Years ago

WNBL consider shorter hub season in Nov or Jan start

This article was in The Age yesterday -

Selected quotes:

"The WNBL season could be condensed into a seven-week hub campaign should the league start in mid-November."

"The most likely scenario is a 14-game season then a four-team finals series."

"Townsville and Cairns appear the front-runners to host a hub, with Townsville the favourite because they have their own WNBL side."

"Maley said the WNBL had to make a decision by mid-September if they were to start the season in mid-November."

Another article about Canberra as a likely hub location in The Canberra Times -

Topic #47584 | Report this topic

Years ago

Why put money into the WNBL hub what a waste of funds

Reply #816319 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm not really sure how the WNBL is going to fund this? Many players have to subsidise their miniscule wage with another job so to put them in to a hub situation is fairly unrealistic and unworkable.

Reply #816320 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd suggest there would have to be government money for anything to happen

Reply #816321 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm sceptical too. The economics of a normal season barely stack up, let alone this.
But if we get any type of completed season then that'll be a win.
(I mean a win for women's basketball in general, not just a win for Southside)

Reply #816323 | Report this post

Years ago

Bunnings makes sense from a cost point a view.

Reply #816324 | Report this post

James Harvey fan  
Years ago

From the article:

WNBL officials are planning for the season to go ahead in a hub from mid-November with no games to be played in Victoria in the lead-up to Christmas.

Amis continued coronavirus uncertainty, WNBL officials are working on several models to start the season.

That includes a seven-week hub option or two weeks if the league was confident of reverting back to a home-and-away format.

Canberra, Townsville, and Cairns have all been mentioned as potential hub hosts, but no decision has been made yet as they also await government funding.

The league is also preparing to relocate the Perth Lynx to another state with the Western Australian border not expected to be opened until October 24 at the earliest.

Executive General of Basketball Paul Maley revealed the league have set itself a deadline of mid-September to finalise the best hub location and model while they remain flexible on the competition start date, which could extend to January.

"A hub is one of the models in play as an entire season or as a partial solution," Maley said.

“Potentially we could have part hub, part home and away, depending on how travel restrictions go.

“In discussions with a few different governing bodies, but at this stage they remain commercial and confidential.

“We are looking at different scenarios and we want to remain as flexible as possible and do have other models as contingency plans.”

Maley confirmed that Victoria won't host any WNBL games to start the season, with the state only expected to come out of lockdown in September.

“It is highly unlikely, almost certain that we won’t be able to have any Victorian games pre-Christmas,” he said.

“Most of the scenarios involved would include games not being played in Victoria.”

Maley also revealed it is unlikely that a full 21 game season will go ahead, so league officials are looking at different models.

These include a 14 and an 18 game season, which could mean a full-on schedule of up to three games a week.

Maley said officials are also looking to include players’ families in the hub while the WNBL pre-season is expected to start six weeks prior to the competition in mid-November.

Players and officials could also have to quarantine before entering a hub, but if this doesn’t eventuate then the league is looking to play pre-season games.

A seven-week hub is wild. Even if the $$$ were found for it, surely you would have players dropping out because they can't leave work for that long.

Reply #816325 | Report this post

Years ago

Scrap the season and prepare for nbl takeover I say.

opals should play showcase games with current and fringe opals like nz did and plus play kiwis a few times before Olympics.

Reply #816326 | Report this post

Years ago

There'd want to be some serious financial backing coming from somewhere! Potentially having players families in the hub too. I just can not see this happening

Reply #816328 | Report this post

Years ago

After reading that they are kidding themselves

Reply #816329 | Report this post

Years ago

I hope the players have an opt out clause...

Reply #816331 | Report this post

Years ago

Why has comrade isaac locked topics from being commented on?

Reply #816334 | Report this post

Years ago

Would teams have to renegotiate players contracts if the season is going to be cut short??
Minimum wage will have to be changed. There's so much involved in trying to use a hub.

Reply #816335 | Report this post

Years ago

Most should go back to state league and play a 24 player opals showcase.

Reply #816336 | Report this post

Years ago

Women's basketball is the most successful team sport that represented this country in the international arena. If the government is not gonna help now then when?

