Jack Toft
Years ago

Illawarra v SEM Apr 1

Just when you thought Phoenix were up Mitch Creek without a paddle, up pops a familiar face. Oh, it's going to be tempting for the Hawks DJ when Mitch goes for free throws or has the ball to play "Bad Boys", but I’m sure they’ll just play “I fought the law and the law won”, or something inoffensive.

It’s neck and crop with these two teams. Both are on 10 and 8 and a win tonight is a double point game because the loser slips towards the Kings and Bullets who are chasing 4th spot like an ALP muck raker chasing a Liberal staffer for a scandal.

The race for 4th spot is as choked as the Suez Canal and there’s not enough lube to move things on. Illawarra at home will be tough and their home crowd has to be one of the most colorful crowds in the NBL, even old mate with his beer

SEM should be up for the challenge and have the fresh legs. They are 2 from 2 this season and could be the bogie team for the Hawks, just like the Sixers are the bogie team for the Cats, but I have a gut feeling the Hawks might just put the cuffs on these bad boys tonight.

Topic #48305 | Report this topic

Years ago

Is this game going ahead?

or will the baying mob, led by KR, storm the court with their pitchforks, baying for Creek's blood?

Or will they remain peaceful and merely stage a sit in until Creek is escorted out of the stadium?

Reply #840145 | Report this post

Years ago

Piss off, dude.

Reply #840146 | Report this post

Perth fan.  
Years ago

SEM by 6.

Reply #840149 | Report this post

Years ago

Creek himself shouldn't play but he will and get some type of reception.

You will more then likely have some osters in this forum whinge about how Mt Gambier or the Central coast don't have a team.

SEM should win.

Reply #840150 | Report this post

Years ago

LV likes his violence like he likes his beer.


Reply #840151 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd like to see Mitchell show some balls and keep Creek on the bench for the entire game.

Reply #840152 | Report this post

Years ago

Love all your work jack. :::))))

Can we keep Creek out of slanging match on the game day. The decision has been made and there is two sides to all accounts.

Illawarra by 11 if Harvey plays.

Reply #840161 | Report this post

Years ago

Can't wait for the commentators to mention nothing about Creek being away and act like it's business as usual. Nothing to see here!

Reply #840166 | Report this post

Years ago

What should they say?

Reply #840167 | Report this post

Manly Man  
Years ago

Harvey seems out

Reply #840169 | Report this post

Years ago

Why do you think Harvey is out? There's been no reports of that. Bairstow is a game time decision.

Reply #840171 | Report this post

Perth fan.  
Years ago

Ok if Creek plays and snags Bunnings player of the game I wonder how awkward the interview would be.

Reply #840173 | Report this post

Years ago

Creek will play and skyes is not?

Reply #840177 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't agree with the Creek decision.

But I hope for the good of the NBL the game carries on per normal as if Creek was coming back from an injury refreshed.

The commentators would have been told to avoid that topic at all costs, even if the crowd give it to him.

The cameras will not pan to crowds giving him grief on that topic.

Because of their insistence to play, I hope SEM lose and lose.

Reply #840199 | Report this post

Years ago

"I'd like to see Mitchell show some balls and keep Creek on the bench for the entire game."

would that be Mitchell 'showing some balls', or would it be him acting as Judge & Jury? Creek has not been found guilty yet of anything and folks should remember that.

Reply #840200 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh Ffs there is another thread for people to pretend they are lawyers

Reply #840201 | Report this post

Perth fan.  
Years ago

Back to topic this game is crucial to both sides (3rd and 4th respectively).

Four teams , these two along with Sydney and Brisbane fighting for two playoff spots.

Reply #840205 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd like to see Mitchell show some balls and keep Creek on the bench for the entire game.

I like this idea too.

As a Cats fan I'm obviously constantly on the lookout for opportunities to boo people, and this seems like a good one for Hawks fans. I hope they verbally express their displeasure with his actions at every opportunity.

Reply #840208 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone have any news on Harvey?

Reply #840248 | Report this post

Years ago

Harvey is starting. All clear.

Reply #840249 | Report this post

Years ago

Why is Mitch always untucked but every other player has to tuck their shirt in to step on the court

Reply #840253 | Report this post

Years ago

Harvey is off injured. Unclear.

Reply #840254 | Report this post

Years ago

Because tucking in a wife beater isn't a fashionable.

Reply #840255 | Report this post

Years ago

poor form by hawks fans

Reply #840256 | Report this post

Years ago

Creek getting booed every time he touches the ball.

