Years ago

Coach favoritism

Hi all, when I was about 16 I played in a rep team, was statistically highest scorer on team, I was also a very good defender use to turn the ball over all the time, my team eventually made it to the finals of a tournament and the coach put me on the bench for the whole game I cried alot at the end angry and disappointed.threw me away like a piece of trash, there should be people regulating these coaches inhumane treatment of players/people.he also isolated me and another player in training, literally made us sit on the bench in TRAINING.Surely this treatment is not ok something needs to be done, he let his 2 sons play all the time and just isolated people who weren't his sons best friend, not to mention he also let his sons friend play with no tryout. Coaches like this should be penalised or banned from the VJBL.

Topic #47711 | Report this topic

Years ago


Reply #819601 | Report this post

Say what?!!!  
Years ago

What did the police say?

Reply #819602 | Report this post

Dave Q  
Years ago

Never post whilst drunk.

Reply #819603 | Report this post

Years ago

Sounds like you dummy split because the coach didn't play you in one game.

Lets say it was unfair. Maybe, your response should have been to work harder and if the coach didn't play you for the rest of the season, then go to another team the next year.

The coach sitting you out of practice tells me he unhappy with your attitude to training.

Life is unfair and what is important is your response.

The fact that you cried as 16 year man seems to show your immaturity. Their are many players in rep ball who don't train a single minute. I bet most of them think they deserve more. The ones that succeed fight through their emotions and keep working hard.

Your victimhood view on life is very toxic to you and other people.

Suck it up and move on.

Reply #819604 | Report this post

Years ago

Lets hope this taught you about life.

Reply #819610 | Report this post

Years ago

There was obviously some reason he put you on the bench which you failed to mention.

By the way you are going on (made you sit on the bench at training and at the game) without explain the reasons of the coach, I imagine it was for some type of discipline reason.

Everything you wrote was an attempt for you to play the victim with complete bias and leaving out any information that doesn't suit your argument. Without the full story I can only conclude that the coach was correct in his ways. Identify what the coach said to you and learn from it.

Reply #819612 | Report this post

Years ago

How old are you now?
Please say 17

Reply #819613 | Report this post

Years ago

How old are you now kiddo ? (OP)

Reply #819614 | Report this post

Years ago

He didn't say anything guys, no communication, never told me why,never gave me a reason.

Reply #819615 | Report this post

Years ago

Did you ask him?

Reply #819616 | Report this post

Years ago

Honestly I was pretty young, it was hard for me to speak up, no I didn't. I was a team player, always trying to make others feel included can't really see what I could've done wrong, passed all the time, his son didn't

Reply #819617 | Report this post

Years ago

Lets put this thread on the bench and never play it again

Reply #819618 | Report this post

Years ago

This is better drama than home and away

Reply #819619 | Report this post

Years ago

I have seen plenty of coaches who only ever give the bottom of their bench garbage minutes. Mostly for no better reason than they think that is how it should be. Clubs should care more because these kids ultimately go find better opportunities elsewhere. I know of 1 kid that sat on the bench all u14 and came close to state u16 team a couple of years later at at another club.

Reply #819620 | Report this post

Years ago

People need to take this seriously. This cost me my chance at getting to college and then possibly the NBA. The coach should be banned.

Reply #819622 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd love to ride the nba pine too

Reply #819623 | Report this post

Years ago

I benched you because you were a prick. You arenever going to be good enough for the NBA. You always wanted to throw a miracle pass and be the hero. You never followed the game plan.

I wouldn't even select your entitled ass next time.

(If what the coach would be saying if he was on hoops)

Reply #819624 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Life is not meant to be easy.

Nek minut, you've had a kid with a chick, she moves on and she takes you for half you got, then she got one of your kids, she got you for 18 years, 18 years, 18 years, one of you kids, she got you for 18 years.

Let this be a life lesson. If you are really miffed, you could always hunt down your former coach, key his 2002 VN Commodore, or even better still do something like blow up his letter box, or my personal favourite, get a paper bag, put some dog turds in it, set it alight, leave it on his door step and ring his bell

Reply #819635 | Report this post

Years ago

"He didn't say anything guys, no communication, never told me why,never gave me a reason." So you didn't ask him and all these years later you start a topic because "Honestly I was pretty young, it was hard for me to speak up"
Either this is made up or you have an issue that you need to see a doctor about. Outta here.

Reply #819636 | Report this post

Years ago

The OP is an idiot.

Reply #819638 | Report this post

Years ago

Heard of Avery Johnson.

Nobody can stop somebody making NBA.

