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Years ago


A month long "basketball extravaganza" is to be held in Melbourne during the NBL season in which 36 games (which will count towards the NBL season) will be played from February 20. The winners win $300,0000.


Topic #47911 | Report this topic

Years ago

Very gimmicky, wtf nbl cup a portion of the season.

Reply #825505 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah not a fan.

Reply #825507 | Report this post

Years ago

This was the year to be short & sharp. Have a captive audience in between cricket, tennis & AFL. Having this means it drags into May & June when everyone will be focussed on Footy & Rugby.

Reply #825508 | Report this post

Years ago

Stupidest decision they've ever made.

Reply #825509 | Report this post

Years ago

A point for winning qtrs lol.

Reply #825511 | Report this post

Years ago

Who gets the money? Clubs or players?

Reply #825512 | Report this post

Years ago

The point for winning quarters and 3 points for a win was something they used to do in the Blitz. Not sure you want to put a preseason gimmick like that into the regular season.

Reply #825513 | Report this post

Years ago

NBL gifting United more home games

Reply #825515 | Report this post

Years ago

LK is an innovator. I would back him in to have done plenty of homework on this before committing $300k to the winner. Sounds exciting and as a Melbournian, I can't wait for it all to get going.

Reply #825516 | Report this post

Years ago

So this is the NBL Blitz, except it isn't the preseason, and the games count...


Reply #825518 | Report this post

Years ago

They're using wins as a tiebreaker FFS. Idiotic.

Also well beyond time they dropped the "N" from the league's name. It's not fooling anybody.

Reply #825520 | Report this post

Years ago

Brings what would have been a good legit season to its knees.

Reply #825521 | Report this post

Years ago

This will be awesome - a month on bball in Melb. Why would you not want to see that? Miserable people cheer up.

Reply #825522 | Report this post

Years ago

How is this idiotic?

This is a great concept that allows the season to be somewhat protected from a COVID event that could delay the season. By having all teams in one location, it allows for a large chunk of games to be played in quick succession. This is smart - just because it's not in your home city, it doesnt make it a dumb idea. Melbourne won the hub bid because it has the best infrastructure available, alongside support from the Vic Gov. With NBL HQ in Melbourne, too, it helps keep staff costs down.

It's a logical, good business decision.

Reply #825523 | Report this post

Years ago

What's with the stupid point system then?

Reply #825524 | Report this post

Years ago

More games in the season, an opportunity for teams to bank extra revenue, and plenty of double headers. I do not understand the hate here. Miserable people.

Reply #825525 | Report this post

Years ago

Larry is an innovator?

Like First Ever?

Reply #825527 | Report this post

Years ago

This is a great concept that allows the season to be somewhat protected from a COVID event that could delay the season.
Why is a COVID event more likely in February than in January or March? It's highly unlikely at this point that Perth's season opener goes ahead, at a minimum, so we're likely to see some sort of hub replacing the first, "normal" portion of the season and then this scheduled hub potentially cutting into a period where teams can actually host games.

an opportunity for teams to bank extra revenue
How are they getting revenue from playing in a hub?

Melbourne won the hub bid because it has the best infrastructure available, alongside support from the Vic Gov.
Melbourne has three NBL teams, and gets almost every Boomers game. Melbourne can fuck off.

How is this idiotic?
They're using wins as a tiebreaker.

Reply #825529 | Report this post

Years ago

Looks a good idea to me, I'm not certain how the points will be added to the normal seasons though. The rest off the idea seems great.

Reply #825530 | Report this post

Years ago

The points will only count as far as the NBL Cup is concerned.

Reply #825531 | Report this post

Years ago

This is a great concept that allows the season to be somewhat protected from a COVID event that could delay the season.
Why is a COVID event more likely in February than in January or March? It's highly unlikely at this point that Perth's season opener goes ahead, at a minimum, so we're likely to see some sort of hub replacing the first, "normal" portion of the season and then this scheduled hub potentially cutting into a period where teams can actually host games.

- Because condensing a large number of games into a short period of time means a chunk of the season can be ticked off quickly. Rather than waiting for weekends to roll around, they can motor through 36 games. Make sense?

Melbourne won the hub bid because it has the best infrastructure available, alongside support from the Vic Gov.
Melbourne has three NBL teams, and gets almost every Boomers game. Melbourne can fuck off.

Three NBL teams? Didnt perth get some boomers games last year? Pretty sure you should be angry at your state government, not Melbourne.

How is this idiotic?
They're using wins as a tiebreaker.

The wins/tiebreaker scenario is only to help decide who wins the prizemoney for the NBL Cup, not for the season. Again, not idiotic.

Reply #825532 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth fans losing it because Perth isn't hosting, if Perth was hosting they’d be saying it’s a great idea!

Ultimately can’t hold anything in Perth where they crave hard borders

Reply #825533 | Report this post

Years ago

Because condensing a large number of games into a short period of time means a chunk of the season can be ticked off quickly. Rather than waiting for weekends to roll around, they can motor through 36 games.
How is this more true in February than in January?

Three NBL teams?
United, Phoenix and Breakers will all be playing their home games out of Melbourne this season.