Reply #840257 | Report this post

Years ago

Not guilty yet.

Reply #840258 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #840259 | Report this post

Years ago

There are actually Hawks fans at the game to boo Creek?

Reply #840260 | Report this post

Years ago

Only the men are booing Creek, everyone else is scared

Reply #840262 | Report this post

Years ago

Well done to the Hawks fans.

Reply #840263 | Report this post

Years ago

SEM are getting some Perth-level calls. Goorj has a valid reason to be annoyed

Reply #840264 | Report this post

Years ago

If only Hawks fans supported their team as strongly as they have booed Creek, maybe they would never have had Illawarra dropped from their name and would still have a team to support in 2 years time..

Reply #840267 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe people in Illawarra have morals and know that beating up women is just wrong?

Reply #840270 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #840271 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #840272 | Report this post

Years ago

No one said anyone did or did not do anything above. No need for the word allegedly, a word which *should* be used if describing what Creek has been accused of doing

Reply #840273 | Report this post

Years ago

Crowd is pretty dead now. Atmosphere nonexistent.

Reply #840274 | Report this post

Years ago

Allegedly has got nothing to do with it. Hawks fans might be like the rest of the normal population that think domestic violence is not something to ignore.

Reply #840275 | Report this post

twenty four  
Years ago

Not being able to complete the phrase "give [Broekhoff] an inch, and he'll take a mile" is peak Homicide.

Reply #840276 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe people in Illawarra have morals and know that beating up women is just wrong?"

Or just really short memories. Illawarra signed Tiny Pinder after he'd been not only accused, but charged, convicted and incarcerated, of sexual assault.

Reply #840277 | Report this post

Years ago

Jesus, the crowd should be booing their own team right now. What a quarter.

Reply #840278 | Report this post

Years ago

Pathetic gutless performance yet again for the Hawks.

Time for them to get kicked out.

Reply #840280 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Ryan Broekhoff - some kinda super player...

Reply #840281 | Report this post

Years ago

Broekhoff has found his range and boy it's a sweet shot. Not the Australian coach watching it go in is that happy.

Reply #840282 | Report this post

Years ago

Gorg has no idea he is a complete toss.

Reply #840287 | Report this post

Years ago

Broekhoff at least is meeting the rap he gets, Adel is another story, greatest hyped failure I can remember.

Reply #840288 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow, yet another beatdown in NBL 2021. The blowout troll from last season who came and went appeared a year too early.

Reply #840289 | Report this post

Years ago

I haven't seen someone shoot the ball so smoothly in the NBL as a Broekhoff did since Kirk Penney.

Reply #840291 | Report this post

Years ago

"Maybe people in Illawarra have morals and know that beating up women is just wrong?"

Or just really short memories. Illawarra signed Tiny Pinder after he'd been not only accused, but charged, convicted and incarcerated, of sexual assault.

OHH SNAAPPP!! No comeback for that one. LMAO

& whatever happened to 'Innocent until proven guilty'? Such a sensitive & serious issue that it is & the Hawks fans boo him like he is guilty & they have convicted him... What if he is innocent & she's just making it all up because he is a famous, well paid, high profile athlete? No one knows either way but it's been done many times before. Was Kobe guilty or innocent? He paid the girl a tonne of money to walk away yet we all praise him like it never now... Creek could be guilty, we don't know, so respect the situation & save the booing, cheap shot jokes & pathetic comments i see on hear. These are real peoples lives, it's not just sport & sometimes the 2 must be kept seperate.

Reply #840295 | Report this post

Years ago

What if he is innocent & she's just making it all up because he is a famous, well paid, high profile athlete?

1. She sustained serious facial injuries.

2. The police did a four month long investigations.

3. At the end of that investigation the police decided to charge Creek.

Reply #840296 | Report this post

Years ago

Please discuss the game here. If you want to discussion the suspension/reinstatement, use the other thread. If you want to discuss the specifics of the case, use your Facebook page.

Reply #840317 | Report this post

Years ago

Rumours of Creek's version of events are circulating and if true then people wouldn’t be booing him and calling him a woman basher.

No doubt the NBL and Phoenix are aware of his version and this is why he is playing.

He is innocent until proven guilty and let the Court system test all the evidence. The rule of law is one of the best things about living in Australia.

People are charged of assault based on two competing versions every day of the week.

Any one of us could have the misfortune of being charged unfairly with such charge either later being dropped by the prosecution due to no chance of success or thrown out by a Court or jury.

We don’t even have the benefit of two competing versions in any of the media reports (not that you can trust the media when reporting criminal allegations) to even make an early uniformed judgments.

