Unlike Luuuc, it seems!
Nope, I haven't worn them either, which is one of many reasons why my opinion doesn't really matter. But this place would be pretty quiet if people who didn't matter stopped throwing their 2 cents in so here I am.
As an Opals fan since before the original bodysuits were being worn, I do have bit of a soft spot for the "iconic" stature that the players are trying to give them. Our only gold medal was won in bodysuits.
With athletic wear in general, skin-tight everything seems to be the way things are atm. Go down to your local popular walking/jogging spot and what women (especially) are wearing now is very different to what they were wearing 10 years ago. So there's limited value in comparisons with the past IMO. Fashion changes.
The only downside I see is if the players don't feel comfortable playing in them.
Feel good = play better.
Given that this change is player-driven it feels pretty safe to assume they don't dislike them.