Didnt perth get some boomers games last year?
Not meaningful ones. I don't recall there having been a meaningful Boomers game in Perth in my lifetime, although it may have happened at a time when I was too young to be aware of it. Melbourne (if one includes Bendigo) hosted every single World Cup Qualifier, as well as the Team USA games.

The wins/tiebreaker scenario is only to help decide who wins the prizemoney for the NBL Cup, not for the season. Again, not idiotic.
Your conclusion doesn't follow from your premise.

Reply #825534 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth fans losing it because Perth isn't hosting, if Perth was hosting they'd be saying it’s a great idea!
Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Cairns all exist. As do a few other places that don't have NBL teams.

Not that the location is the dumbest part of this.

Reply #825535 | Report this post

Years ago

The point of a hub is it's one place - what’s your argument that those spots should have it over Melbourne?

The existence of other cities isn’t a sufficient argument. Melbourne makes a lot of sense, even though it provides an unfortunate home ground advantage to United and SEM.

Reply #825536 | Report this post

Years ago

Breakers only playing out Melbourne for seasons start, if NZ open in the new year ( could be unlikely now due to Sydney) they will return home.

A great idea, instead of just doing nothing and letting basketball wither on the vine. I'm not near Victoria either.

Reply #825537 | Report this post

Years ago

I wouldn't mind so much if in the end all teams ended up with the same number of home and road games. As it stands now, United and Phoenix will have an extra 8 home games over the rest of the competition. And the Breakers will have none (most likely).

If we can have a hub for a part of the season, I don't see why there can't be a hub for the whole season in a neutral venue.

Reply #825538 | Report this post

Years ago

So your suggestion is to take the whole NBL season to a neutral venue and play the whole thing there? Great commercial result, play the whole NBL season in Darwin. Fans would love it.

Reply #825540 | Report this post

Years ago

The point of a hub is it's one place - what's your argument that those spots should have it over Melbourne?
Melbourne gets almost every basketball-related event that can be awarded to a specific location. I believe there's been one Boomers game in Adelaide, and that's it from memory.

Not to mention the United-heavy marketing of the league in general.

Reply #825541 | Report this post

Years ago

It wouldn't be if there wasn't someone tarring all Perth fans with the same brush after one of them makes a comment.

Reply #825544 | Report this post

Years ago

Boomers have played China and Argentina in Perth in the last 10 years

Reply #825545 | Report this post

Years ago

Boomers have played China and Argentina in Perth in the last 10 years
When was the Argentina game? I have no recollection of that.

We had that Sino-Australia Challenge or whatever it was that Vlahov pushed, but it was always meaningless and it was D-level Boomers teams.

Reply #825547 | Report this post

Years ago

I think people are missing the big picture potential of this idea.

It's clearly based on an in-season EuroLeague or Euro Cup type concept that's likely created to alleviate costs of the NBL season proper (separate broadcast/sponsorship deals in future) by generating hype of a Big Bash type tournament and I suspect the likely long-term goal is to try and get teams from Asia say China etc involved and all the potential outside broadcast/sponsorship contracts from them.

On the face of it it doesn't look like much but the NBL Cup has the potential to both offset the costs of the NBL regular season and if expanded to include club teams from other countries in our region could seriously take off.

Reply #825550 | Report this post

Years ago

Wonder if I can get into the games with my regular season United membership

Reply #825551 | Report this post

Years ago

Seems like a good idea to get everyone outside of Melbourne to lose interest going into footy season...

Reply #825553 | Report this post

Years ago

Koburulz - yep it's crazy - they should put on games in small cities instead. That would make sense.

Reply #825554 | Report this post

Years ago

The cup and the 300k feels like it will be a by product of the regular games going on. Cant see players trying hard to win each quarter. Whats in it for them?

Reply #825555 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

Dumb idea. Random hub set at a completely arbitrary time in the state that has been the least successful by far at containing the virus. Further this arrangement actually adds game to a season that probably should be expediated. My question is why? Why not start the hub in January? Is the NBL privy to information that we don't have that predicts a spike in February as opposed to the start of the season?

"On the face of it it doesn't look like much but the NBL Cup has the potential to both offset the costs of the NBL regular season and if expanded to include club teams from other countries in our region could seriously take off.

I don't see any cost offsetting in this season, though, where teams will have to relocate themselves to Melbourne for the entire month. Who is paying for that? Where will teams revenue come from in the games that don't have a Melbourne team involved which almost no one will attend?

I see no evidence that this is a smart idea. It's a lot of games of basketball in a small time period which could mean one of two things for fans - either a veritable basketball heaven with endless games to watch, or burn out half way through, and declining interest as it goes on.

Reply #825556 | Report this post

Years ago

So how many games is each individual team playing don't really care about the whole 36

Reply #825558 | Report this post

Years ago

Adding to ME point. Further increase odds of injuries.

I'm a Perth fan and I don't think we will win title but sure hope United don't. Hate Sydney but less now Bogut is gone.

Hopefully Breakers, Cairns or gulp.. Adelaide win.

Reply #825559 | Report this post

Years ago

Teams will also have shortened rotations because they'll be without their Boomers players.

Reply #825560 | Report this post

Years ago

This is hilarious. People losing their shit because the NBL have decided to call their hub a cup? NSW and NZ already in a hub. Calling it now the NBL finishes in a hub in Melbourne because WA won't open their border.