We don’t know whether reports of serious injury are accurate by the media. There is so much we don’t know that it’s way too early to comment/judge.

Reply #840332 | Report this post

Years ago

Exactly, the police don't always get it right either, that’s why we have courts and lawyers. Australia used to be innocent till proven guilty, not certain why we have changed to media type hype.

Reply #840343 | Report this post

Years ago

So many people on here are part of the current social media problem of trial by public and media. Nobody knows specifics, other than an age article. The age don't have specifics, and we also live in a world where journalists get paid by click.

I hope some people at least don’t get their pitchforks out ahead of hearing details etc.

As was said earlier, focus on the hoops, and talk basketball, I’m sure nobody will go out of their way to apologise if allegations are found to be incorrect!

Reply #840346 | Report this post

Years ago

Isn't it ironic that Koberulz runs with that handle, and yet makes public comments about MC and encouraging the booing etc, whilst he used a handle of someone who also faced legal challenges in his career.

Will koberulz apologise if he’s found innocent?

Reply #840352 | Report this post

Years ago

What the actual fuck are you talking about?

Reply #840360 | Report this post

Perth fan.  
Years ago

So Isaac asks people to talk about the game yet more people crap on about Creek.

Hawks are rubbish by the way. Deng Adel in particular.

Reply #840364 | Report this post

Years ago

Zodiac. Wrong wrong and wrong

Reply #840368 | Report this post

Years ago

Would have thought the hypocrisy was obvious.

You post under Koberulz. You no doubt cried when he tragically passed away.

Your hero was "charged" with rape. Months of investigations. Enough evidence to justify a criminal trial. He wasn't even found “not guilty”. The trial didn’t proceed because the alleged victim refused to testify. A civil settlement with an apology.

Kobe was innocent until proven guilty. He played after charges were laid and would fly to and from Court hearings between games. As Kobe was never found guilty he deserves the benefit of the doubt that he never committed the alleged act.

The fact Creek is charged with alternate counts of assail (one with no intent to cause harm) down to common assault (the most minor) indicates police even are not confident in their position.

As posted above, there aren’t any specifics in any of the reporting of what is alleged to have occurred.

Meanwhile you post Creek shouldn’t be able to play under the name Koberulz.

Reply #840373 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz, you literally went on Twitter and agreed that MC should be booed. This is encouraging a high level of bullying, and I can only imagine the mental distress the player is already under.
It's absolutely wrong to bully anyone or encourage it, particularly when there has not been a trial.
I’ve seen many people mention lengths of investigations etc, and I’ve been close to cases before in which an investigation runs slow due to police being busy, a leave it absence or focusing on other big cases. It does not mean that they had new information.
Let’s take a breath and think critically first before continuing to press this issue.

Reply #840374 | Report this post

Years ago

Hawks are learning some valuable lessons.

Deng and Simon offer very little and have no worth to the team.

Naar and Aj to inconsistant and are barely NBL level players.

Deng Deng should get more minutes but Gorg doesn't do that.

Bairstow injury prone which isn't a big surprise.

Harvey and Jessup they can not do it all themselves.

Gorg the league has passed him by and the roster just isn't good enough to be top 4 they are better then previous years but needs better tecruiting next year.

Reply #840375 | Report this post

Years ago

[Let's take a breath and think critically first before continuing to press this issue.]

Koberulz doesn't need to think.

He just knows stuff.

Reply #840387 | Report this post

Years ago

[Let's take a breath and think critically first before continuing to press this issue.]

Koberulz doesn't need to think.

He just knows stuff.

Reply #840388 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Creek looked out of it...

Reply #840401 | Report this post

Years ago

#375, you ever watched deng play to structure or defend, obviously not, there is reasons for him getting limited time or no time in previous clubs. To bag Goorj shows how little you know about basketball.

Reply #840404 | Report this post

Years ago

"Broekhoff at least is meeting the rap he gets, Adel is another story, greatest hyped failure I can remember"

It's sad when you come in as a hyped up fringe NBA talent, and you’re not even the best player on your team with the first name 'Deng’, and that same guy didn’t play a minute last year for the Breakers!

Reply #840413 | Report this post

Years ago

Hawks were broke, sold to an American at last minute ahead of the Australian bloke and Ball group with Goorjian being brought in as the saviour. It was always fraught with danger. Lots of changes and some poor team selections was always eventually going to take time to settle. Goorj has time for getting more of his type players in for next season now he's seen the market.

