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Years ago

Basketball SA suspends all programs/events/leagues too

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Topic #47040 | Report this topic

Lions Den  
Years ago

Yeah I predicted this yesterday

Reply #799261 | Report this post

Years ago

so if we do start eventually (hopefully) once the risk settles - could we have 5-6 catch up rounds or put the season back and have no pre Christmas Summer season ?

Reply #799561 | Report this post

Years ago

The risk won't settle until September or October.

Reply #799584 | Report this post

Years ago

Pretty much every league and/or federation around the world thinks they'll be back up and running in four weeks time. Yeah, okay.

Reply #799590 | Report this post

Years ago

All advice from the experts is that only static events with more than 500 people in attendance be cancelled, Why is Big V and NBL1 being postponed?

Reply #799592 | Report this post

Triton 26  
Years ago

On Friday I was not happy that BSA cancelled the games. I thought it was an overreaction.

However, I've since heard that one of the district players, who would have played on Friday night, had a mother test positive on Saturday. The boy hadn't tested positive yet, but the risk would have been significant to teammates and opponents.

BSA were right to cancel.

Reply #799953 | Report this post

Years ago

Triton, you are right it is an overreaction. Get used to this disease spreading to many, many. It is right to flatten the bell curve whilst the populations immunity is built and to buy some time to develop the vaccine.

Stopping games and practices all together was and still is a crazy overreaction.

My hope though is they improve process, capabilities for when the BIG, novel virus really hits. This one is going to be "ok". The BIG one is coming one day.

Reply #799959 | Report this post

Years ago

PS: Virus sorry, not disease.

Reply #799960 | Report this post

Years ago

so they play cautious and suspend games till further notice,

or they continue as per normal and risk litigation if anyone contracts the virus?

hmmm...difficult decision, if I'm on the BSA board I play safe and make the call

meanwhile parents bitch and moan regardless!

Reply #799976 | Report this post

Years ago

Cat, BSA's job is to provide duty of care and a measured response. Shutting down junior games for this is not a measured response.

20 people currently have the disease in city with a population of 1.2 million. Death rate will be under 3%. Measures are needed, strong measures needed but it commonsense needs to prevail.

Take out China, Italy and Iran and the deaths globally are probably around 600. We need massive measures to slow the spread so it does not overload the healthcare system. As they are put in place sport will continue.

My fear given the minor severity of this virus is when the real killer comes. World shutdown over this but what about a really nasty novel one? What happens then? I guess the benefit of all this craziness is better planning and systems for the bad one.

Right now, stopping sport will cause more long term CHD and heart disease than this virus :)

Reply #799982 | Report this post

Years ago

The self-proclaimed 'health expert' posters need their own thread. Too many seem to think they have a grip on the situation, which is just comical.

Reply #799992 | Report this post

Years ago

Norwood's Easter Classic has been cancelled.

Reply #800032 | Report this post

Years ago

20 people currently have the disease in city with a population of 1.2 million. Death rate will be under 3%.
The only way to get tested is if you've been overseas or in contact with someone who tested positive, and are showing symptoms.

This means anyone without symptoms, or anyone who caught it from someone who hasn't shown symptoms yet, or anyone who simply mistakes it for a standard cold/flu, doesn't show up in those numbers.

Nationally, they're aware of 350 cases, but there are likely close to 4,0000. If we assume a similar 10x multiplier for Adelaide, there are 200 cases.

Assuming gathering sizes of 500, by next week there's a 20% chances someone present will have COVID-19.

The CDC in the US is recommending gatherings be limited to 50, not to 500, and that wipes out pretty much any sport.

Take out China, Italy and Iran and the deaths globally are probably around 600. We need massive measures to slow the spread so it does not overload the healthcare system. As they are put in place sport will continue.
So if you ignore the places that failed to lock everything down, the numbers aren't bad, therefore it's okay to not lock everything down? You want "massive measures to slow the spread" but want sports to continue? Those two are mutually exclusive.

Reply #800037 | Report this post

Years ago

That should be 4,000 not 4,0000.

Reply #800041 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon 982 you think only 20 people in Adelaide have the virus?

Oh to be as naive as you.

Reply #800042 | Report this post

Years ago


You are an idiot of the highest order.

The kiddies won't die of heart disease in the short term.

Their grandparents most certainly WILL when they come into contact with your kids.

You need to grow a brain and educate yourself, look at the implementations business and associations are activating NOW.

but hey...your little ones running round the court once a week are more important than anyone else

Reply #800146 | Report this post

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