Reply #825561 | Report this post

Years ago

WA will open their border, but they've made it pretty clear that they will close it again when other states drop the ball.

Reply #825562 | Report this post

Years ago

What worries me is some of the articles say inaugural cup, god help us if this is every season even after life returns to somewhat normal with 100% capacity and domestic travel whenever that may be

Reply #825563 | Report this post

Years ago

So this is 8 games each in a month, so 2 games a week, meanwhile the WNBL hub had 14 games each scheduled in 32 days (before the Lightning got put into quarantine midway through the season). My question seems to be the opposite of others why is this taking so much time in the season?

Reply #825564 | Report this post

Years ago

WA could not get the AFL GF, and cannot get the NBL. WA people cannot see their family. The approach of the WA Gov has been to the great detriment to its constituents. A more balanced approach would have allowed all of these things.

Reply #825565 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah, the AFL didn't give the Grand Final to Adelaide either and South Australia was as open as Queensland at the time. I think the AFL didn't want their cashbag states thinking they're worth anything.

Reply #825566 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't see any cost offsetting in this season, though

That's right there won't be THIS season. The league already said the NBL Cup will be on SBS & ESPN. You need to build it first, perhaps next season the NBL Cup will on Channel 9 or 10?

The costs for a tournament like this would be relatively low and LK will likely be wearing those costs for now or at least a significant portion of them with the possible payoff in future.

I see no evidence that this is a smart idea.

It's strategically the best idea LK has ever hard re: the NBL even more so than buying NBA pre-season games. The potential with Asian teams involved is huge whilst still being relatively cheap to run in the meantime.

If you can't see the significant potential of this tournament I can't help you.

Reply #825567 | Report this post

Years ago

Calling it now the NBL finishes in a hub in Melbourne because WA won't open their border.
WA opened their border weeks ago, and WA is still open to every state other than NSW. And one border closure doesn't justify a hub.

WA could not get the AFL GF, and cannot get the NBL. WA people cannot see their family. The approach of the WA Gov has been to the great detriment to its constituents.
Getting COVID is pretty detrimental.

People losing their shit because the NBL have decided to call their hub a cup?
But it's not just "a hub". It plays by completely different rules with completely different rosters and is completely unnecessary at this point given the season will start with normal home-and-away games in January.

Reply #825569 | Report this post

Years ago

It's clearly based on an in-season EuroLeague or Euro Cup type concept that's likely created to alleviate costs of the NBL season proper (separate broadcast/sponsorship deals in future) by generating hype of a Big Bash type tournament and I suspect the likely long-term goal is to try and get teams from Asia say China etc involved and all the potential outside broadcast/sponsorship contracts from them.
So it's the Australian Basketball Challenge? They tried that. It failed horribly. And this version affects teams' regular season results.

Reply #825570 | Report this post

Years ago

Zodiac, weren't there Asian teams in the Australian Basketball Challenge for a couple years and that went nowhere? How would expanding it and moving it to Melbourne and the middle of the season with games counting for regular season be different (I'm assuming that'll go if other teams join)?

Reply #825571 | Report this post

Years ago

Increasing the number of games this season is not a good idea. Should be less games.

Reply #825572 | Report this post

Years ago

So it's the Australian Basketball Challenge? They tried that. It failed horribly.

Never heard of it but this obviously won't be some hidden pre-season tournament.

And this version affects teams' regular season results.

Not sure what this has to do with anything I said but correct they do. I think you'll find that won't be the case in future when this tournament becomes it's own established entity.

Reply #825575 | Report this post

Years ago

Zodiac, weren't there Asian teams in the Australian Basketball Challenge for a couple years and that went nowhere?
It wasn't a couple of years, it was one year. Every single game the Asian teams played against NBL sides set a new "biggest pre-season margin" record: Perth beat Tianjin by 33, Brisbane beat Zhejiang by 44, Illawarra beat Zhejiang by 48, Melbourne beat Tianjin by 71.

Reply #825576 | Report this post

Years ago

Never heard of it
Sounds like a success then.

Reply #825577 | Report this post

Years ago

I love that Zodiac's argument is basically "this is a good idea because if you change everything about it so it becomes something completely different it might work", and yet that's still been proven wrong.

Reply #825578 | Report this post

Years ago

Ever consider the best way for Lk to not bleed money this season was take the hub offer and the $$ from the Vic Gov? May not be to everyone's liking, but the other option is not have a season at all.

Reply #825579 | Report this post

Years ago

But they're having the hub after the season has already been underway. They may well have to replace the January home and away games with some form of hub, only to lose out on all the February home and away games because of the NBL Cup. Then what?

This is cover for the FIBA break hiding behind shitty marketing.

Reply #825580 | Report this post

Years ago

If it's just for the money then just come out and say so. No one would care - we need all the money we can get.

I wonder if players are getting paid more for these extra games though? They've had to take up to a 50% pay cut and now have 8 extra games added? Seems a bit rough

Reply #825582 | Report this post

Years ago

They don't get paid on a per-game basis.

