered why Willo always win everything in 12s & 14s WABL but after that are hit and Miss? Because AjC cooks a lot of people, starting with the kids... Let’s face it, 14s is largely just a race to puberty and if Willo has decided to focus their attention on all ages rather than just one then it has to be a good thing. If you can’t see that and think you are owed a trip to Melbourne to watch your kid come 9th and you will leave a club if you dont get it then it sounds like the problem lies with you not the club...

Reply #846848 | Report this post

Years ago

Why is the event always in Melbourne now and why does that still justify an extra Victorian team?

Reply #846863 | Report this post

Years ago

By the looks of it Willetton have all but one team of their 2nd sides championship division, some clubs don't even have all of their first teams in. They still to be doing ok there.
All this looks like is some parents being great examples to their kids about what to not do when faced with disappointment.
A 'mass exodus’ of a few entitled likely nutbag’s who politic’d their way into a 1’s team, probably just opens the door for the kids in the 2’s who no doubt should have been in that team in the first place.
Regardless, tough call to make , never going to please everyone, especially nutbag entitled parents.
I take it they are going to take out their respective rep league this season? Were they a chance to win nationals?

Reply #846871 | Report this post

Years ago

All of us involved for a long time know how this plays out.
Parents threaten , think they are the centre of universe. Storm out in a huff.
No one really notices and they go on to not change their spots and be a pain in the ass at their new club. And by the end of it their kids are usually nowhere to be seen in a few years.

Reply #846873 | Report this post

Years ago

for poster above - host town / area always gets a wildcard entry if they want

Reply #846882 | Report this post

Years ago

Some funny comments here and I bet if you were bored enough you could find other similar threads about plenty of clubs. It is a classic pushy parent syndrome thinking that a big club needs your kid and not vice versa. As 871 said, they have a lot of 2s teams in championship division, so I don't think your 'mass exodus' will bring the club to its knees.

The reality is that the over the top reaction to Willetton's decision only further highlights the exact problem they needed to fix. Anyone who uses the word elite twice in a sentence when describing their 12yo's basketball club probably needs to check themselves and occasionally ask their kid if they had fun today.

A club built on glory at 14s obviously doesn't really set themselves up for much in terms of a pathway. For the first time it finally looks as though there is starting to be a strong connection between the juniors and seniors. They have added a 2nd women's D League team for their juniors to get a taste of playing seniors instead of just beating up on weaker clubs every 2nd week and have done similar with the mens (albeit in u20s). There is high level coaching available every day for those who want to do extra work. These are things that other clubs don't offer and I am sure that other clubs are striving to be able to deliver.

As someone at another club but with lots of friends at Willetton I have heard nothing but positivity about how the changes in the last year in terms of removing the old school Willo family influence and actually putting in place some proper structure to help the club get the best out of its great base of domestic players. Have they got everything right? Of course not, but have they got a lot more right than they got wrong and set themselves up to keep getting better? Absolutely.

So the comment that you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who has enjoyed the changes being put in place is just flat out wrong as far as I've heard. It probably comes from someone who has relied on friendships and family connections to get their way in the past and now their kid has to rely on their own talent and work ethic like everyone else. If you find that difficult to cop, then you'd better get that transfer and start making new friends who can get your kid into teams at your next club.

Reply #846885 | Report this post

Years ago

The muppets have gone quiet after seeing the responses to their 'outrage'

Reply #846887 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think anything above explains why Willetton pulling out of the qualification tournament is a positive, especially after they campaigned to have it moved to this weekend from its originally planned date a month or so ago.

It's unlikely to go ahead due to COVID restrictions anyway, now.

Reply #846888 | Report this post

Years ago


Sure don't make 14s the focus of your development program but that doesn't justify not participating and letting the results decide if the team qualifies or not.

Reply #846892 | Report this post

Years ago

Sounds like being overly cautious in time of uncertainty. There's currently no Bball being played in wa and looking unlikely to change this weekend.

Maybe abit too much but I would rather than than being cowboy like some others will operate.

Reply #846893 | Report this post

Years ago

Seeing that this topic started around under 14 club nationals. What club has won the most in the history of the nationals?

Reply #846960 | Report this post

Years ago

Bulleen In total??

Reply #846961 | Report this post

Years ago

Or where could I find out which team /club has won the most just so I know where to put my under 12 player for next year

Reply #846963 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #846964 | Report this post

Years ago

Looks like I have to move to Victoria so I can send my 12-year-old to the elite Bulleen club lol

Reply #846965 | Report this post

Years ago

Imagine Melb Tigers would have won a number of these - they tend to have strong u14 teams.

Reply #846976 | Report this post

Years ago

What about the 'powerhouse' Willetton? Are they up there judging by this carry on?

Reply #846984 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #846985 | Report this post

Years ago

Seriously who are the teams to look out for this year?

Qld g
Logan t
Southern d
Cairns d

Qld b
Gold c
Southern d
Cairns d

Reply #846987 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #846992 | Report this post

Years ago

What about the 'powerhouse' Willetton? Are they up there judging by this carry on?
They're the only WA club to have ever won it, according to that list.

Reply #846997 | Report this post

Years ago

Melb Tigers we're v strong in the 80s! Looking at the list, not as strong in recent years - last won the boys side in 2010.

