Who predicted he would leave the club without saying goodbye?
Plenty were suggesting that he'd cut out early, as soon as it suited him/when it was clear the Hawks weren't making playoffs... Leaving without giving word isn't a big leap...
It's really poor form to leave without telling anyone... I was surprised when I heard that he was sticking around once it was known to be a "season ending" injury, most imports go home if they get one of those in most circumstances, I don't think anyone would have held that against him, especially with having to prepare for the NBA Draft... Most would have been "thanks for your time, good luck" if he'd left on the proper terms and in the right way... There's a good character way to do things, and then there's a douchebag character way to do things, and by this stage, you can't teach that, a person either has it or they haven't...
Agree that it won't stop him being drafted by any means, but any employer looks at the type of person you are, and if you're not the next coming of basketball Jesus that can excuse any personal faults, then you have to at least fake being a nice person better...