Years ago

NH: Shutdown impact on AFL

AFL to take unprecedented control over clubs as part of financial rescue package. Only four clubs could potentially survive a football-free season without borrowing from the AFL, while some will need funds within a fortnight to stay solvent

Topic #47119 | Report this topic

Years ago

It's a sport only played in one country, I’m not surprised it crumbling, in saying that all sports could be on life support if this keeps going.

Reply #802364 | Report this post

Years ago

#364 I doubt that is relevant. In saying that, as a Competition it has market share of Sponsors, Media and the public over all other sports. It has deliberately stunted the growth and development of other sports at an elite level. It has used its funding to lobby for more funding from goverments at the expense of International and Olympic sports.

The AFL will bounce back in 2021. Clubs will bounce back in 2021. Players will come back to the League, so will fans. If a Club has to shut down now for a return next year so what? There's no competition right now.

There's more to life than sport.

Reply #802366 | Report this post

Years ago

For those not as educated in the business of sports, what are the costs that are causing these clubs to bleed? Obviously revenues have been hammered. But on the cost side, they would have reduced a lot by standing down staff. Is it mainly player salaries that is causing the difficulty or are there a lot of fixed costs? Leases on training grounds and offices?

Reply #802368 | Report this post

Years ago

The afl are not getting any revenue, no TV payments as no games, this then flows all the way down the line, Toyota and other main sponsors are not paying out money for no product. The afl were smart in buying that stadium at Docklands and can mortgage it to help clubs out. The nrl have nothing except pissing upright profits over the years.
It's why they are all hoping to get restarted even if it means playing till Christmas, no games no revenue.

Reply #802374 | Report this post

Years ago

Like other businesses shut them down. Close the doors release all the players and staff.

It's brutal but it's reality of the time. As is the case for every business in the country.

The arrogance of the AFL and NRL speaks volumes for who they think they are. They should be ashamed of themselves. People are dying. Nurses, cleaners, check out chicks the lowest paying jobs in the country right now are keeping us going.

Reply #802406 | Report this post

Years ago

Was channel surfing tonight and saw afl classic game between crows and north Melbourne with Carey in his prime on 71. For the sport and Afl starved fans, can't 7 show past classic games in primetime. Obviously nothing like a new season but actually enjoyed watching a good game between teams I don't support. If ratings prove a hit then can convince sponsors to shell out at least some money. Better than showing Better homes and gardens or some news show about Covid 19 every night. Have a poll each week about what games to show, what's the problem?

Reply #802407 | Report this post

Years ago

"For those not as educated in the business of sports, what are the costs that are causing these clubs to bleed?" I really am struggling with the people here that simply don't understand.
The AFL has agreed to aya their players 50% of their salary up to a certain date and then 30% I think it was. Yet all clubs have stood down "non essential workers" without pay. Get the idea?

Reply #802412 | Report this post

Years ago

They must be happy they pumped so much money in the AFLW, Gold Coast Suns, sending teams to China for games etc

Reply #802415 | Report this post

Years ago

"The AFL has agreed to aya their players 50% of their salary up to a certain date and then 30% I think it was. "

Well to ask another dumb question, why are they still getting paid 50% when there's no revenue

Reply #802418 | Report this post

Years ago

Like everyone else, government bail outs. The afl never been scared of asking and getting government money.

Reply #802424 | Report this post

Years ago

The AFL has supposedly borrowed $600mill to pay their players and keep running. It's a joke.

Reply #802432 | Report this post

Years ago

"Well to ask another dumb question, why are they still getting paid 50% when there's no revenue"

Now that's a great question. The pay deal the players negotiated leaves the average AFL player wage somewhere north of $190,000 this year, if no further games are played. This is based on the AFL's statement that there are ~800 AFL players, with an average salary of $380,000 each. The $190,000 figure also assumes equal monthly payments through the year. If payments are unevenly spread across the season, with higher amounts during the playing season and pre-season training, then that average goes up.

So that's an average. Lance Franklin would still be getting something like $650,000 for the year if no further games are played, according to his reputed $1.3 million annual salary ( The rookie salary would be about $36,000 - more than the $1,100 per fortnight JobSeeker payment.

So the clubs are left with wages bills of something like half the salary cap still to pay, even if no more games are played this year - around $6.4 million per club.

So I repeat - that's a great question. And I don't have the answer either. Maybe the contracts were not written in a way that allowed the AFL and clubs to force the players to accept pay cuts or to summarily dismiss them, in circumstances like the current ones?

Reply #802438 | Report this post

Years ago

Or they're such pampered celebrities that they’d never lower themselves to stand in the queue at Centrelink like the rest of the country, and the government is trying to avoid the PR disaster that would happen if 'our footy stars’ (cough) had to do something so embarrassing.

(You can tell how pissed off I am with how the AFL has been allowed to dominate Australian culture and lives. Eddie’s rant shows him up as a tool living in an AFL-centred bubble.)

Reply #802441 | Report this post

Years ago

It's a great question, the Franklins type players of all clubs with the top 10 players take most of the money, so even half for these players it’s still a lot. It’s players form 20 to 44 on the list that 50% cut could hurt.

The only reason I can think re the money is that they all sign a standard afl contract, so that even if the clubs are individual they are still policed by afl headquarters who have the final say. The afl then dictate the rules.

I also see the clubs at worst want to get back on the field, if not this season the next at worst, so they don’t want to lose there players so they pay this season so they don’t all become free agents.

Only guessing but it’ll be interesting in all sports around the world.

Reply #802442 | Report this post

Years ago

The issue relates to the uncertain 2020 Season. If they cancelled it, all players could be delisted teams shut down. No payments, like many A-League clubs have done. But while the AFL holds out hope for a 2020 Season later in the year, the players need to stay contracted and therefore a negotiated pay rate.

