Years ago
as some of you obviously know by now, i'm attempting to organize pick-up basketball on sunday nights at 6-8pm from the 6th of november 2005 to the 26th of february 2006 at wayville sports center. (breathe) the response from players and coaches alike have been promising to say the least. previously i stated that all participating players had to pay a fee of $5. mind you, this was simply to cover the court costs and depending upon the turnout, the fee may well have ended up being cheaper. however, as of last night's game at the dome, i was FLABBERGASTED to learn that our boys and girls have to pay to play!!! well if that doensn't burn my cookies!!! i've heard of players getting paid to play, but paying to play??? (clearing throat)THEREFORE, I HEREBY ANNOUNCE, COMING TO A STADIUM NEAR YOU..............FREE BASKETBALL. that's right ballers.......FREE BASKETBALL. you have my word, that as of last night, i'm going to bust my jibblets to find a sponsor(s) that will come to our unified aid as we begin our plight to fight for our "JAMES NAISMITH'S RIGHT" to play "FREE BASKETBALL"......and if i can't, DON'T FRET, i'll pay for it out of my own wife's pocketbook. i'm OUT!!!!!