Years ago
Coaches need to chill to win
It's an intense game. Proximity between the bench and players naturally means that coach behaviour is reflected by his / her team. Best coaches are calm, and send their messages in a directed but measured way. After some time away due to the pandemic, watching some VJBL over recent weeks has reminded me how ineffective so many coaches are. Yelling indecipherably at players (after all they are 10-12 yr olds and really don’t listen to your words, just feel energy), and spending energy on officials, Teams win and do well, often because of great coaching. Often despite the coaching. Seeing a coach wearing green and yellow clapping vigorously at an opp player tonight for missing a play was immediately responded to by his bench. The kids take their lead from the coach. Such poor coaching right there. So, after a rant, my point. Clubs need to get so much better at watching the behaviours of their coaches, and directing them towards the right way to get the most of their kids and to make sure we are keeping kids in the game. 2021 is not 1991.