Reply #802445 | Report this post

Years ago

"The issue relates to the uncertain 2020 Season. If they cancelled it, all players could be delisted teams shut down. No payments, like many A-League clubs have done. But while the AFL holds out hope for a 2020 Season later in the year, the players need to stay contracted and therefore a negotiated pay rate."

This makes sense. And there is enough financial upside from having a delayed 2020 season (as well as presumably sufficient probability of that occurring) for them to swallow the player payments in the interim.

Reply #802446 | Report this post

Years ago

I still don't see why the AFL and clubs could've kept players contracted but at a lower number. Where else are they going to go to to make better money for what they do?

Sure you run the risk the players don't agree and you have no 2020 season at all but it doesn't seem like the players have that much bargaining power. It's not like they can take their talents to another competition, all leagues are not playing.

Reply #802447 | Report this post

Years ago

AFLPA is a Union which speaks as a collective for all players. They wouldn't move lower than 50% payments. Remember while it feels like they get paid a lot (some not all) that also equates to larger expenses (such as larger mortgages).

How many CEOs have stated they're taking less than 50% salary while sacking low end staff?

Reply #802448 | Report this post

Years ago

AFL players aren't any more special than anyone else with a mortgage who finds themselves unemployed now. Banks have frozen mortgage payments so there's no reason these people who are currently generating zero income for their employers should be earning 50% of (in most cases) a pretty high salary.
But ultimately it's up to them to negotiate. If they're happy to kill their own league then go for it.
I'm surprised they're getting away with it considering they fought so hard for a revenue-sharing salary structure and now somehow when revenue is zero they still act entitled to a shitload of money.

Reply #802449 | Report this post

Years ago

"How many CEOs have stated they're taking less than 50% salary while sacking low end staff?"

I don't have stats but anecdotally from watching the news this has been happening a bit?

Reply #802451 | Report this post

Years ago

This to me has similarities with the female athletes should have equal pay to male athletes. It comes down to a question of revenue generation. If they're generating revenue, they deserve their share of it.

In AFL's case, there wouldn't be much revenue right now? Maybe sponsorships money?

Reply #802452 | Report this post

Years ago

In any case, I was reading an article from Tom Morris yesterday that said the AFL believes that mid August is a reasonable chance of resumption

Reply #802453 | Report this post

Years ago

Why not turn it into a reality show like big brother. Isolate each team that wants to be involved at their training ground, transport them to stadiums and let them play. Charter planes for interstate clubs. Season lasts 1 round, have a top 4, 2 weeks of finals. So players have to be away from homes for 3 months. Lots of other jobs are longer. If players don't want to do it they don't get paid, those that do get the cash. Even give the premiers a cash prize to share amongst them.
NBA are talking about playing entire playoffs in Vegas and isolating in hotels.

Reply #802464 | Report this post

Years ago

Luuc the issue with any sports person is a limited time at the elite level to earn money before they are deemed unfit to continue. Most sports have a 10-15 year window that players can earn from playing. Only the last 5-8 years is a decent figure. Yes you have outliers like Ablett or Dangerfield who can earn good coin early in their careers and continue this for their entire career but each team only has 2-3 of these types of players.

Reply #802467 | Report this post

Years ago

"I was reading an article from Tom Morris yesterday that said the AFL believes that mid August is a reasonable chance of resumption" FMD. It must be true.

Reply #802469 | Report this post

Years ago

Luuc the issue with any sports person is a limited time at the elite level to earn money before they are deemed unfit to continue. Most sports have a 10-15 year window that players can earn from playing. Only the last 5-8 years is a decent figure. Yes you have outliers like Ablett or Dangerfield who can earn good coin early in their careers and continue this for their entire career but each team only has 2-3 of these types of players.

Elite athletes do indeed have a limited window to earn a living as athletes.
I don't see what that has to do with this issue though.
Their value as entertainers is directly proportional to their ratings & ticket sales. That's the argument always used for why WNBA players earn a tiny fraction of their NBA counterparts, right? (or WNBL/NBL, or AFLW/AFL) and it's a valid one.
So when no one is bringing in any money why should an AFL player still earn $500k while an AFLW player gets her season killed one week into playoffs and earns SFA?
They should all be on the $1500 jobkeeper payment IMO, at least until a season re-start is announced and they can justify being paid for training.

If the AFL has a full coffer to pay them big bucks to sit at home making Tik Toks then I don't begrudge them that. But if they think they have a right to still be raking it in atm then that doesn't pass the pub test for me.
Especially given that 80% of club staff have been left jobless.

Reply #802476 | Report this post

Years ago

They get paid too much just like the NBL players and then they over spend on housing etc. Catch 22.

Reply #802483 | Report this post

Years ago

So now the EPL players have rejected the 30% reduction in their wages. They know that people come to watch THEM rather than the coaches or the refs, and that the EPL wouldn't survive without them, but this is hardly the time to flex their muscles and show their dominance through a collective greed.

This would be a good time for the various sports organisations to show that they and the game are bigger than the individual players. It reminds me of the NBA lockout of 2011.

Reply #802484 | Report this post

Years ago

I think the EPL is different because some of those clubs make massive amounts of money.

Reply #802508 | Report this post

Years ago

They also spend millions more than they generate and rely on mega rich owners to succeed.

Reply #802512 | Report this post

Years ago

Billionaire owners, oil sheiks, Asian businessmen.

Reply #802513 | Report this post

Years ago

"They also spend millions more than they generate and rely on mega rich owners to succeed."

Some of those clubs are very, very profitable.

Reply #802517 | Report this post

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