Years ago
Tom Garlepp is a protected species
Tom Garlepp appeared before the judiciary at BNSW either last night or tonight for walking onto the court at Crusaders on the weekend to attend an injured player and as he walked on he steps to his right towards a crusaders player and deliberately hits the player with an elbow and his shoulder.
He then steps a metre to the left towards his player who was on the floor to assist him.
The referees tech foul him which is his 2nd so he has to leave the court and head to the change rooms till the game ends.
At the judiciary he gets a 2 week suspension and a 6mth suspended sentence.
One reason apparently given was because he is the NSW U/20 Womens State coach for the upcoming nationals in May and he only got 2 weeks so he can attend the nationals.
That is a joke because if you see what he does and for striking a player the maximum sentence is 52 weeks as per judiciary sentencing.
He should have been made an example of and suspended longer so he misses the nationals and maybe then he would learn a lesson
BNSW have now set a precedent to judiciaries that may follow and they wonder why associations have o confidence in them.