For year punters on here being saying Adel for Australia without actually seeing him play and just listening to journalists. Lmao.

Reply #840414 | Report this post

Years ago

Hawks are currently in fourth place.

Reply #840415 | Report this post

Years ago

Hawks were $3.50 for top 4 despite Goorj's reputation. Halfway through the season they're in the top 4. Doing OK.

Reply #840425 | Report this post

Years ago

A few points with Forde

- went in with a preconceived motion with the refs before the game - that doesn't help things with his mindset before. They were already in his head
- was clearly pissed off they lost given they played good and weren’t far off the Wildcats. This will make a difference in the standings. Said stuff in the heat of the moment
- is under pressure from a win loss perspective. The Kings are in a tight race to make the four
- was an assistant at Perth for a while under Gleeson. Interesting given he is from Perth and with his comments re Gleeson’s behaviour

This reminds me of Braswell with Breakers in 2018/19. Rookie coach under pressure fired up post game after a tight loss. Forde is doing good given injuries but stuff like this doesn’t help imo

Reply #840436 | Report this post

Years ago

The fact Creek is charged with alternate counts of assail (one with no intent to cause harm) down to common assault (the most minor) indicates police even are not confident in their position.
This is dumb. Police don't charge people because they lack confidence.

Koberulz, you literally went on Twitter and agreed that MC should be booed. This is encouraging a high level of bullying, and I can only imagine the mental distress the player is already under
Yes, Mitch Creek is the real victim here.

Your hero was "charged" with rape. Months of investigations. Enough evidence to justify a criminal trial. He wasn't even found "not guilty". The trial didn't proceed because the alleged victim refused to testify. A civil settlement with an apology.

Kobe was innocent until proven guilty. He played after charges were laid and would fly to and from Court hearings between games. As Kobe was never found guilty he deserves the benefit of the doubt that he never committed the alleged act.
None of this has anything to do with Creek or the Phoenix. So I have no idea what your point is.

Reply #840440 | Report this post

Years ago

Can't mods just delete Creek comments.
Dave that shit for Facebook.

Reply #840443 | Report this post

Years ago

*Save not Dave lol.

Reply #840446 | Report this post

Years ago

Yep, "nothing to do with Creek". Koberulz picks and chooses what cases he takes seriously or not?
“Creek is the real victim here”...so once the brief of evidence is out, if it found him not guilty, is your campaign just bullying and slander at that point, or just fair game?
Craig McLachlan was charged also....there are countless examples of people who faced charges. Let the courts handle it, not the pitch forks! Online bullying and mental health is a real thing too.
The legal process is in place to ensure there is a fair and impartial hearing. You're basing your views with literally zero case details, and before you say “so are you”, that’s why you leave it to the legal process.

Reply #840453 | Report this post

Years ago

"You post under Koberulz. You no doubt cried when he tragically passed away.

Your hero was "charged" with rape. Months of investigations. Enough evidence to justify a criminal trial. He wasn't even found "not guilty". The trial didn't proceed because the alleged victim refused to testify. A civil settlement with an apology.

Kobe was innocent until proven guilty. He played after charges were laid and would fly to and from Court hearings between games. As Kobe was never found guilty he deserves the benefit of the doubt that he never committed the alleged act."

Wow, interesting point, spot on.

Reply #840454 | Report this post

Years ago

[ You're basing your views with literally zero case details]

But I thought a media report was enough?

Get outta here with your requests for facts and evidence

This is 2021. It's the era of outrage!

Reply #840456 | Report this post

Years ago

LV, exactly. Online opinions based on nothing gives people the right to slander and bully it seems.

I wonder if people also realise that you can be charged with a crime so that it goes to the discovery stage when a prosecutor will look at the details and determine if there is enough for trial.

So many levels to this, but the bullying is not ok.

Reply #840461 | Report this post

Years ago

Yep, "nothing to do with Creek". Koberulz picks and chooses what cases he takes seriously or not?
I was unable to take the Kobe Bryant case seriously when it happened due to the fact that I was ten years old and had never even heard of Kobe Bryant.

What the fuck does that have to do with Mitch Creek?

I wonder if people also realise that you can be charged with a crime so that it goes to the discovery stage when a prosecutor will look at the details and determine if there is enough for trial.
What in the actual fuck are you talking about, you blithering idiot?

It's a criminal case, not a civil case. There is no "discovery". "Discovery" in a criminal case is called "investigation", and it's the thing the police have been doing for the last four months and does not require that the suspect be charged with a crime first. You can't charge people with crimes unless you have evidence, and charging them with a crime gives you zero additional investigative powers.

