Years ago
Brooklyn Nets sign Steve Nash as HC
This came out of nowhere..
Years ago
This came out of nowhere..
Not really. I'd say it’s an appoint to appease Durant. Nash helped him rehab at GS
Years ago
I mean, any coach appointed would have been to appease Durant and/or Irving.
Nash as a HC candidate came out of nowhere. In saying that, I think he'll do well.
Years ago
What does everyone think of Stephen Smith's rant about the Nash hiring as white privilege? Fact based or emotional, click bait, riding the BLM train?
Plenty of no HC experience black coaches over the years with Jason Kidd, Derek Fisher and Isiah Thomas coming to mind. Read an article saying that it is "former player/superstar privilege". Essentially KD and Kyrie getting to pick who they want like LeBron has done over the years, MJ etc.
Years ago
A good read here calling out Stephen Smith: https://deadspin.com/the-steve-nash-hire-isnt-about-white-privilege-1844944950
Think the author is African American too?
Years ago
If Nash can deal with Durant and Irving then good luck to him.
Years ago
I saw a couple articles questioning a white hire with a black coach outgoing and if that's white privilege. I really dont like that connection being made.
I think it's more hall of fame privilege over white privilege in this case. I think any time a hall of fame player wants a shot at HC they get it, nothing to do with race in this instance.
Stephen A's job is to be controversial for attention, so he simply went that route. It’s not proper journalism where they have to fact check and be accountable/transparent, it’s simply to get attention.
So yeah, click bait.
After the success of Nurse it’s abit of another example of and old way of thinking.
Years ago
This dude will be fine. I like how Durant and Kyrie keep the media in the dark at all times. Stop all the bullshit conjecture.
Great player, will be great coach and I'm a BLM supporter, that has nothing to do with it.
Great player, will be great coach and I'm a BLM supporter, that has nothing to do with it.
Years ago
Grasping at straws that connection.
NBA clubs are going to go with the best candidate available/as chosen by the star players
It's a basketball decision by a basketball team.
Blacks will whinge if it aint a black hire.....cmon man bigger issues as the NBA of all leagues is the most fair and open league in the world this is clickbait!
Stephen Smith just wants his "Brothers" to get jobs
ANON 816717
Im Black and I think its a good hire. stop with the race card please.
It's the ex hall of game player thing doesn’t matter what colour that’s simply click bait from ESPN who for some reason push that narrative at the moment.
ESPN are cnn or foxnews and should just present the sports
Years ago
Yeah, of course Steve Nash getting the coaching gig would be called racist. It's 2020 after all. Any time a white guy wins over a black guy in any context someone will pull the race card. It's become quite obnoxious to listen to.
Pretty sure Jordan was a no-experience bloody GM for a team. they just assumed that because he was a great player, he'd be able to run a basketball organization. He's black so no one is making a big deal about it.
Steve Nash played point guard, and was one of the best to ever do it. Point guards often translate into good coaches. Steven A. Smith wasn't present at the interviews and meetings to say whether Nash impressed in that setting above other applicants.
But yeah, to Smith, "white privilege" is being one of the best point guards of all time, and having that open doors for you, as if Magic Johnson wouldn't get a coaching job if he put his hand up.
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