Jack Toft
Years ago
Melbourne v Perth May5
Game of the round has been saved for last. It's 1 v 2 in what is going to be huge. Melbourne have popped the champagne corks 11 times in a row and have the Pol Roger on ice ready for #12. What a scalp it would be.
It's one all in the series and it's all tied up on 0 points too. Perf are the ultimate white line experts. No end of season trips to Columbia, even if Cassie offers them free headphones. They seem to know when they need to win and when it comes to big games, they lift. As Darth Vader said, "strong people don't put others down, they lift them up" Perf will be looking to be the party poopers tonight.
Full Kudos to Melbourne for their run. It's easy to hold up ten fingers for a win, but only some Tasmanians can count to 12 on their fingers. We all know Melbournians are just Tasmanians on their way to Sydney.
My kiss of death is for United to get their 12, Perf to flop at the end.