Reply #840565 | Report this post

Years ago

For starters - this hasn't even gone through committal proceedings yet - meaning it hasn’t been determined if there is sufficient evidence for conviction.
For the individual in particular who is assuming guilt already - here are some numbers for you.
Nearly 4% of cases are discharged or withdrawn completely.
The same percentage end up being heard summarily as the indictable charges are dropped.
To keep it short - 10% of cases presented result in a not guilt verdict when contested.

So assuming anything when you don’t know is just dangerous, let the system do it’s job. There are no laws which prevent him from 'working’ whilst the case is in the courts.
Further - encouraging booing is straight up bullying and disgusting, regardless of what you think of the individual and their actions. It’s actions like this that is why we have the mental health crisis we currently do as a society.

Reply #840571 | Report this post

Years ago

^^ well said

Reply #840575 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz - no discovery is not investigation. Discovery in criminal matters is disclosure.

Prosecutors have a duty to disclose documents, reports, etc that they intend to rely on. So 461 is correct.

You keep saying they have been investigating for 4 months. What proof do you have of this? What investigations have been performed that you know about that make you so certain of guilt.

Many assault cases only have two pieces of evidence. A verbal statement from each party.

You do realise Koberulz that if someone went to the police and provided a credible report that you assaulted them even with no witnesses that you will be charged. You won't be convicted (hopefully) because you didn’t do it but you are still most likely to be charged.

Very dangerous in any matter (not just Creek’s) to judge anyone on being charged with an offence especially based on media reports only.

Reply #840577 | Report this post

Years ago

KobeRulez "blithering idiot" you may have been 10, but you are an adult now (I presume) and know the details. Are you so daft that you can put two and two together to understand that Kobe went through challenging time with an act relating to a woman. How does is relate to Creek? Are you kidding? You're condemning Creek on a public campaign, but continue to hold the “Koberulz” handle as if nothing occurred.

You seem to ride in on some sort moral high ground, get advertise the opposite.

Reply #840580 | Report this post

Years ago

For starters - this hasn't even gone through committal proceedings yet - meaning it hasn't been determined if there is sufficient evidence for conviction.
The thing where they determine if there's enough evidence for conviction is called a trial.

Further - encouraging booing is straight up bullying and disgusting, regardless of what you think of the individual and their actions.
This is the dumbest fucking argument.

Koberulz - no discovery is not investigation. Discovery in criminal matters is disclosure.

Prosecutors have a duty to disclose documents, reports, etc that they intend to rely on. So 461 is correct.
That is literally the exact opposite of what 461 was saying.

You keep saying they have been investigating for 4 months. What proof do you have of this?
Seriously? "The charges follow a four-month investigation after a woman in her 20s suffered serious facial injuries."

Reply #840583 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz - you are incorrect in your application of the rule of law or criminal law procedure.

The Age article is not evidence of anything. You should know this. If I link an article saying COVID-19 is a hoax is that evidence of anything.

But if you want to make a big thing about an alleged 4 month investigation before even pressing three alternate charges then this would tend to indicate complexity and competing versions.

It wouldn't take police 4 months to charge a man with assault if he clearly had smashed someone’s head in without a shadow of a doubt. They also wouldn’t make alternate charges if there was no doubt about the intent to cause harm.

Reply #840588 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz yet to address his handle and use of it under current circumstances. So are you picking and choosing which information you deem relevant to allegations of violence against women? Or is it just because you have something in particular against MC?

Reply #840592 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz - you need to brush up on your understanding of the courts son. Committal proceedings do determine if there is enough evidence to support a conviction.

A trial determines if the accused is guilty based on that evidence.

That's if it even gets to trial, which only 50% of cases actually do.

Reply #840595 | Report this post

Perth Arena  
Years ago

I'm a little late to this party, but I swear I heard the commentators say at the beginning of the broadcast that it was a "double points game". Did anyone hear that and know what it means please?

Reply #840600 | Report this post

Years ago

Both teams were level on the ladder prior to the game, so by one beating the other they've earned points for themselves while at the same denying points to their opponent.

Reply #840601 | Report this post

Perth Arena  
Years ago

Thanks Perth World that makes sense

Reply #840602 | Report this post

Perth fan.  
Years ago

Today's Sydney v Brisbane is another double points game. 4 teams vying for 2 playoff spots.

