Years ago
Female participation and pathways in SA
"SA Basketball's Commitment to Female Participation and Pathways
Basketball SA is proud to launch a female participation and pathways strategy. By 2025, Basketball SA..." as proudly announced and displayed on the BSA website
All good , we are going to make this a priority and do wonderful things .
Fast forward on a few weeks/ months to Season 2021 .
Now this is where I need your help .My simple logic says girls seeking to be high achievers in basketball want to play Div 1 , competing against the best in their age group do their parents want to see them achieve that .
So BSA , in accord with its new FEMALE PARTICIPATION AND PATHWAYS POLICY , would be leaving no stone unturned to maximise opportunities for girls to compete in U10 Div 1 as that is the key pathway feed-in point . Or , so I thought ??
Obviously I got that wrong , for when I looked at the program for the upcoming 2021 season I found the competition consists of only 6 teams .
So four of the core BSA clubs ( Woodville ; Eastern ; Forestville ; and Centrals ) have no entry point to play Div 1 U 10 Girls .
So what does that do for our girls , particularly those aspiring to play at the highest level ?
Does that expend their opportunity ? Hardly
Does it mean we grow our participation in basketball ?
Does it signal BSAs intention to downsize to 6 core clubs ?
As a parent , do I have to take my girl to play only at one of the chosen 6 clubs , if she wants the opportunity to play Div1 ? And , does that eventually starve the other 4 club programs into female extinction ?
How do those clubs , without a U 10g Div 1 G team , feed their older age group teams ?
Perhaps someone can point out the error in my logic , and/or answer some of the above questions for me .