Years ago

Olivia Simmons allegations

What's this all about?

For Isaac's sake, don't discuss the truth or otherwise of allegations, just how this might impact Ben or what might happen moving forward.

The Melbourne-based sister of Aussie basketball sensation Ben Simmons has made shocking claims that she was abused by their half-brother, Sean Tribe.

Olivia Simmons, a mother and basketball coach, detailed her ordeal as a child, saying Tribe, who is also Simmons' manager, molested her from a young age.

Tribe released a statement on Saturday night, which was said to be on behalf of the Simmons family, denying Olivia’s claims and alleging she had been battling mental illness issues.

The Herald Sun is not suggesting the allegations are true, only that they have been made.

Topic #48345 | Report this topic

Years ago

If true why did she not tell Ben when it became clear that Tribe would be an integral part of Ben's life.

Why did she wait so long?

Why didn't she tell Mum and Dad?

These allegations sound pure fiction.

Reply #841859 | Report this post

Years ago

ME is going to have a field day with this one.

Sorry Lovebroker, those options you think she should have taken doesnt mean her allegations are false.

Reply #841863 | Report this post

Years ago

For Isaac's sake, don't discuss the truth or otherwise of allegations

Nice try. It worked for all of .. zero posts.
It's a big ask though. I mean with all these facts we have, it's hard to resist posting our verdicts.

Reply #841864 | Report this post

Years ago

The response from Tribe/etc:

Reply #841867 | Report this post

Years ago

No one has been charged with anything here, so it's a different situation to other current events. I'm not sure exactly what Isaac's risks are. I meant, just use common sense and don't post anything potentially defamatory.

Reply #841868 | Report this post

Years ago

Tricky situation for Ben to navigate though, given he's reportedly quite close to her and obviously also close with his half brother and manager.

I wonder if the US media will give this any air.

Reply #841871 | Report this post

Years ago

A known drama queen with her latest desperate attempt for part of her brother's fortune.

Reply #841872 | Report this post

Years ago

Whether this is true or not, Lovebroker your post above is exactly why so many women do not report abuse. Disgusting.

Reply #841876 | Report this post

Years ago

Truth is no one knows except for the family,

Reply #841877 | Report this post

Years ago

given he's reportedly quite close to her
I imagine it's a complicated situation. He blocked her on Twitter at one point after she made a string of pointed posts in his direction.

On the topic, I can't see how they resolve this. She's asked for support. They've indicated they provide support, but it's contingent on her upholding her side (presumably consistent appointments/medication). The article doesn't mention police or any investigation, so if either party is adamant of their position, how is there likely to be any resolution?
"I've been asking for therapy but my family would rather sweep it under the rug because it could damage my brothers brand. I'm over hiding."
Would therapy in this situation realistically involve the alleged abuser, the mother she implies was made aware, or would it generally be between the individual and their therapist? I would've thought a therapist would ascertain possibility of involving the mother but otherwise proceed one-on-one with the patient?

Reply #841882 | Report this post

Years ago

Olivia has now said that statement did not come from the Simmons family. She asked her father why he made the statement but he said he didnt. Seem like Tribe is using the Simmons name to make his denial seem more legit.

Reply #841884 | Report this post

Years ago

You got some pretty twisted priorities LV. Creek gets charged and stood down, you worry about how it might impact your all Melbourne GF. Simmons' sister make some serious accusations about a family member and you worry about the impact on Ben.

Reply #841893 | Report this post

Perth fan.  
Years ago

It does not matter how this impacts Men.
It does matter how this affects Olivia.

Reply #841897 | Report this post

Years ago

Olivia has now said that statement did not come from the Simmons family. She asked her father why he made the statement but he said he didnt.
Possible that the statement was from Tribe/Simmons/other-sister who work with/around him? If her interest is in financing therapy, that could make sense if they've collectively financed it in the past. If her interest is in coordinating other parties in therapy, I assume her mother would be the option. If she wanted justice, then is there something besides police/law that is going to help with that?

It's certainly possible that the mix of everything confuses the issue and her decisions. e.g., feeling like family don't believe her, or believe her but don't want to rock a boat, etc.

Reply #841898 | Report this post

Years ago

"You got some pretty twisted priorities LV. Creek gets charged and stood down, you worry about how it might impact your all Melbourne GF. Simmons' sister make some serious accusations about a family member and you worry about the impact on Ben."

How dare he discuss the impact that these controversial events have on basketball on a basketball forum, nested under the "NBA" topic! Outrageously on-topic!