Reply #825583 | Report this post

Years ago

That may be so, but to lose up to 50% of your salary, play an extra 8 games and also lose any career ending injury insurance seems pretty crappy

Reply #825585 | Report this post

Years ago

I love that Zodiac's argument is basically "this is a good idea because if you change everything about it so it becomes something completely different it might work", and yet that's still been proven wrong.

Unlike yourself sitting in the peanut gallery whinging about everything LK has to think big picture it's his money and the NBL season is a financial burden. If this concept takes off I'm willing to bet you won't be coming back here to admit you were wrong.

Reply #825586 | Report this post

Years ago

That may be so, but to lose up to 50% of your salary, play an extra 8 games and also lose any career ending injury insurance seems pretty crappy

Not really, players would rather play games than train and as NBL players that's all they do is train and then play the odd game here and there. This will be welcomed by the players.

What will likely happen in future too is imports being signed exclusively just for the NBL Cup like in tournaments overseas. That will generate a lot of interest possibly luring ex-NBA guys out of retirement for a quick and easy $200-300k for a month or two work that can't be bothered for a whole season.

Reply #825587 | Report this post

Years ago

#564 they are playing 36 games in 24 days. Hardly chewing up a lot of time

Reply #825589 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #825590 | Report this post

Years ago

On a per game basis many NBL players are on more than NBA minimum wage. NBL players are over paid on many metrics based around revenue. LK maybe taking this opportunity to correct the over payments.

Reply #825591 | Report this post

Years ago

Sounds like it was another B-squad exhibition game. And it was ten years ago; Melbourne has had six or seven meaningful Boomers games in the past two or three years. Adelaide's had one. Did Brisbane get one? Nowhere else has got one.

All the marketing is Melbourne-centric. Melbourne was the preferred hub location even as it had by far the worst COVID situation in the entire country a few of months ago.

Reply #825593 | Report this post

Years ago

Melbourne had 4 WC Qualifiers (2 double headers)
Brisbane had 2 Asia Cup Qualifiers (originally 1 but then COVID concerns hit Hong Kong and the game got moved here)
Bendigo had 1 WCQ (so Victoria had 5)
Adelaide had 1 WCQ

Reply #825594 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth is a pissy little town that only turns out to watch there teams. Give it a break, the whole concept is great.

Reply #825595 | Report this post

Years ago

All the marketing is Melbourne-centric. Melbourne was the preferred hub location even as it had by far the worst COVID situation in the entire country a few of months ago.

Well yeah it's the only city with two teams now about to be three, where else should a hub be, Perth?

Just reinforces my point LK has to think big picture whilst the plebs argue over the backyard provincial BS.

Reply #825596 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz the Melbourne government put money into hosting these events to maintain their sporting capital moniker. Other governments rarely tip in, leaving it to promoters to find the best deal to place games.

Reply #825597 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz- perhaps move to Melb, where all the bball is played and will be played. It is and always be the heart of bball in Aust. You'd enjoy it.

Reply #825598 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth is a pissy little town that only turns out to watch there teams.

Which other cities turn out to watch teams from other states? Without counting the AFL GF I can't even think of a scenario where two other teams have played a game, both on foreign soil. Unless you count the State or Origin that was hosted in Perth last year and was a roaring success.

Reply #825599 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't mind it being in Melbourne but the games should count as Melbourne and SEM home games (ie: for regular season they should only get 10 home 14 away).

Hubs are the only way this season happens so Melbourne should go first then do another block in another city that's Covid safe.

However, if things turn to crap and the NBL wants to do it all from 1 location thats BS. All fans but Perth loved to put an asterix on last seasons title. Only fair that who ever claims this seasons is tarred with that same brush.

Reply #825601 | Report this post

Years ago

Travel 8 teams to Perth or 6 teams to Melbourne. It's obvious what is cheaper

Reply #825603 | Report this post

Years ago

Yep, and the timezone in Perth is rubbish for the overwhelming majority of NBL fans. Perth never an option.

Reply #825605 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth expected the afl grand final but would not commit the so Queensland hosted it. Perth time zone also will affect it.

Reply #825610 | Report this post

Years ago

This whole thread is just KobeRulz sooking because they can't attend games. We get it, you think perth is tops and you're not impressed because someone took away your toy. Get over it champ.

Reply #825611 | Report this post

Years ago

Hang on, so the Melbourne clubs effectively get 7 extra home games? Isn't that an unfair advantage for ladder positioning?

If you want to have a cup tournament, then make it separate from the normal NBL championship standings.

Reply #825613 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

It's strategically the best idea LK has ever hard re: the NBL even more so than buying NBA pre-season games. The potential with Asian teams involved is huge whilst still being relatively cheap to run in the meantime."

How is the potential with Asian teams huge? 1) Their standard of play and talent is vastly inferior save for some high paid imports 2) out of everything we've ever done with China they've NEVER shown any genuine interest in the NBL 3) what money do you even expect to come from Asian teams dipping their toes here for a month and having their asses handed to them?

I don't get it man.

Reply #825617 | Report this post

Years ago

I just saw this, so the NBL cup wins count towards the regular season ladder, or not?

Reply #825618 | Report this post

Years ago

They do. Despite different rules and rosters.

