Don't get me wrong, love watching Melbourne play great fast paced athletic high energy fun ball.
At times though, there is no real leader to step up and absolutely dominate for stretches when it’s do or die time. I know they can with the very talented roster (of coarse injuries are a huge factor) but with a consistently over the season that’s more like Swiss cheese. In contrast to say a consistent mvp player each year whos shot release, assists and speed is getting better each year. Plus lives for the clutch moments almost every game to put the cats over the line to win. With Melbourne when it starts to crack, it’s like no one knows how to move the ball with confidence and run the risk of getting picked apart. Then turnovers and communication seem to disappear. (I’ve watched a lot of games from the courtside and the last finials with melb and perth. Hopefully that’s something they have sorted out, but going against a team that has a weapon who says, "it’s winning time now in crunch situations" and thrives! If it’s tied up with 2mins to go, sorry I’ll be all in on cotton sealing the deal. To have the explosive first step that late in the game that creates himself just enough room too take the shot that mostly drops..... I just can’t see Melbourne running away (out of reach of coarse) where the cats take the game into the mud and keep it close enough and close it out.