Reply #841912 | Report this post

Sean Tribe is an abuser. Anyone who has spent any time around the family understands the truth in these allegations.

Go Liv. Speak your truth.

Reply #841927 | Report this post

Years ago

'Why did she wait so long?'

Do you know the average time it takes someone to report sexual abuse (and there are reasons including facing responses such as on here)??

Reply #841945 | Report this post

Years ago

Exactly right Scout.
Lovebroker you are a horrible human being.

Reply #841953 | Report this post

Years ago need to education yourself, son.

Reply #841991 | Report this post

Years ago

NOt sure whats going on here but the whole of the family said it didn't occur.

Reply #841993 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

It's interesting how the Herald Sun notes consistently in the article "Herald Sun is not saying these accusations are true". While the presumption of innocence is meant to be a given, it is usually not stated quite so demonstrably in the media the way it has been in this case.

The articles even, conveniently, note her bipolar. Anyone who has followed her on Twitter for any amount of time knows that saying crazy stuff is basically how she breathes, which draws more question over her allegations. This looks like another moronic comment on the back of a lifetime of publicly making moronic comments.

"Olivia has now said that statement did not come from the Simmons family. She asked her father why he made the statement but he said he didnt. Seem like Tribe is using the Simmons name to make his denial seem more legit."

To start with, TRIBE IS the Simmons family. Olivia saying that her dad said something is no more valid at this point than Tribe saying the family made a statement. Tribe remains Simmons manager. I'd say the family is probably sticking by him. You have to remember, if anything legal to head on this situation, TRIBE making a false statement to encompass the family would be used against him.

"It does not matter how this impacts Men.
It does matter how this affects Olivia."

Let's just throw the presumption of innocence right out the window, shall we? Look, we all know these things happen. But when taking a case on, you have to look at everyone's credibility. Olivia's credibility is absolutely shot. She sounds unhinged almost every waking moment of her life. She has the ultimate bee in her bonnet. Why would we not approach her claims with healthy scepticism?

"A known drama queen with her latest desperate attempt for part of her brother's fortune."

This is the most likely scenario but then again it might not be as straight forward as this when taking bipolar into account. Someone who is unmedicated and who has bipolar can do some things that seem to have no rhyme or reason to them. She might even believe the events happened.

And then, of course, maybe they did happen? It might even be the answer to why she is the way she is. None of us were there so we can't say with any certainty what happened. We can only say that a person who is unhinged and who has said crazy things before, and who has a condition, is making a very, very serious claim. She's not taking that claim to the police and it's not being investigated through proper channels so I think we can treat the claim with scepticism until it goes in a serious direction. Anyone can say anything about anyone after all...

Reply #842022 | Report this post

Years ago

"She sounds unhinged almost every waking moment of her life. She has the ultimate bee in her bonnet. Why would we not approach her claims with healthy scepticism?"

Just because you've decided other things she has said are wrong, doesn't mean everyone else does.

If we're talking about credibility, shall we talk about some of the batshit crazy things you believe in?

Reply #842032 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

Yawn. Clearly you've never watched her videos. And as I said, even if what she says is crazy, doesn't mean this isn't true. Clearly you've only glazed over my comment and decided to reply without even bothering to read what I said.

Reply #842064 | Report this post

Years ago

I read what your entire post and the part that jumped out at me was that you think she her allegations should be met with healthy skepticism. I'm wondering if you are happy to apply that measure equally to others because I'm sure you have repeated a whole bunch of stuff in recent months that was widely disproven, and ultimately admitted to have been false.

Reply #842075 | Report this post

Years ago

I suppose the allegations against Christian Porter should be automatically be thrown out be cause she had mental health problems, or your term "bat shit crazy".
Fucking Moron!!!

Reply #842077 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

"I'm sure you have repeated a whole bunch of stuff in recent months that was widely disproven, and ultimately admitted to have been false."

Such as?

"I suppose the allegations against Christian Porter should be automatically be thrown out be cause she had mental health problems, or your term "bat shit crazy".
Fucking Moron!!!"

You'd have to be the only person on earth who'd read the comment I made and think that I said the allegations should be "automatically thrown out". But then again, anyone who thinks Liv has been saying logical things for the past many years is without question, to use your verbage, a "fucking moron".