Reply #825619 | Report this post

Years ago

How is the potential with Asian teams huge? 1) Their standard of play and talent is vastly inferior save for some high paid imports 2) out of everything we've ever done with China they've NEVER shown any genuine interest in the NBL 3) what money do you even expect to come from Asian teams dipping their toes here for a month and having their asses handed to them?

1. Standard of play is irrelevant the Chinese love basketball, they think they're good at it and they've got a lot of money to burn.

2. They haven't shown genuine interest yet in part because of the logistics but one or two of their cashed up teams based here for a month or so who knows especially with the current political climate they would probably like nothing more then to stick it right up us.

3. The asses handed to them aspect would be in dispute as they buy up all the best imports outside of the NBA so the games would likely be closer than expected but the sponsorship possibilities are endless not just for the Chinese teams with their sponsors seeking exposure here but all of our teams being able to sign separate sponsorship deals on jerseys being exposed to 100 million or so watching in China.

Seriously ME think about all the exposure of your "Fukc off we're full!" stickers on the front of jerseys, the possibilities are endless.

Reply #825621 | Report this post

Years ago

[Melbourne has three NBL teams, and gets almost every Boomers game. Melbourne can f*** off.]

That's cos Melbourne is the sporting capital of Australia, and the world.

Reply #825624 | Report this post

Years ago

3. The asses handed to them aspect would be in dispute as they buy up all the best imports outside of the NBA so the games would likely be closer than expected
Did you miss the results I quoted from last time this was tried? 33 was the lowest margin. I don't recall if those teams included imports or not but even if they didn't, nobody is going to make up that much of a difference.

Reply #825627 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz, believe me NBL teams couldn't dream of being able to afford the imports that Chinese teams get, some of those guys are on $1m-$1.5M USD a season. Their standard of imports are far above ours. Big gulf in standard between our locals and their locals sure but their best imports are a level above what we get in the NBL.

Reply #825630 | Report this post

ME (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

This whole idea the NBL Cup will become some sort of Asia Cup Championship exists only in your mind, Zodiac and anonymous. There's no evidence whatsoever that this is heading that direction.

Reply #825631 | Report this post

Years ago

Not withstanding the stupid points system, this is absolute lunacy.
JL has snorting too much Coke again.

The idea behind a hub, is that you move teams to where the Virus isn't.
Odds are we are going to see more virus flare ups, and Melbourne would be top of the list.
If the Victorian Government had any brains (which I guess they have already show they don't) they would have BANNED this event, not supported it. Might as well just put all the teams together into a swimming pool, and throw a bucket of virus in. As we have seen, again, and again, it will only take one idiot cleaner or bus-driver, and this could destroy the entire season. Even if you test everyone every day, by the time a positive result is reported they've played three teams, who have each played three more teams, and the entire fucking competition is shot.

$300k in prizemoney? Is it April 1st? Is this some kind of a joke?
Even for a teams like the Hawks that wouldn't cover their costs or the money they've lost.

Reply #825632 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz, believe me NBL teams couldn't dream of being able to afford the imports that Chinese teams get, some of those guys are on $1m-$1.5M USD a season.
They could get LeBron and Giannis, they're still not making up a 70-point deficit.

Odds are we are going to see more virus flare ups, and Melbourne would be top of the list.
Why is Melbourne any more likely than anywhere else?

Reply #825635 | Report this post

Years ago

They could get LeBron and Giannis, they're still not making up a 70-point deficit.

No NBL team is beating a cashed up Chinese team by anything approaching that, 10-15 maybe.

Reply #825636 | Report this post

Years ago

Sadly, they have fucked this season up from the start.

Their precious Melbourne had the virus, so obviously the rest of the country had to be put on hold.
Now, After delaying the season by 3 months, they've realised the bloody obvious. Flare-ups will continue to happen, and if we're going to wait for that to stop happening then they'll be no NBL till 2025.
And, they simply haven't left enough time to play a full 28 game season plus playoffs.

Whilst I can understand the desire to "recoup" some of those lost games, it doesn't really make sense for the NBL. Teams need home games to make money, period.

What they needed to do was keep a flexible posture, and be ready to shift, close, or postpone games as required. And just accept that, even playing twice per week, we'd be lucky to get a 20 game season in.

Reply #825637 | Report this post

Years ago

No NBL team is beating a cashed up Chinese team by anything approaching that, 10-15 maybe.
It's literally already happened, but okay.

Their precious Melbourne had the virus, so obviously the rest of the country had to be put on hold.
The WA border opened two weeks ago, numbnuts.

Flare-ups will continue to happen, and if we're going to wait for that to stop happening then they'll be no NBL till 2025.
And, they simply haven't left enough time to play a full 28 game season plus playoffs.
But...they're going to do that anyway. The hub is in addition to the 28-game season.

Reply #825640 | Report this post

Years ago

It's literally already happened, but okay.

No it hasn't. Some mickey mouse pre-season tournament not involving the cream of the Chinese league, sending under-strength sides that no one saw or remembers is not a barometer of anything.

Reply #825641 | Report this post

Years ago

So a tournament involving NBL clubs and Chinese clubs, occurring outside the regular NBL season, and highly promoted in the hopes of getting money from China, is not a predictor of the success of a tournament involving NBL clubs and Chinese coins clubs occurring outside the NBL regular season and highly promoted in the hopes of getting money from China?

Okay then.