Reply #816337 | Report this post

Years ago

Success doesnt mean eyeballs in this case

Reply #816338 | Report this post

Years ago

I told you many moons ago, wnbl bubble at the Bendat Basketball Stadium

Reply #816340 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't know, hire out a couple caravan parks for a couple months, get dominoes on board as official food supplier and a couple sausage sizzles and it's all go. As for officials, make it all virtual with refs watching on Tv's, they've had enough practice with half of games calls being reviewed these days.
And before the morons start jumping up and down, that was sarcasm. Can't see how a league that already runs at a loss being able to afford it. Those that rely on the money can look overseas, those that aren't can play state league somewhere. Scrap the season and by this time next year it should be ready to start again. Not the end of the world in cancelling an unviable league.

Reply #816341 | Report this post

Years ago

Sheesh sounds like we've gone back to the dark ages. You say that like it doesn’t matter! Why not just can women’s sport altogether? These are professional athletes that deserve to be treated as such. Thought we were making progress but comments like that just take us back 20 years. How are netball doing so well? Their players are paid decently, they have sponsorship and crowds pay to watch. Seems like the WNBL need to have a good look at their model

Reply #816342 | Report this post

Years ago

That's why it should be canned now, and start focusing on getting the nbl involved instead of the idiots at BA.

Reply #816343 | Report this post

Years ago

Use Foxtel $10 million government gift for woman's sport, that should cover it, if not dig into the $30 million they got the season before.

Reply #816344 | Report this post

Years ago

Why not use those millions to go to the grassroots and help the kids play the sport. Just looking locally, a lot of juniors have left, don't know the reason, another sport maybe, taking a break or giving up entirely. Why invest it now into wnbl where there are other opportunities for the elite players. Netball is huge, will always have girls playing that.
Yes, the wnbl is what young players should aspire to, but why waste the money in such a volatile environment for one season. One quick outbreak and season goes down toilet losing a lot of resources that could be kept in bank when sport is viable.

Reply #816345 | Report this post

Years ago

Basketball is a national sport, netball is talked up but played hardly anywhere seriously. Let's invest in a world sport or the Lauren Jackson’s of this world will be lost.

Reply #816346 | Report this post

Years ago

Why is netball so successful then? If basketball is so popular we should be pooping all over netball

Reply #816347 | Report this post

Years ago

Because its run poorly, it has been that way for a decade or more.
Keneally, Phillips, lj, richter, sterling, Maley, on and on have done next to nothing to help the wnbl grow.

Look at the nbl/nbl1 site vs wnbl and ba site. It's pathetic, dont give me that no budget bs.

Reply #816348 | Report this post

Years ago

WNBL want a champagne bubble with lemonade money.

Reply #816349 | Report this post

Years ago

Netball is popular because the media love talking up winners and other than NZ who with there small population do very well we are unbeatable.

Reply #816350 | Report this post

Years ago

Huh, we are. Ranked 2 in basketball and we lost the major netball comp to England.

Reply #816351 | Report this post

Years ago

Maley's in charge. Nuff said.

Reply #816353 | Report this post

Years ago

What a ludicrous comment 'put the money into grassroots' grassroots is doing just fine. As has been pointed out, the clowns in charge (BA) have no clue what they’re doing. They screwed up both the nbl and seabl, both of which were rescued by LK. If it wasn’t for LK being their white knight we’d be having the same discussion about the nbl.

As for netball, they charge every grassroots player an ‘elite tax’ this is to support the elite level. They have for many years used this money to pay to have it on TV. Clever operators netball, basketball not so much.

Reply #816363 | Report this post

Years ago

How long until Cambage organises a protest when in the bubble?

Reply #816377 | Report this post

Years ago

Cambage will definitely throw a few tantys in the bubble to go along with protests

Reply #816394 | Report this post

Years ago

Cambage wont get to throw a tanty as WNBL/BA have no chance of a bubble without massive government $$. Most of their referees reside in NSW and VIC. They aren't doing crap this season. Call it now.

Reply #816395 | Report this post

Years ago

What about this.
Hear me out.
A WNBL/music pfestival hybrid?
Think splendor on the hardwood?
Just less pingas than usual for her as she has to play.

Reply #816404 | Report this post

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