Reply #842078 | Report this post

Years ago

I suppose the allegations against Christian Porter should be automatically be thrown out be cause she had mental health problems, or your term "bat shit crazy".
Fucking Moron!!!
Please try to at least argue a point in a reasonable manner. This jump-to-extremes at the drop of a hat is unnecessary.

Reply #842080 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

It could have an impact on Ben as having "static" like this in the background can interrupt his thought processes.

Sean Tribe was born 1986 and Olivia Simmons 1991, Ben in 1996.

She claims the abuse started when she was young (pre puberty?) and I suspect that Ben being 5 years younger would be oblivious to anything as stuff growing up so it probably is a shock.

In terms of the connection between abuse and mental health issues, there is quite a link to abuse forming mental health issues after abuse and so to raise that may actually confirm abuse has occurred. Lots of Q's in relation to when her mental health issues presented, which is common in puberty, or if there is a bit of dope smoking (strong link to schizophrenia)

I don't think the post is about whether the allegations are true or false, but what effect they will have on Ben.
She is the big sister, so if the relationship between him and her was good, I would say it would affect him a lot. In terms of the media, if the media carryon about it, then it would have the same affect.
I would not be surprised if his performance dropped off a little bit due to the static

Reply #842083 | Report this post

Years ago

"I'm sure you have repeated a whole bunch of stuff in recent months that was widely disproven, and ultimately admitted to have been false."

Such as?

US Election fraud...

Reply #842085 | Report this post

Years ago

or if there is a bit of dope smoking (strong link to schizophrenia)

Where did this come from?

Reply #842086 | Report this post

Years ago

Whether this is true or not, Lovebroker your post above is exactly why so many women do not report abuse. Disgusting.

I was really hoping someone would say this. Thank you.

I don't dismiss claims of such heinous acts off the bat, but when they are accompanied by other factors like the ones listed below, one loses credibility and their actions just don't pass the reasonableness test.

1) She has a history of social media posts that are considered a bit extreme and not within the normal band of reason. Take Ben's casino episode for example.

2) She has a long history of mental health issues.

3) Her own family have denied it ever happened, in fact continue to stand behind the accused.

4) Why didn't she come out with this earlier? She has full control over running her mouth on Social media, why not go all in?

5) Now that she has come out on social media, why hasn't a police investigation been initiated? People LOVE to lean on the 'stigma' as a reason for not coming out. Well she's embraced 'the stigma' whoeheartedly, but despite having the 'shame' she didn't go for the benefit of the police report. Why?

Even her own family have used the word, fabricated.

Let me just say that none of the above I have listed 100% mean the claims made are false, these are serious claims and should be taken seriously by undertaking the due due process has been initiated.

These crimes are particularly heinous and I want anyone found guilty to be punished to the full extent of the law. But when one is falsely accused with no evidence, no backing whatsoever, there should be a corresponding punishment for people who aim to damage innocent parties' reputation.

Reply #842098 | Report this post

Years ago

Thank you for reinforcing what has already been said about you Lovebroker.

Take your misogynistic BS elsewhere.

Reply #842106 | Report this post

Years ago

[But when one is falsely accused with no evidence, no backing whatsoever, there should be a corresponding punishment for people who aim to damage innocent parties' reputation.]

Well see, this is the interesting thing about all of this, isn't it?

Who is the "innocent party" you speak of- Sean Tribe. I don't know much about this guy but I'm assuming his main role in life is Ben Simmons manager?

But here's the thing. Who cares about Sean Tribe? By extension, bringing this into the public sphere will damage Ben Simmons- who's allegedly close to Olivia.

I guess I'm asking, if this is false, or maliciously false in order to damage a reputation as you allege, what's the point? What is Olivia's end game?

It sort of makes more sense that she genuinely believes it and wants to convince Ben of this too. Thus hurting Sean by hurting the Ben-Sean relationship.

Who knows what's true. But the way this is playing out is interesting.

I'd like to hear from other members of the family. Like Ben, and his Dad. So far we have social media allegations, and a response from the accused. But no one else has spoken directly.

If Ben Simmons in fact believes this is all false, then he may just be (behind the scenes) ensuring Olivia gets the help she needs. That may be happening. We just don't know. But if Ben's genuinely unsure, this will be playing on his mind no doubt.

Reply #842107 | Report this post

Years ago

LoveBroker, literally nothing you said provides any insight whatsoever on the validity of Olivia's claim and, as has been noted by others, just plays into the usual "she cray" way of writing off allegations forever.

Reply #842109 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

"US Election fraud..."

