Don't be surprised if Trev leaves.
Yes, because obviously with no cut to his salary, Perth being the only team that can afford to pay him, and the rest of the word being a toxic virus-ridden shithole, Trev and Dawn can't wait to leave.
They haven't recruited any good Aussies since Matt Nielsen left.
They haven't needed to, he only left a year ago, and he was not responsible for recruiting.
Now he has to coach and develop
As opposed to what?
and has NO history of developing players.
Jervis, Hire, Vague, Lo Buluk, Travers, Pozogou, and Britt all say hi. Not to mention all the players that have improved under Trev's coaching.
So basically your theory is that Dr Jack is a moron, who made his billions by hiring muppets who just accidentality fell over and created a multi-billion dollar empire?
And that his lucky has continued into the NBL, accidentality winning 6 championships?
Well maybe it's like Napoleon said, he'd rather have Lucky Generals than Smart Generals.