Reply #825644 | Report this post

Years ago

mmmhm why didnt they just bring the Guam and Hong Kong teams to Australia for the Asia Cup round? All via a Hong Kong flight.

or pay them $50k to withdraw.

Reply #825647 | Report this post

Years ago

I remember I gave a suggestion about the NBL doing a Cup format competition. A lot of you guys on here weren't big fans.

I am really shocked because I thought many people were not up for it. I emailed the president and commissioner in November about adding more home games for each NBL teams. It is not a bad idea because the European teams have annual Cup competitions like Spain, Italy, France, Russia and Britain.

Different with the hub in Melbourne, but it is a good business decision because we see how unpredictable Covid-19 can be, look at Sydney? It would of been better if teams could play interstate but understandable this year.

I am uncertain if this is true, but I heard a rich American do not quarantine in Sydney and may of exposed the virus in Sydney's northern beaches. The Government need better plans in place to stop overseas travelers from spreading this virus. There has been too many cases with the upper-class people not doing quarantine.

I heard today that one hospital has the mutated virus from Britain but they in hotel quarantine. Government need act.

Reply #825650 | Report this post

Years ago

English helps man.

Reply #825651 | Report this post

Years ago

Stop being a smartass.

Reply #825654 | Report this post

Years ago

Not a fan of the idea

Last thing they needed was to make the season drag out any longer.

Decent chance teams will need to hub at some stages during the season if outbreaks occur in states or borders close, I don't think they'll want to also have to spend an extra month in this random novelty hub.

The BBL suffered last year with the season dragging on too long and people losing interest, this could happen to the NBL now too.

Do they really expect many people to turn up and watch games as neutrals?

Also points for winning quarters LOL

Reply #825658 | Report this post

Years ago

I think people have brushed over the more concerning part , non Melbourne teams have stated there was zero consultation and the first new about it this morning at 6am , there was tweets by Perth , hawks and cairns this morning saying as much which have since been deleted , guess it pissed head office off

And how's cg43 smug smirky saying they deserved the extra home games for going through covid , blame your government for not controlling it from the start, just because your state poorly handled it and yes you went through hell , doesn’t mean the other states miss out on home games and fans as well , how will this effect clubs financially now , if we (36ers fans ) miss out on 5.6,7,8 home games they will have to refund members negating any possible prize money from this NBL cup bs

Reply #825659 | Report this post

Years ago

I should add I'm not against the idea of a tournament, I dont mind the idea of one, i just don't like the timing of it this season and they way they've organised it

Reply #825660 | Report this post

Years ago

True, they may of rushed it with the pandemic this year.

Eight extra home games is not that large say rather than 16 games if it was home and away?

Watching NBL games on TV is just as good live I think. It shouldn't kill fans for one season with a pandemic going on.

Reply #825661 | Report this post

Years ago

If COVID goes to shit at least they will have a portion of games in the bank

Reply #825664 | Report this post

Years ago

But they don't, because they're games that wouldn't have been played at all otherwise.

Reply #825665 | Report this post

Years ago

- Big "event" for basketball, with all teams in one location and playing every day for a month;

- As the Melbourne clubs have home court advantage for these games, having them count towards the regular season standings is questionable;
- There is no Final. The best part about a cup competition is that there is a final to win the trophy.

Reply #825666 | Report this post

Years ago

What otherwise? These games have been played..tick if COVID hits again they can stall the season and still have a considerable stockpile of games to construct a season moving forward. And backfill if needed hence the June playoff timeline

Reply #825667 | Report this post

Years ago

NBA hub model surprisingly worked with everyone (umps, support staff, cleaners, media etc) involved kept in isolation for the entirety of the hub. Otherwise it will go the cr@p, as shown by preseason player infections and shear stupidity of people in general.

Reply #825669 | Report this post

Years ago

- There is no Final. The best part about a cup competition is that there is a final to win the trophy.

So NBL 2021 will feature a cup with a league format and league with a cup format. They are such trailblazers.

Reply #825671 | Report this post

Years ago

Lol these comments are to funny seems nobody can agree on anything but bagging each other what a shame

Reply #825673 | Report this post

Under a Rock  
Years ago

One major issue with a hub style tournament that's a month long is it may be difficult for officials to be involved depending on what restrictions for travel are in place at that point in time.
With only 2 full time referees, you're then potentially expecting the rest of the panel to relocate to Melbourne for 4 weeks. How many bosses are going to allow their employees to do that, which results in sub par crews being appointed to games.
Hardly what you want when your officiating panel isn't deep as it is.

Reply #825674 | Report this post

Years ago

Plus if it only goes for a month, that will only give Video Vaughan enough time for two or three replay reviews in total

Reply #825684 | Report this post

Years ago

Odds are we are going to see more virus flare ups, and Melbourne would be top of the list.
Why is Melbourne any more likely than anywhere else?
At some level, I would say all major capital cities are equally likely.
Those with international traffic are more likely.
Sydney and Melbourne, presumably having more people coming/ returning would be at greater risk.
Prima facie I'd suspect QLD to be at high risk, but they seem to have been more aggressive in their border restrictions.
Since Politicians insist on being reactionary, it's going to go in cycles. Sydney would have been top of my list, but they've now had theirs. They are clamping down, and will eventually get it under control.
I don't know how many people will be allowed in for the tennis, officials, support staff, etc, but that could also increase the risk for Melbourne.

