I don't have any stats, but thought a lot of overseas returning passengers were Australians that were unable to return previously. Just to stay at a medi hotel is thousands of dollars. A lot of Australians were stranded overseas unable to return as lockdowns were everywhere. I'm disappointed the government weren't able to sort their shit out better and send our air force to pick up stranded people. Then to do a better job of finding appropriate accommodation well away from major cities and the general population.
No expert, but why couldn't regional places be used for accommodation purposes. I'm sure with the hospitality and tourism industries struggling, there are some places that tick the boxes. But for some reason they locate these hotels in major cities, that if the virus does leak it, thousands are affected. South Australia's cluster was apparently caused by air circulation in the hotel, f@$k me, do the boffins even think about that risk factor when thinking about an air born virus?
I don't blame the returning Australians, they have a right to return home, the government's solutions are the problem. Victorians inquiry, especially into the aged care centres was appalling, workers going to different centres caused so many deaths with the most vulnerable.
Lucky India are shit at cricket atm, may have saved some people, just because the chardonnay swigging elites in the members section wanted a game of cricket.