Reply #819639 | Report this post

Years ago

No idea who the OP is, how old they are, why they are posting here, whether just drunk or trolling, but let's put that aside for the moment and focus on what is being said.
(Could be a troll just wanting to have a debate, who knows.)

Those saying "oh you must have done something to deserve this" have clearly never been involved with Junior Sport.
Those of us that have, have seen all manner of terrible coaches, from the simply stupid to the downright psycho. And yes, the twats who manoeuvre for roles coaching rep teams just so that their kids and favourites get games.

Even if this is a true story, it could be the OP was a poor player, or had a poor attitude.
BUT, without knowing any facts, purely on the basis of statistical average, the most common reason for prick coach to pull that is because he was not given a free hand in selecting the team. Either teams and/or squads were chosen by a panel, or there was some kind of rule dictating selection.

That the OP talks about the NBA to me indicates that this is a windup, but if not, I can only say to the OP that if he wasn't aan absolute super-star at U16, his chances of making the NBA would be practically zero.
Maybe, had things been different, you might have been able to waste a few years of your life on a partial scholarship to some unknown Junior College, but honestly that is no great loss.

If you still love the game, get back into it. Even if its just a social league. Who knows you might become a local star. And if you're still young enough, and good enough, who know where it might lead.

As for the coach, I wish I could tell you that he will be the only cocksucker you'll have for a boss, but sadly the world is full of them.

Reply #819640 | Report this post

Duke Fan  
Years ago

When I was coaching juniors I absolutely showed players that had a good attitude, worked hard, were respectful and had team first motivation.

Funny that

Reply #819642 | Report this post

Years ago

What Duke Fan said ^^^

Reply #819648 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree with Duke Fan too.

Nothing pisses me off more than the kids who expect preference because of who they or their parents are, because of their generation's sense of entitlement, because their hero is James Harden, or whatever.

Sadly, too many parents support them on the basis that 'ANY points are better than NO points'. So these kids shoot more than anyone else, won't pass to team-mates in better positions, and happily ignore that their shooting % is often crap.

Reply #819656 | Report this post

Years ago

please dont tell me the trending thing on the internet now, is to vent about how you're a freak athlete in your respective field that had not one flaw but you couldnt get a kick, or on court or whatever.

Reply #819661 | Report this post

Years ago

Junior coaching, even at high levels, is pretty badly paid and often a side gig. This means you absolutely get people who shouldn't be there/aren't qualified/are just dickheads. Not saying all coaches are like this, but it does happen.

Reply #819666 | Report this post

Years ago

While I agree this is more than likely a wind up, I think there are some good points being raised. As a group of coaches more needs to be done to overview our ethics. We have all seen that coach who gets appointed to the 1's only to select their own kid and then set the whole team up around them, regardless of skill level. You may say fine if you are not happy leave, but most clubs have 30-40 kids in each age group (min) and some kids don’t have an option codes of practice need to be setup and enforced.

We are here to develop kids, especially in the younger age groups where there is no reason for a young to no be giving every kid 10 mins.

By the way all the way all my kids are well and truly aged out and I am 20 year coach so no angry parent here.

Reply #819683 | Report this post

Years ago

Junior coaching, even at high levels, is pretty badly paid
Where the hell are you from that rep coaches get paid at all?

Reply #819689 | Report this post

Years ago

Most clubs pay their Div 1/2 coaches a fee in South Australia, and it varies from club to club how much is paid.

Some clubs pay their Div 3 and below coaches a fee in SA but its a nominal amount.

Most JDO are now paid positions for clubs.

Reply #819707 | Report this post

Years ago

707, please name those clubs.
I know Division 1 coaches at most clubs and not one of them is getting paid.

Reply #819708 | Report this post

Years ago

707, can you let me know those SA clubs that are not only paying D1/2 coaches but also D3 coaches? I've never heard such rubbish. There might be a slight discount off their kids fees if they have any playing but that's all I'm aware of.

Reply #819716 | Report this post

Years ago

Man I think people make too much of a big deal regarding nepaltism.

So what if the coach (or assistant) is your biological father who has a vested financial, personal, emotional or sentimental interest in the development of one particular player over 11 others. I mean thats not necessarily going to create a conflict of interest, especially if you are professional about it.

I say let the coach play they're son, it could very well be that the son has mad game.

Reply #819718 | Report this post

Years ago

I heard Sturt pay $500 a season is that correct?

Reply #819719 | Report this post

Years ago

Is Nepaltism, the plural of Nepal.?

Reply #819729 | Report this post

Years ago

LOl maybe I spelt it wrong, I dunno.

I went to school to major in get buckets, not punctualisation and spelling.

Reply #819736 | Report this post

Years ago

Fail on both accounts then.