Reply #840605 | Report this post

Years ago

'Rumours of Creek's version of events are circulating and if true then people wouldn't be booing him and calling him a woman basher.
No doubt the NBL and Phoenix are aware of his version and this is why he is playing.’
#332 where are these rumours circulating? Verbally or online somewhere?

Reply #840631 | Report this post

Years ago

The Age article is not evidence of anything. You should know this. If I link an article saying COVID-19 is a hoax is that evidence of anything.
The Age is a reputable paper, not your mum's friend's Facebook page.

Koberulz yet to address his handle and use of it under current circumstances.
Kobe Bryant has been dead for over a year, I cannot fathom his relevance to "current circumstances".

Koberulz - you need to brush up on your understanding of the courts son. Committal proceedings do determine if there is enough evidence to support a conviction.
No, they determine if there is enough evidence to support a trial. If they determine that there's enough evidence for conviction, then what the fuck is the point of a trial?

Reply #840635 | Report this post

Ant Man  
Years ago

Kobedickhead said "Piss off, dude." "This is the dumbest fucking argument." "What the actual fuck are you talking about?"

Please why do we have to keep putting up with this self righteous prick?

Reply #840636 | Report this post

Years ago

If you continued to read (and work on) your comprehension skills. The purpose of the trial is to determine if the accused is guilty based on the evidence, where a judgment is made.

In committal, it's just determining if there is enough evidence to possibly support (as said), but not making a judgment. If there isn’t, the case is dismissed/dropped/withdrawn. It prevents the courts time being wasted further down the process.

Seriously Koberulez, this information is easily available on the court website itself. Perhaps look up this information first so you don’t embarrass yourself in your rants.

Reply #840641 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz, you're lack of understanding on the relevance of Kobe’s allegations to MC’s allegations is mind boggling and and shows your lack of ability to critically analyse information. The hypocrisy of your comments are irrelevant to whether Kobe is alive or not. You are choosing to see one as different to the other as you see one player as your hero.

You further discuss the reputation of the Age as a media organisation, and if so, did you miss the part where all allegations were denied and would be challenged?

What is clear, is that you don’t know how court/ criminal reporters work, and you have zero idea on criminal/ legal proceedings.
The innocent until proven guilty assumption is one of the most important pillars of our legal system, and for many of the reasons above.

You’re embarrassing yourself

Reply #840644 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz, confidently wrong yet again!

Not only confidently wrong but arrogantly wrong, as anyone who disagrees cops the condescending barrage of F bombs

If you Google "Committal hearing"

First search result:

"At a Committal Hearing, a magistrate considers the prosecution case against the accused and makes an assessment as to whether there is sufficient evidence for a jury to find them guilty"

Reply #840652 | Report this post

Years ago

[as anyone who disagrees cops the condescending barrage of F bombs]

By this I mean, anybody who bothers to fact check things and try to think through an issue

Not like KR who only seems interested in being outraged at Creek, and at the NBL for now allowing him to play

Reply #840653 | Report this post

Years ago

You are choosing to see one as different to the other as you see one player as your hero
I have said literally nothing about the Bryant case.

You further discuss the reputation of the Age as a media organisation, and if so, did you miss the part where all allegations were denied and would be challenged?
And? I fully trust that they have been and will be. I do not trust that the challenge will be successful, and nor would journalists at The Age.

The innocent until proven guilty assumption is one of the most important pillars of our legal system
Neither I, nor the NBL, are part of the legal system.

If you Google "Committal hearing"

First search result:

"At a Committal Hearing, a magistrate considers the prosecution case against the accused and makes an assessment as to whether there is sufficient evidence for a jury to find them guilty"
Which do you think is more likely? That this is poor phrasing, or that it's necessary to go through a trial twice?

Reply #840743 | Report this post

Years ago

Considering that definition of a committal hearing comes from the magistrates court website itself. The most likely outcome...

You don't know what you’re talking about.

Reply #840750 | Report this post

Years ago

Do you support your handle, knowing that it was a allegation against a woman. Will you avoid this answer again?

Reply #840769 | Report this post

Years ago

This Kobe Bryant/koberulz line of attack is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.

Reply #840770 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz - of course you and luckily all others in Australia (including the officers of the NBL) are a part of the Australian legal system in that you are protected by the rule of law.

It is one of the best parts of living in Australia.

It is when the concept of the rule of law is prejudiced (like what you are attempting to do with Creek) that huge problems arise.

Heaps of studies on deaths in custody when lower socio economic groups don't have as much access to justice as others that highlight this.

The rule of law exists to protect the value of society in not wanting innocent people in prison.

