Jack Toft
Years ago
Sixers v Phoenix Feb 2
Ah, the infamous road trip to Auckland. Sixers have been stuffing that one up for years, even Supercoach Scott Ninnis had little success over there, Marty Clarke's well was as dry as a nun's naughty and Joey's stats aren't that much better. The Sixers not only lost over there, they were hung, drawn and quartered by 26 points. The only thing we didn't see after that game is the "sack Joey" thread on Hoops. No doubt a bad result today and one could be up before the boys are in the showers.
Adelaide could make finals, but that's as likely as Joey Wright going on Reddit's /RoastMe. Then again, there's always a dare to be had. Adelaide at home are 7 and 5 and last time these teams played we saw an absolute scorefest 113 to 111. I didn't know the Cube could go that high and a couple of the scorer's needed some physio the week after they were so busy.
Phoenix are 3 and 9 on the road and as a new franchise are feeling their way. Adelaide is not a new frontier to them. Creeky is a local legend, so much, they named a watercourse after him by Birdwood. Gibbo knows the nightlife well, and will be disappointed to hear one of the Hindley St night-clubs has shut. Kyle used to surf West Beach, and of course Ben Madgen knows every bend in the road from Williamstown to Mt Barker. They are definitely not playing finals, but can gain some respect if they get a W today.
I'm predicting another high scoring game with defence only something we hear about as a mystical force, like telekinetics. Would be good to see the Premier there too, just like Jack Nicholson at a Lakers game.
But, I think we might see another "sack Joey" thread after this game with roastings more cynical than /RoastMe. Remember, "the thick the skin, the better the roast"
Phoenix by 8