I think that any Capital City is a bad risk for this type of tournie, even Perth. Our natural paranoia and isolation seems to have protected us, but I fear our turn may be coming.

If they could get the teams and officials in, without the disease, then Tasmania would have been about the only low-risk choice.

Reply #825697 | Report this post

Years ago

This new , 70% more contagious strain of corona has just been detected in Sydney and Victoria

Reply #825718 | Report this post

Years ago

I actually love the idea of an NBL cup like champions league soccer that gets played midweek and gives clubs more trophies to play for is something that appeals to me.

What I don't know nor understand is if this will impact on home games for other NBL clubs (my Wildcats memberships just accrued a late fee yet games aren't on and it's unsure if I could attend anyway) so can we get more equal amount of home games (all non Victorian based teams) and even including them.

Ideally we should be able to see every team at home atleast once this season. Seeing imports in the flesh is always the highlight and with ex NBA players on rosters, there's plenty to look forward to... If we can see them

Reply #825729 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm based in Melbourne. The tickets are still being finalised. Be interesting to see if United and Phoenix will add the 8 extra games to our memberships.

It would be obvious if the we will need to buy another membership (8 game membership) to see these extra games. I wouldn’t mind watching the Breakers, Hawks or Wildcats.

Reply #825748 | Report this post

Years ago

Players not getting paid for the NBL Cup games it seems.

Reply #825806 | Report this post

Years ago

Interesting how and why decisions are made and the mechanisms etc.

For example, is it possible players are paid for x months in their contract and therefore they're simply playing more games and training less? Some have argued this is a smart idea to have a more financially viable league.

Interesting how this affects clubs cash flow wise where there’s a month they may not get that home ticket revenue that they likely rely on. All well and good to say they still get their 14 home games but if you’re not getting that revenue for a whole month that may be an issue.

As a general proposition, I think the NBL needs a way to find more value from players to make it a financially sustainable league but also to find ways to make basketball a financially attractive option for players. Ie. more games to increase revenue; over a short time frame to allow players to make $$$ in other leagues. That needs to be balanced against physical demands on players, travel costs, costs for consumers (there’s probably a limit on how many games a member wants to pay for; more games may not increase your overall/game day/non member ticket sales by much), and time slots - weekday games perhaps may end up in losing money.

All about striking that balance for league, players and maximising of revenue

Reply #825807 | Report this post

Years ago

Do you really think the H/A season will happen? I have said for ages that they they shoud have abandoned this season. Are the Olympics going to go ahead? etc.

Reply #825815 | Report this post

Years ago

^It's possible the NBL is hedging its bets. Hoping that if the season does go to hell, at least they've had the cup.
I'm just not sure of the logic.
To me, this is going to lose a lot of money. Few Melbournians will turn out to watch the out of state teams play each other.
And is the risk really worth it?

With this new strain now apparently spread to Victoria, I would not be surprised if this still gets shit-canned.

^And I tend to agree.
They should have abandoned plans for any normal season,
packed off as many players as possible to Europe and Asia (where presumably TV is paying the bills)
Slashed the salary cap,
No imports
And then, if circumstances permitted, played some kind of "Challenge" with what they had left.

At this point, its almost inconceivable that we get anything like a normal season.
All the changes already in place
2-3 month delay
Breakers playing in Aus
Reduced capacity everywhere,
No games in NSW for a while,
Who knows what happens next.
Not withstanding this nonsense

Reply #825824 | Report this post

Years ago

re: "Few Melbournians will turn out to watch the out of state teams play each other."

I don't agree that Victorians will not want to watch these games live (as opposed to live games). Melbourne is not regarded as the basketball centre of Aust just on the basis of numbers. Their passion for any sport that they are "into" is huge. Same for basketball. I know that there are plenty of basketball fans in Vic who would love games such as these (but un-like the Blitz, these results will matter!)

Reply #825833 | Report this post

Years ago

Remember when Melbournins wouldn't turn up to Tigers games and the Tigers played in the smallest stadium in the league.

Reply #825836 | Report this post

Years ago

Case numbers in NSW are back down to single digits already, it's entirely conceivable that things are good to go by season start.

Reply #825840 | Report this post

Years ago

If Queensland and WA open there borders like previously, they wanted 28 days without one local transmission in the community. If those rules are still in place hawks and kings had better leave nsw now and set up elsewhere. Canberra or Bendigo, Ballarat would be good. The virus isn't over in Sydney yet as Christmas will see a spike.

Reply #825844 | Report this post

Years ago

All states and territories are now requiring 14 days quarantine once you fly in from NSW, kings and hawks are screwed. If they leave Boxing Day it will give them only a few days to train and regain fitness before season starts.

Reply #825849 | Report this post

Years ago

Hawks and kings on the move, Albury till Melbourne or any other state let's them in. ::))))

Reply #825881 | Report this post

Years ago

Huge turn off when the NBL Cup has an influence on the NBL season standings. NBL Cup should just be a knock out competition for all NBL teams and all top tier state teams.

Reply #825933 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz spoke too soon. Cases in NSW at record levels and is working hard to engulf the Kings.