Reply #819740 | Report this post

Years ago


Haha, nicely done.

Reply #819741 | Report this post

Years ago

I would suspect that most big VJBL clubs would pay their coaches, most wouldn't cover petrol but I had heard that some clubs were payings 1's coaches upwards of $2K. And that was 5 years ago. Never had a 1's but even I was paid $500

Reply #819749 | Report this post

Years ago

Fact is Norwood pay domestic coaches in its Adelaide COMMUNITY LEAGUE which would be a profit machine I expect

Reply #819750 | Report this post

Years ago

Pretty sure that's not specific to Norwood, or relevant to what others are discussing.

Reply #819758 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #819759 | Report this post

Years ago

I would suspect that most big VJBL clubs would pay their coaches, most wouldn't cover petrol but I had heard that some clubs were payings 1's coaches upwards of $2K.
For juniors? That's insane, you'd get an SBL coach for that sort of money here.

Reply #819761 | Report this post

Years ago

It's relevant because the discussion is SA clubs playing Rep coaches and Norwood are paying domestic coaches and Rep coaches
Other clubs are doing the same
It should not be done this way but the governing body is not governing

Reply #819764 | Report this post

Years ago

Do SA have Rep coaches? Are you referring to Div 1 coaches? I'm still not convinced that SA clubs are paying their D1 to D3 coaches as suggested earlier. Yes i believe some are paying their Domestic coaches as that's a separate comp, much like social where the rego and match fees can cover coaches. These coaches can also coach multiple games, much like some school comps, so paying them for their time makes sense.
I's still like '707' to confirm which clubs they're referring to?

Reply #819767 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes Div1 coaches
Some are paid for sure
It's not governed well so clubs do as they wish

Reply #819768 | Report this post

Years ago

Most SA clubs do not pay district coaches. In fact some big name clubs even charge division 1 coaches for polo tops.

Norwood do not pay district coaches. Some of the for profit domestic clubs in the ACBA pay their coaches, but that's not Norwood paying them.

Sturt do pay their coaches a little, but it's my understanding that they then charge for level 1 courses etc, so not sure how far ahead anyone really is when take into account costs etc.

Some people on here have no clue.

Reply #819769 | Report this post

Years ago

I've never heard of div 1 coaches in SA getting paid but I could be wrong.

I have heard in the past domestic coaches get $10 a game. I imagine this is to encourage domestic coaches as they struggle to get coaches

Reply #819770 | Report this post

Years ago

Truth, it goes without saying that some domestic coaches are paid. This is much like school or camps, in that competent coaches would otherwise be generally unwilling to do these roles for free.

Again, this is not specific to Norwood or directly relevant. I've also not heard of Norwood's div 1 coaches being paid.

Reply #819780 | Report this post

Years ago

Some D1 & below coaches are indeed paid
Sorry if that's not what you want to believe
Also, here is some cash for AussieHoops & to coach our junior team

Reply #819790 | Report this post

Years ago

This is the case at a few clubs to best knowledge

Reply #819791 | Report this post

Years ago

For someone that goes by the name 'Truth' its still very hard to believe anything you are saying. You say 'some D1 and below' coaches are paid. Where, what club, how much? Your example of 'cash for Aussie Hoops' is something completely different. Clubs pay coaches, NBL 1 players, JDO's etc to run those sessions as they are separate to normal day to day district team coaching and often very profitable. At the end of the day if you're a club coach in SA and get 'paid' the good luck to you as it probably equates to $1.50 per hour if you're lucky, but i would still like some actual proof on clubs paying D1 to D3 coaches

Reply #819800 | Report this post

Years ago

For someone that goes by the name 'Truth' its still very hard to believe anything you are saying. You say 'some D1 and below' coaches are paid. Where, what club, how much? Your example of 'cash for Aussie Hoops' is something completely different. Clubs pay coaches, NBL 1 players, JDO's etc to run those sessions as they are separate to normal day to day district team coaching and often very profitable. At the end of the day if you're a club coach in SA and get 'paid' the good luck to you as it probably equates to $1.50 per hour if you're lucky, but i would still like some actual proof on clubs paying D1 to D3 coaches

Reply #819801 | Report this post

Years ago

Why are you so defensive and why can you not believe that district clubs pay some junior coaches a nominal fee?

They want to have good coaches so they incentivise

Might be imports or locals

It happens

If they hide it with other programs then it's still happening

Reply #819805 | Report this post

Years ago

What other clubs supposedly pay their div 1 coaches?