Reply #847014 | Report this post

Years ago

Willo are the only team to ever hold any relevancy from wa, lets not kid our selves

Reply #847040 | Report this post

Years ago

Willo team did beat out, Jackson, Taylor, veal teams.

Reply #847115 | Report this post

Years ago

Original guy sounds fat bald and bitter, perhaps rose or other coloured glasses.

Reply #847147 | Report this post

Years ago

Still as KR has pointed out, it's been alot of people attacking the OP but nobody has actually answered why the Board at Willetton made such a decision without consulting the team at least in the first place. That is the major question here, because they do hold themselves so highly in the younger age groups above most if not all other clubs in WA. I can think of only three clubs which regularly compete consistently with Willetton in those U12 and U14 age groups in Perry Lakes, Warwick and to a slightly lesser extent Rockingham but even then, alot of that is coaching related rather than actual depth of talent.

Reply #847152 | Report this post

Years ago

Boards have to consult parents about club decisions?!? Ahh, no. The purpose of Boards is to make decisions on behalf of the club as they have the full picture in terms of risks, resource requirements etc.

Reply #847172 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't know if this was the plastering the OP was hoping for.

Reply #847173 | Report this post

Years ago


To look out for, realistically from SA

U14 B
South Adelaide are the top team in metro league - wouldn't expect them to do much at Nationals though
The top end of the U14 comp is reasonably close

U14 G
Norwood and Forestville should be finishing in at least the quarter-finals at Nationals
They are both a long way ahead of the rest of the pack and both teams have top quality guards and bigs.

Reply #847174 | Report this post

Years ago

Ahh, no. The purpose of Boards is to make decisions on behalf of the club as they have the full picture in terms of risks, resource requirements etc.
Sure, but why was the decision made? A month ago they demanded the tournament be delayed so they'd have all their players available. Now it's on the date they wanted, and they pull out on the week of?

Reply #847175 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe Willetton are finally realising there is more to life than club championships.

Maybe it will force some of the toxic parents to chill and stop trying to live their life through their kids.

Also, don't put Rockingham in the same conversation as those other clubs.

Reply #847178 | Report this post

Years ago

Kobe, you said it yourself, there's a pandemic. Things change, and I reckon the last fortnight in WA probably exposed the risks a bit more and they decided they didn't want to put their club in that position

Reply #847198 | Report this post

Years ago

Incorrect it was actually warwick who got the initial date changed because one kid wasnt available

Reply #847205 | Report this post

Years ago

If you play willo in any game this year just know they will be "forcing left". Because that is going to teach all the kids great tecnhique defensively and go against everything bwa want to do on defense. I am sure all the coach's are loving coaching that.

Reply #847206 | Report this post

Years ago

You realise that any defence is designed to force players either right or left, technique is required for both directions, yeah?

Reply #847207 | Report this post

Years ago

Kobe, you said it yourself, there's a pandemic. Things change, and I reckon the last fortnight in WA probably exposed the risks a bit more and they decided they didn't want to put their club in that position
It's absolutely a valid concern that there could be an outbreak either here or in Melbourne at a time that costs a team the chance to participate, and potentially adds hotel quarantine costs to the travel bill. Which is why I made my earlier comment. That risk hasn't really changed, but I can understand the past week or two having brought it to the forefront of some minds.

That said: there's zero reason not to communicate that to the parents and players involved in the team. Further to that, as far as I know all the travel and such is paid for by the families, not by the club, so what does the club actually stand to lose? I don't think it would be nothing, but it's also not an entire team's travel bill. If it's concern over potential quarantine or the loss of the tournament, or both, then surely it should be put to the parents to have them make the decision?

Given that they had the tournament postponed from its previous date, and were still included as of a week ago, all this stuff about focusing on other things and the broader direction of the club really doesn't seem to have anything to do with it. You don't make a change that drastic overnight, and there's no reason you can't focus on the older kids and attend nationals.

Reply #847220 | Report this post

Years ago

Kobe, club champ teams bring the worst out in parents and kids.

Politics at its worst.

Just ask the kids who have quit straight after, or changed clubs.

Smart move, it'll annoy a few parents and they’ll get over themselves when they realise in 12 months their child won’t make a state team anyway.

Reply #847230 | Report this post

Years ago

Willo is set to turn into joondalup 2.0!!! The next great club to sink to the bottom as the Thwaites Express goes CHOOO CHOOO CHOOO through the competition! #Cougarandtigerexilefamily!!!

Reply #847353 | Report this post

Years ago

Congrats to Warwick, Rockingham & East Perth in qualifying today for the Boys U14 Club Nationals.

Anon 847178 this is where you write your retraction re Rockingham teams not being in that conversation. As said previously, they might not be overall powerhouses down there but when they have one of their better coaches leading their 14 Champ teams, they always go close to touring.

Reply #847369 | Report this post

Years ago

Interested to see the girls, quite a few talented ones there.

Reply #847371 | Report this post

Years ago

Does anyone know now many teams from each State attend these u14 championships? Cheers

Reply #847398 | Report this post

Years ago

4 from big states, some 3, some 2, some 1 like Canberra

Reply #847402 | Report this post

Years ago

I thought there were normally 8 Vic teams, or am I confusing this event with the National Junior Classic held in Vic??

Reply #847503 | Report this post

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