Reply #825943 | Report this post

Years ago

Record levels??? Put down the pipe mate

Reply #825944 | Report this post

Years ago

Kings and Hawks no longer in Sydney. Sydney a long way from hosting basketball games though.

Reply #825945 | Report this post

Years ago

It's Dr Kobe. Nuff said.

Reply #825946 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz spoke too soon. Cases in NSW at record levels and is working hard to engulf the Kings.
"It is possible that thing A could happen" does not mean that Thing A is guaranteed, or even likely.

That aside...record levels? They haven't had a single day over 13 cases since I posted that. Back in March, they had multiple days of 200+ new cases. There are currently less than 150 cases that are even active.

Reply #826123 | Report this post

Years ago

So are the players going to get paid?

Reply #826125 | Report this post

Years ago

Just saw the official league ad for this competition on ESPN. It's Goulding and Adnam monotonely telling us how good the cup is for basketball, Melbourne and Victoria. Hardly inspiring.

Reply #826153 | Report this post

Years ago

Just had a coffee with and old mate who is not a rust on supporter but keeps his eye on the nbl, used to be only nba, first thing he said to me how come adnam is doing advertising, isn't he a bench player. Lol.

Reply #826155 | Report this post

Years ago

Adnam, is a joke.

Reply #826159 | Report this post

Years ago

Adnam plays basketball for a living. He's not a joke, and you are quite obviously jealous which is sad for you

Reply #826160 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think he’s a joke but is he the best person for advertising, as my part nbl watching mate said why him, surely you would use a Cotton or similar import, Aussie player that’s an excitement machine and not a bench player.

Reply #826163 | Report this post

Years ago

Which goes back to my original point - it feels like they recorded the ad in two minutes with minimal effort for a product most are unconvinced by.

Reply #826164 | Report this post

Years ago

Well produced rather than recorded.

Reply #826165 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm with you PW.

Reply #826167 | Report this post

Years ago

Players I'd rather have representing the NBL than Kyle Adnam.

Shane Heal.
Brett Maher.
Leroy Loggins.
Larry Sengstock.
Norman Taylor.

Reply #826169 | Report this post

Years ago

Can't come up with current players LB?

Reply #826172 | Report this post

Years ago

Man I hare idiots posting names from left field. Lovebroker if you were a serious NBL fan you would already nkow that The LATE Norman Taylor is no longer with us.
Try and stick with something you know of rather than disrespect a great Haks player. (if possible)

Reply #826181 | Report this post

Years ago


Please respect the Haks.

Reply #826183 | Report this post

Years ago

Fuck off it's a typo. Respect to Stormin was the point. I guess you weren't even born then.

Reply #826184 | Report this post

Years ago

Lovebroker if you were a serious NBL fan you would already nkow that The LATE Norman Taylor is no longer with us.


It gives a feel of where I place Kyle Adnam.

Reply #826191 | Report this post

Years ago

The way things are going the Hawks and Kings won't be playing games in NSW till around March (when the NBL Cup finishes). Expect the league to send out a revised schedule shortly.

Reply #826204 | Report this post

Years ago

^^^ exactly.

Let's hope Victoria get on top off this small out break that started in Sydney quickly or it could be hub only games. Smart move by hawks and kings to get to Albury for 14 days to get into Victoria and out dumb Sydney.

Reply #826205 | Report this post

Years ago

VIC boarder closed to all NSW. What's does that mean for the NBL

Reply #826218 | Report this post

Years ago

NBL relocating teams into Tasmania for training purposes....

Reply #826222 | Report this post

Years ago

Hawks and Kings in big trouble they can't go anywhere because they’ve only just relocated and hard border is going up everywhere.

Breakers going to Tassie

You’d expect United and Phoenix to follow.

Reply #826223 | Report this post

Years ago

Hawks and kings all being tested, supposedly flying out ASAP. Melbourne sides a nz as well. Olgun reporting.

Reply #826229 | Report this post

Years ago

Hawks and kings all being tested, supposedly flying out ASAP. Melbourne sides a nz as well. Olgun reporting.

Reply #826230 | Report this post

Years ago

Why would you fly out when you can simply cross the border a few miles away?

Reply #826290 | Report this post

Years ago

It's weird how history repeats.
For many years the NBL was dogged by it's Melbourne-centric mentality.

Apparently nothing has changed.

They've backed everyone into a corner by delaying the start, again and again. And why? Because Melbourne had covid.
They ignored the obvious solutions, and have simply made it harder.

And then this. As I said from the start this was always an epically stupid idea, driven by nothing except the standing belief that Melbourne is the centre of the universe.

Reply #826384 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth Timezone makes a Hub there problematic for prime time viewing in the Eastern States.

Reply #826386 | Report this post

Years ago

Does it though? You're going to get basically no crowds to a neutral game anyway, so you can just as well put them on at four in the afternoon.

Reply #826393 | Report this post

Years ago

No one on the eastern seaboard wants to watch live sport starting at 10.30 at night. The timezone has always worked against Perth for that reason. Hence why i think from memory you had a Grand Final game at 12.30pm on a Sunday so it fit nicely into the viewing schedule for the east

Reply #826394 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #827157 | Report this post

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