Years ago

Best Basketball association for junior Rep in NSW

Hi Everyone,

I am planning to enroll my daughter (u12) in the basketball representative program. I am trying for Hills Hornet, North bear, WSWBA, Hornsby.

1. I know Hills Hornet and North Bear are good, but how about WSWBA which got established a couple of years back
2. Is playing a representative league match important or Playing with which academy is important? any thoughts
3. If the academy credential is very important, how difficult is it to transfer my kid in the future if she plays now for the newly established academy. I read that only 3 kids are allowed to be selected as part of the transfer policy, is it very tough?
4. In general, what are the checks should I need to do before enrolling my daughter into the representative program? As it is a contract and I wanted my daughter to stick with the same academy as much as she can in the long term

Thanks in advance


Topic #48057 | Report this topic

Dave Q  
Years ago


Afraid you have missed the boat with reps: trials have finsihed and teams have been selected. But I think you are referring to the development 'academies' that these clubs run. All the clubs mentioned do a good job developing players, and all offer pathways to higher levels of basketball should your daughter wish to pursue that.

If your daughter is talented, I would probably lean toward the bigger clubs like the Hornets or the Bears. More players = more money = more resources.

Either way, I hope she continues to love her basketball. All the best in the future.


Reply #830873 | Report this post

Years ago

If you're keen for her to play anywhere Penrith is still running trials as are Springwood.

Maybe a couple of others check websites, but most of have finished.
Hills have large numbers but the program isn't that great, sheer weight of numbers not actual talent in the coaching ranks helping them along. Norths are sinking - WSWBA is newly established, Hornsby is decent for a womens program.

But unless your daughter is all-world be prepared to play the political game and if she is all-world watch every club tell you why there club is best and why you should move.

And remember Rep basketball in NSW makes Dentists seem reasonably priced.

Reply #830884 | Report this post

Years ago

Where do you live is a good place to start and then someone would be able to recommend an association nearby.

Thats the best way to start and speak to someone at the Association.

As mentioned most associations are now finalising rep teams for this year and if it is their 2nd week of trials you may still be able to get her in.

Reply #830890 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks everyone,

Apologies, I missed adding a key point in my last post.

She has been shortlisted by WSWBA for representative program (u12) which starts in couple of weeks. We have been trying for well established clubs, just wanted some advice before enrolling her into WSWBA

I am planning to enroll my daughter (u12) in the basketball representative program. I am trying for Hills Hornet, North bear, WSWBA, Hornsby.

1. I know Hills Hornet and North Bear are good, but how about WSWBA which got established a couple of years back
2. Is playing a representative league match important or Playing with which academy is important? any thoughts
3. If the academy credential is very important, how difficult is it to transfer my kid in the future if she plays now for the newly established academy. I read that only 3 kids are allowed to be selected as part of the transfer policy, is it very tough?
4. In general, what are the checks should I need to do before enrolling my daughter into the representative program? As it is a contract and I wanted my daughter to stick with the same academy as much as she can in the long term

Reply #830904 | Report this post

Years ago

Welcome to NSW. What a good choice you have made. I mean you could have gone to SA.
Contrary to the dentist cost comment above, if you are coming into NSW from Asia or the US, you will find the cost of Rep programs in Sydney is quite reasonable. I am familiar with the situation in Singapore, HK and the US.
By all means look for academies, but these are less important here than in Asia or US, due to a - IMO - misguided view that junior development activity should be 99.9% privatized.
A couple of academies have sprung up in the inner west, largely - IMO - due to local Rep clubs falling down on the job.
Suggest you focus on activities run by your Rep club before hunting around. Coaching quality at these clubs is variable - but it is cheap relative to US and Asia. You will find that the better coaches will make themselves available for individual or group coaching.
Some clubs tend to have wealthier parents who can afford to pay for travel to tournaments within regional NSW and Victoria. Here I include Hills, Norths, Manly. Sydney Comets is consistently a good club. Norths is traditionally a strong club, but it is having issues with venues and stability of coaching staff. It is rupturing juniors. Love Norths and this is quite sad to observe. Bankstown is cool, as is Penrith if you live out west.
Finally, don't be shy to present your daughter to the club of your choice. Do this ASAP, even if slots in the firsts have been taken, there is always the 2s or the 3s, all quite worthy. Ask whether there are group trainings during the week, where the firsts and the seconds players attend.
Get your wheels on and get your girl into a team pronto before the season starts. Good luck.

Reply #830905 | Report this post

Years ago

I think its best to get them involved at any team for now as most trials have been completed, WSBA try to have purely American trainers and charge 2 to 3 times the standard rate for it

Once you find a club that suits generally in NSW with politics you keep them at the same association throughout, as teams like to keep the same team on board for years on unless you are superstar then they will make an exception to bring you in to replace someone else as the person above said

Reply #830919 | Report this post

Sydney info  
Years ago

Good luck with the journey in bball within NSW.

Norths are fine and doing well from my observations, certainly lack facilities, but there is nothing to indicate they have any sort of instability, nor a fracturing within any level from coaching to admin. The big four of Hills, Penrith, Comets and Norths are good starting points. Wolves emerging and have good financial support.

Happy to be proven wrong on this, however there is never anything factual attached to the sentiments of NSW grass roots commenters.

Reply #831026 | Report this post

Years ago

Hi Sydney Info, i have many contacts at Norths, players as well as a former administator who retains links with the club. So - according to your a
gaslighting advice - i should NOT see the virtual rebellion of U16 jnrs at the last Melb Queens Birthday tournament; NOT witness a stream of jnrs going to comets and manly; and NOT listen to dispairing accounts of a fmr administrator. Rather i SHOULD place weight on your account, whoever you may be.

Reply #832404 | Report this post

Sydney info  
Years ago

Again, Red84, nothing factual provided.

You have actually told bold faced lies when pressed, which is quite sad.

Thanks for affirming my sentiment.

All the best!

Reply #833022 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks Sydney info for joining here and posting you 3 first 3 meaningless posts here. To many agendas, to many dickheads with their own agendas.

Reply #833030 | Report this post

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