A lot of disgruntled ex-juniors blame politics at their respective clubs for stopping them from playing basketball at the level they think they should be. I could choose to trot the "politics" chestnut out, but i prefer to believe that the older I get the better I was! (joke)
I believe that parents of junior District players have a lot to answer for in this regard:
1 - basketball as a sport provides recreation, physical exercise and social skills at an early age.
2 - as children get older, they may choose to continue on into district basketball (which is great!).
3 - THE PROBLEM - Parents often are unrealistic in their understanding of how capable a player their child is, and want TOO MUCH say in their childs basketball pursuits. Rose-coloured glasses! Just as every kid won't be Prime minister of Australia (although I wish I could choose one to be!), not every kid is gonna play D1, ABL, NBL or NBA. (I hope this doesn't suprise the majority of readers!!!)
Politics is evident in every basketball club in SA, it is more prevalent in some clubs compared to others, but it is out there.
The best changes i've seen in basketball clubs have been the ones made from within - get on board!!!
I think i can best sum up my p.o.v. as thinking of Basketball as a user-pays system like your electricity or home phone - if you don't like the service you are currently getting, change provider(=club)