Years ago

COVID spacing rules per stadium

It may have already been raised, but the strange rules at different stadiums around Adelaide are annoying and fail to be "COVID safe" anyway.
St Clair bunches people in queues, sends kids in alone, then adults later (as if the kids going in wouldn't have had the virus if the parents didn’t), and stadiums locking doors almost until tip off etc doesn’t allow much warm up either.
State Champs at West Adelaide stadium was another example of that. It seems people in charge take pride in making it seem like their venues are COVID safe, when in reality their rules are laughable.

Topic #47721 | Report this topic

Years ago

It's not "their rules". Stadium officials are following directives from the state government.

I agree common sense should be used more often, but people will similarly complain about different standards or just flaunt the rules anyway.

The reality is that these are small prices to pay, so let's all put on our big boy pants and deal with it.

Reply #819986 | Report this post

Years ago

It will be interesting to see how the 36ers work it all for their practice games

Reply #819987 | Report this post

Years ago

Each stadium is different, so it is their rules

Reply #819990 | Report this post

Years ago

It's the government’s protocols adapted for that venue. Still the health departments domain to set the requirements for each space

Reply #819992 | Report this post

80’s Rocker  
Years ago

I don't see the logic when the stadium is empty and has been for sometime so there is no cleaning going on that everyone stands around in groups or in lines waiting for the stadium to open, once inside everyone spaces out and maintain social distancing.

Also hard to find the logic in four spectators per play player at State Camps but still only one for district games.

Reply #819994 | Report this post

Years ago

It's not directives from the government. The government has covid guidelines (which now need to be removed completely anyway) and BSA does a risk assessment and plan. It's their rules from a risk assessment done months ago which is not relevant today. The rules at stadiums are an example of this. Rules regarding numbers, spacing etc, and the same stadium then herds everybody into a small confined area and makes them wait there for periods of time. Absolutely crazy.
Locking front doors at stadiums as Bearcats do are a complete violation of all OH&S regulations, blocking exits, and would void their insurance.
There should be no restrictions anywhere on SA communities and events as their is no covid in SA. Using covid as an excuse for rules in this state is illogical. But it's all good as the transmission committee and powers that be have saved everybodys life and made us safe.
One of the funniest thing I have seen is court supervisor making brothers and sisters have to move and sit apart from each other, when they live in the same house and travelled in same car to venue.
At bearcats we finished a game and had to leave through side exit. I went back in to watch last couple of minutes of game on the court next to ours. The covid Marshall then said that was an exit only, I had to go back out through the exit (I was already in the stadium) and come back in through the front door. Crazy.

Reply #819995 | Report this post

Years ago

You see different crazy behaviour at BSA stadiums. South Adelaide have been running both courts every week for district games for months now, etc with stadium full of people. At state champs they only had one court going with the other completely empty and unused, still made people wait outside. Crazy.
Community rec centres have blocked off access to areas where tables and chairs used to sit, and force everybody to stand around in large groups in a hallway or foyer, unable to spread themselves out. Crazy.
Stadiums won't let people in until their games starts forcing them to wait together in one large group, and then create huge mass of people as they all try to pay at same time trying to get in on time before their games starts in a few minutes. Crazy. In normal times people arriving at the game and entering is spread out as everyone arrives at different times.

Reply #819996 | Report this post

Years ago

Does this mean teams will only be able to play zone defence?

And is the onus on the offensive payer to stay 1.5m away?

Or will there be big green spots on the floor for defenders to stand on?

Reply #820016 | Report this post

Years ago

You sir are an idiot

Reply #820019 | Report this post

Facepalm Dazz

Reply #820038 | Report this post

Years ago

Supervisor at wayville let home team in to warm up, and then forced away team to wait near canteen, eventually away team just went to court and began warm up, with 48 seconds left on the clock, before allocated start time.
resulting in no warm up.


Reply #820048 | Report this post

Years ago

Well with a new outbreak in SA today maybe people will again start taking this seriously.

Reply #821391 | Report this post

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