Reply #819811 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

"I have heard in the past domestic coaches get $10 a game"

Some clubs probably pay their coaches a pepper corn to cover petrol money, computer IT, reimbursement for uniforms, equipment, stationery etc

Reply #819816 | Report this post

Years ago

It's not that i can't believe it but rather all I'm hearing is 'some clubs' and 'as far as i know' but nothing else. I've been involved at one of the bigger clubs for well over 10 years as player, parent, coaching, on the board etc and know for a fact that D1, D2 nor D3 coaches were never paid, hidden or otherwise.

Your example regarding imports is a totally different situation as it can be packaged into what they are being paid to 'play'.

As for an 'incentive' to get good coaches I'd doubt that the $500 suggested earlier is that huge an incentive to bring in a coach to commit 8-10 hours a week for 35 odd weeks a year.

So other than possibly Norwood, which other clubs are paying their junior coaches?

Reply #819817 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't know what DIV 1 even is. I guess it's a local competition in some states. Certainly in SEABL / NBL1 coaches get relatively well paid for a short season.

Reply #819823 | Report this post

Years ago

Like a lot of posters here I know a lot of people from a lot of clubs. This post has generated some discussion within my circle of mostly Div 1 and 2 coaches.

I can confidently say that no club is paying their Div 1 coaches.

"Truth" has made an incorrect statement and is now digging himself a deeper hole trying to explain it.

Truth, you're wrong. End of.

Reply #819826 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't know what DIV 1 even is. I guess it's a local competition in some states. Certainly in SEABL / NBL1 coaches get relatively well paid for a short season.
This thread is about juniors.

Reply #819829 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon, so from your circle of friends you can confidently say no district coaches have been paid?
I believe otherwise and don't care either way
Truth is, some have confirmed they were paid
Aware of three clubs
One up the hill, one in an inner suburb of Adelaide & another east
It’s not a big deal but you seem to be friends with all junior div 1:2 coaches so I guess you are right

Reply #819842 | Report this post

Years ago


That's correct, I am right, and there are a number of people posting here trying to explain to you that you are wrong
You just don't want to hear it so maybe we should just let you be.

At least the fact that we can post anonymously here has stopped you from publicly embarrassing yourself.

Reply #819848 | Report this post

Years ago

Sarcasm, anon
Clearly you don't know all the coaches because there is no doubt some junior coaches in SA have been paid

As I said, it is not a big deal at all however you obviously have reason to deny

Others have posted here also to say the some have been paid

We are not talking big money
It’s an honorarium of approx $300 per season or similar

Reply #819850 | Report this post

Years ago

So you're suggesting that Norwood, Forestville and Eastern pay div 1/2 coaches. I know that for at least one of those your info is incorrect.

Reply #819851 | Report this post

Years ago

I can add to that.
I know that it's not correct for two of them.

Truth, how many people need to get on here and tell you this before you admit that you made it all up and now feel pretty stupid?

Reply #819852 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz, you're a waste of oxygen. You think no junior coaches ever get paid?

Reply #819854 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm pretty sure he was responding to the assertion that junior rep coaches being paid was commonplace, not that none of them are.

Reply #819855 | Report this post

Years ago

Sturt not Eagles

Anon feels the need to attack me and to deny that junior coaches have indeed been paid
No need to make anything up
It actually makes zero difference to me either way

You on the other hand have a reason to be so defensive ?

Reply #819860 | Report this post

Years ago

& no, it's not common place in SA

Reply #819861 | Report this post

Old Baller  
Years ago

I am involved quite heavily in an SA club.
I guess it depends on your interpretation of 'getting paid'. At our club, all district coaches have either one childs fees waived or, if a player themsleves, their fees waived. If the coach does not have a child or play, they do not then get 'paid', they then do it for the love of it.

Reply #819865 | Report this post

Years ago

Kobe wrong again.

Reply #819866 | Report this post

Years ago

How is discrediting your assertion being defensive? By that logic, you're being equally defensive. It makes about as much difference to you as it does to me, evidently.

I think that's the case for most clubs, Old Baller. It would be funny if that's what Truth was referring to.

Reply #819870 | Report this post

Years ago

VJBL coaches in Victorian tend to receive "petrol Money" type payments. I haven't coached VJBL for around 15 years, and I received small payments each month to help with this.

I've been to a couple of clubs since and believe this to be the case elsewhere to this day. Was always rumored that X club play some coaches ridiculous amounts.

Not sure if the question posed is restricted to just S.A Clubs, but from my experience, coaches certainly get some sort of remuneration here in Vic for their time, which varies from club to club.

Reply #819876 | Report this post

Years ago

Kobe wrong again.
All I did was ask a question, you moron.

Reply #819883 | Report this post

Years ago

Still wrong.

Reply #819887 | Report this post

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