Okay, try again. I literally never said the election was a flat out fraud. I think at absolute most I asked questions. I never said 'the US election is a fraud' so how you can make the statement I was making outrageous claims when I never actually made a claim of any kind is beyond me. Pretty big difference between asking questions and acquiring data than flat out making a statement. But I wouldn't expect you to be across and nuance of any kind. You're clearly one of those black or white thinkers who knows nothing about nothing, as evidenced by everything you've said on this thread, and the assumptions you've absolutely catapulted yourself into.

"Thank you for reinforcing what has already been said about you Lovebroker.

Take your misogynistic BS elsewhere"

I love comments like this. They never engage with the points made, they just name call, act completely shocked that anyone could have a different view to them, and try to take the moral high ground.

Simply contemplating whether someone with a mental health issue, could maybe not be recollecting things accurately is now "misogynistic BS".

I really hope the anonymous who is out there saying all this doesn't get wrongly accused of anything, because he'd be walking in the police station giving himself for an imagined crime. Anything else, of course, would be "misogynistic Bs"

"I guess I'm asking, if this is false, or maliciously false in order to damage a reputation as you allege, what's the point? What is Olivia's end game?"

We don't need to know her end game. She has a mental illness. There doesn't need to be a coherent end game that makes sense to anyone else.

"I'd like to hear from other members of the family. Like Ben, and his Dad. So far we have social media allegations, and a response from the accused. But no one else has spoken directly."

I highly doubt they will. They're going to want this issue to go away as quickly as possible I suspect. I would take the statement that was released as a reflection of the thoughts of the family. Why? Because if they're not, that statement can and will be used against him in a court of law. He likely was under a lawyer's directive to make that statement.

Reply #842111 | Report this post

Years ago

Thank you for reinforcing what has already been said about you Lovebroker.

Take your misogynistic BS elsewhere.

I have questioned the statement / actions of one woman.

Does that equate to attacking the entire gender?

Reply #842114 | Report this post

Years ago

LoveBroker, literally nothing you said provides any insight whatsoever on the validity of Olivia's claim and, as has been noted by others, just plays into the usual "she cray" way of writing off allegations forever.

I don't have the facts of the case.
I have what I can see visually from here that runs counter to logic. Eg since she has made it public, why hasn't she pursued for justice by reporting this to police?

Shouldn't bringing the perpetrator to 12 of his peers be at the forefront of a reasonable person?

Reply #842115 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't have the facts of the case.

I'm guessing no one here does.
Which makes it kinda pointless for people to present their verdicts.
I'm not sure what compels people to do this, or what they hope to achieve.

I get that the topic is of interest here since it involves Ben, but even the original article is pretty much stopping at "Here's what someone tweeted. We're not commenting"

Mental illness might make someone's abuse allegations less credible. Mental illness might also be the result of being abused.

Reply #842117 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

Who knows how it effects Ben. They're probably not going to let it overly effect his brand as it has little to directly do with him. I imagine the story will die out unless there are court proceedings and if there are, Ben will be wise to excuse himself from making much of a comment on it.

It would obviously have to weigh on him mentally and his personal life though. That's unavoidable. One sibling is making an extremely serious accusation about another. It's potentially family-destroying stuff going on here. Even if the claim is true, the family may want to suppress it given the kind of damage it could yet do.

But the validity of her claim cannot be properly assessed until if, and when, the police get involved. I stand by everything I have said on her character and how things look to me. But it isn't up to anyone here to investigate it and make any verdict. I have said before, and so Anonymous can read it for the third time, I'll say it again - HER CLAIM MIGHT BE TRUE.

Either way Ben's family situation is a mess right now.

Reply #842120 | Report this post

Years ago

"I only asked questions" about an absolute batshit crazy conspiracy theory that the main prosecution has recently admitted that no reasonable person would believe, is not the defence that you think it is.

You'd have to mental issues of your own to not understand that the US Election fraud was a giant myth from day one.

Reply #842123 | Report this post

Years ago

ME and LoveBroker, I'm not sure whether to feel sorry for you or to feel angry at your lack of understanding.

Reply #842127 | Report this post

Years ago

If the timeline was Olivia as a 3-8yo and Ben is 5 years younger, these events run from before his birth until he was all of three years old. Doubt he should respond to this publicly.

His actions are going to be guided by the words of his sister, mother and half-brother. I'd guess he's heard everything there is to hear from all three, unless someone changes their position. I assume few would be in a better position to assess the sister's allegations in the context of her mental illness than the family coming up alongside it over the years.

