Years ago
Wildcats Membership Options
What's everyone thinking of doing?
Not sure why the government is insisting on reduced capacity? Either we have kept the virus out, or not?
If we fuck up and somebody with the virus makes it to a game, then they will infect those around them. Keeping every 2nd row empty might limit that, but probably not.
My problem is that we have really Good Silver seats. I probably wouldn't bother with a full season, except we've had these seats since the Arena opened and don't want to give them up.
But even under the Diamond Pledge, we'd have to take pot luck on getting any Silver seats. And by the sounds of it, rather than just giving us tickets to 50% of the games, its going to be a free for all, every time it tickets go on sale.
I'm not complaining, they're doing the best they can under the circumstances, its just a pain.
I'm thinking of taking the credit option.