Your comment on the age article indicates great prejudice. At least you concede that you accept the parts you want to with no evidence and disregard the other parts equally with no basis.

That is the point about the Kobe hypocrisy. You haven’t mentioned the Kobe case. However your forum name is literally Kobe Rules. For someone so quick to condemn someone for a mere allegation of assault (potentially common assault in which the alleged victim did not suffer any physical harm whatsoever) you appear to disregard the fact Kobe was charged with rape.

Maybe you aren’t a hypocrite. Maybe Koberulez is a play on words and you really mean kobesuckz but you haven’t said that.

Just a question koberulez - are you of the opinion that Kobe was innocent or guilty? There were some very reputable news outlets reporting that Kobe was charged with rape. Senior police officers charged him with rape after investigation and DNA evidence. Senior prosecutors believed they had enough evidence to convict.

Based on your logic he’s guilty and they should have thrown away the keys.

However, due to the rule of law Kobe was not guilty and is entitled to be remembered that way.

Reply #840780 | Report this post

Years ago

Based on your logic he's guilty and they should have thrown away the keys

Imagine typing all that nonsense only to land on this point as if its this big gotcha moment. It actually shows you haven’t understood a single thing he’s said.

Reply #840786 | Report this post

Years ago

Imagine if Koberulez is posting anon also, just to agree with himself.

Reply #840793 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz, never been wrong

"At a committal hearing, a magistrate will decide whether there is enough evidence to support a conviction for the offence/s charged."


From the Magistrates court of Victoria website

Reply #840806 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon: [did you miss the part where all allegations were denied and would be challenged?]

KR: [And? I fully trust that they have been and will be. I do not trust that the challenge will be successful, and nor would journalists at The Age.]

How on earth would you know?

Reply #840812 | Report this post

Years ago

Great. Now that we have established what occurs at the committal hearing, can we agree that if the magistrate decides there is enough evidence to support conviction then Creek should be stood down?

Reply #840813 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz - of course you and luckily all others in Australia (including the officers of the NBL) are a part of the Australian legal system

It is when the concept of the rule of law is prejudiced (like what you are attempting to do with Creek)

Heaps of studies on deaths in custody when lower socio economic groups don't have as much access to justice as others that highlight this.
I'm kind of flattered by the implication here.

Your comment on the age article indicates great prejudice. At least you concede that you accept the parts you want to with no evidence and disregard the other parts equally with no basis.
My comment indicates, and I concede, no such thing.

You haven't mentioned the Kobe case.
Finally, you're starting to get it.

How on earth would you know?
How on earth would I know what?

Reply #840814 | Report this post

Perth fan.  
Years ago

The copy and paste legend. Never change.

Reply #840817 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm getting dumber reading Koberulz posts.

Stick to board games, dungeons and dragons etc. You’re getting owned in here on a daily basis.

Reply #840865 | Report this post

At the end of the day, sadly but true. If you have the resources and connections, there's always a skewed result such as financial payoffs and non disclosure documents. (Home.detention in place of jail)It can literally bypass the courts if the defendant (aka a trauma victim who’s experience will carry with them for life) and their family and layer also pressuring to "take the money, lawyer cuts and run. and we have another legally gagged victim. Aka every corporate leader and their trust fund kids that some, not all, fuck up so bad, constantly getting into shit and never get nothing worse than a suspended sentence at the very very worst. I’m saying all that I don’t know the details of creeks situation though I’m curious. It could be said I could. Give legal advice from the amount of time I’ve been before many a honourable judge.
SEM (after weighing up what the situation is.)probably was advised by his lawyers that they can just adjourn the trial well past the end of the season. And shrug off any indifference to the media with the fact there’s currently no conviction and softball the “it’s a matter for the courts and I can’t comment on it"bAgain I know nothing of what happened with creek apart from an assault charge?? The amount of bail issued is also an indication of the seriousness.
My apologies for the novel. Criticising without the knowledge doesn’t do anyone good.
Taipans in the 4th tonight.... damn, now better a pallet of reflex paper to start printing out the basics again

Reply #840881 | Report this post

Years ago

That made absolutely no sense.

Reply #840884 | Report this post

For what I understand from people's reactions to you is that you a appear to be a turd that won’t flush.

Reply #840886 | Report this post

Years ago

[How on earth would I know what?]


How on earth did you come to know everything by your 20's?

You are basically a child genius who became an adult icon of hoops.com.au

Reply #840889 | Report this post

Years ago

Jordan and LeBron shit over Kobe.

Reply #840891 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think Koberulz is a genius at all.