I don't recall the original article having it, but re-reading later, it mentions something about flashbacks starting in 2016. It's not clear whether the memories of incidents start then or just flashbacks.

Given the lack of information or formal investigation, it's all a pretty fruitless topic to discuss when it comes to anything but the bit that pertains to Hoops - how it might impact Ben Simmons, etc.

Reply #842136 | Report this post

Years ago

Annnnnnnd her account is gone!

Reply #842286 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #842300 | Report this post

Years ago

"Ms Simmons claims she recalled the alleged abuse in 2016 during suppressed memories therapy, according to the documents"

Was this reported earlier? My understanding is that true repressed memories are extremely rare and repressed memory therapy is treated with great skepticism by most psychologists.

Reply #859413 | Report this post

You Know Who  
Years ago

I was sexually abused as a child.
Took me 40 years to report it.

As a child you don't know what do. Abusers get away with it because one of their tactics is to praise the victim for "enjoying" it. As a kid, you're scared, embarrassed, and don't know where to turn. In truth you suspect that nobody will take it seriously. Wasn't till I was much older that I realised that had I told my Dad, he would have beaten the shit out of the low-life.

Then you get to the point where you figure nothing is to be gained, and you best just get on with your life. You THINK you can bury it.

Sure, don't believe 95% of what you read on the internet, especially claims repeated by a 3rd party. But Victims need to be listened to.

If she was a "Drama Queen" and was going to make shit up, generally a fabricator will invent one of two types of story. An attention seeker will invent a story that allows her to bask in the limelight. Otherwise they tend to invent something that does maximum damage to their target without embarrassing themselves. It's not impossible, but it's less likely she would completely fabricate stories of incest.

You've got to understand that their is deep disgust, shame, and self-loathing attached to these experiences. It's unlikely that someone would seek to amplify those feelings.

Reply #859421 | Report this post

Years ago

That's all true, but repressed memory is the one thing that is going to make me super skeptical of claims, because the field is almost entirely bullshit and most "repressed" memories are simply planted there by unethical hacks.

Reply #859424 | Report this post

You Know Who  
Years ago

And on a completely different, but related, note, it's utterly bizarre just how sick and twisted a family's relationships can become.

My ex's 14yr old niece sought assistance from a family friend, to obtain birth-control, ostensibly because she wanted to have sex with her boyfriend. When the friend declined to help without informing her mother, she revealed allegations that she had been regularly having sex with her older brother. This was reported to police, who investigated and charged the brother. He was convicted by a jury and sent to prison.
Her entire crazy-ass family believes the young man is innocent, and that she made the whole thing up.
Yet continues to have a "normal" (for them) relationship with the girl.
I don't see how you can have it both ways? Either She's a traumatised victim, or a lying little bitch who sent her brother to prison.
I don't know enough to have an opinion, but still think it's one or the other.
(Due to the loser her mother married, the whole family is feral, and I suspect short a chromosome or two.)

Reply #859429 | Report this post

Years ago

Have you ever thought about getting a blog?

Reply #859432 | Report this post

You Know Who  
Years ago

When a victim speaks up, the first thing that far too many people say is "Why did they wait so long, they must be making it up."

So you can understand why they lean on a professional and claim the memories only "surfaced" under Psychological Counselling.

And it can be strange how the mind works.
I had a similar, but bizarrely opposite experience.
I was repeatedly abused, and raped, by a scout-leader as a child of 11 & 12. I never managed to forget any of it. But when I finally confronted those demons, and gave a full account to Authorities (the single most gut-wrenching thing I have ever done) It was like a dam burst, and suddenly a bunch of positive memories of that time of my life came flooding back. I guess that for 40 years I had been trying to lock that entire period of my life away, but then suddenly I'm having all these memories of what a great time it was to be a kid. (Mate's birthdays, sailing on the Swan, playing Cricket, going camping.)
Where were those memories?? Clearly they existed, and I assume I would have found them had I gone looking...

Reply #859435 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #871118 | Report this post

You Know Who  
Years ago

Not sure what, if anything, that proves.
That the guy had the money to use a high-power lawyer and the legal system to get a default judgement doesn't mean much either way.

Still appears to be her word against his, and no way of knowing who's telling the truth. Very sad for all concerned.

Reply #871136 | Report this post

Years ago

You don't even need the high powered layer if the other party never shows up to court.

Reply #871138 | Report this post

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