Reply #840893 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh I just saw another hypocritical Koberulz post on Twitter, and this one tops them all.

"The positive out of the Mitch Creek thing is some people showing their true colours. Coming out in favour of rape, sexual assault, homophobia, and the deaths of trans individuals while supporting Creek continuing to play is utter trash behaviour."

Where to even start? He's still not getting the relationship between his handle and Kobe’s past in relation to “showing their true colours”. None of Mitch Creek’s allegations relate to any of the above. Defending someone’s right to a proper trial/process and not in the media and or social media, does not mean that anyone is in favour of any of those things.

This stuff is just ludicrous

Reply #840934 | Report this post

Years ago

Easy advice on dealing with Koberulz is to ignore him.
Simply scroll past and if he wants an argument don't give him one as he thinks he is always right.

The poster that likened him to a turd that won't flush is on the mark.

Reply #840935 | Report this post

Years ago

You went digging through my Twitter profile, found a tweet several days old, and are confused as to why it doesn't relate to a conversation from yesterday?

Top work.

Reply #840936 | Report this post

Years ago

Creek played well. Should be starting over Te Rangi imo.

Reply #840939 | Report this post

Years ago

Yet you still show your ignorance, arrogance and lack of understanding!!

"You went digging through my Twitter profile, found a tweet several days old, and are confused as to why it doesn't relate to a conversation from yesterday?
Top work."

Again, this doesn't address your utter hypocrisy and lack of ability to critically analyse information with any logic.

How daft can one be? This handle has now highlighted how logic cannot be applied to any comment from it ongoing.

Reply #840942 | Report this post

Hopscotch 55  
Years ago

""The positive out of the Mitch Creek thing is some people showing their true colours. Coming out in favour of rape, sexual assault, homophobia, and the deaths of trans individuals while supporting Creek continuing to play is utter trash behaviour.""

Talk about ending your credibility forevermore with a single post.

Koberulz you are so deeply programmed by outside forces you don't know you arse from your elbow.

Reply #840943 | Report this post

Hopscotch 55  
Years ago


Reply #840944 | Report this post

Years ago

Again, this doesn't address your utter hypocrisy and lack of ability to critically analyse information with any logic.

How daft can one be?
You spent so much time trawling through my tweets that you found one from six days ago just so you could pick a fight.

You're surprised this six-day-old tweet fails to address things that were said yesterday.

And you think I'm the one who's daft?

Reply #840948 | Report this post

Years ago

A turd that doesn't flush.

Reply #840954 | Report this post

Years ago

No quoting yourself out of this one Koberulz.

Doesn't matter what day of the week you wrote it.

Saying that people supporting the rule of law are in favour of rapists and murderers of transgenders makes you a complete disgrace.

Reply #840959 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz, you literally mentioned none of the allegations against Creek in your "old" comment, and you associated it with him (even if indirectly). What a ridiculous thing to say. This screams of wanting attention, and to be seen to be saying the “right thing” in order to create a narrative that simply isn't true.

Address the following

1. You mentioned “coming out in favour of rape” in your last post, can you not see this hypocrisy in this assessment by using this very handle to do so?

2. Will you apologise if all allegations are unfounded once proper due process has been completed and if he is found not guilty?

3. Will you continue to use this handle now that it has been clearly pointed out to you that Kobe faced much more serious allegations?

Btw, I think you should be able to use the handle freely without judgement as Kobe was never found guilty in a court of a crime, much the same as Creek so far.

Reply #840965 | Report this post

Years ago

The tweet in question is six days old. It was in response to a specific discussion that is itself six days old.

It was not a response to the general idea of advocating for Creek to play until his case is resolved.

Reply #840967 | Report this post

Years ago

A turd that won't flush = Koberulz

Reply #840972 | Report this post

Years ago

Backpedaling 101 see below

" The tweet in question is six days old. It was in response to a specific discussion that is itself six days old.
It was not a response to the general idea of advocating for Creek to play until his case is resolved."

The answer is no, and to be honest the original post, no matter the age is utterly disgusting. How dare you judge people like that!

I'm dumbfounded that this was the conclusion you came up with! Please explain, to give context.

People’s lives, mental health and careers are at stake, and you jump to conclusions of this nature? I’ve honestly never been so disappointed in a post as this one. Shameful

Reply #840973 | Report this post

Years ago

How is it shameful? All I did was list Dean Vickerman's grand final appearances.

Reply #840987 | Report this post

Years ago

Someone is still going down the "koberulz equals hypocrite" line of internet lawyering....

Reply #840989 | Report this post

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