Jack Toft
Years ago
Hawks v Kings Jan 24
Indigenous round continues with the Kings visiting Dharawal country.
Everyone is lining up to take advantage of the Hawks. The Hawks have had an absolutely caning of late on and off the court. Their season is one to forget, but one of the highlights was smashing their big brother last time they played in the Gong. Can they do it again?, or will Sydney be like a truck without brakes coming down the Escarpment and smash them like a Millennial smashes their avo on toast.
Hawks are zip and 5 going into this contest. Perhaps they need to head to /roastme to have some fun to brighten their day.
The Kings on the other hand are not quite full strength, a bit like modern Australian beer. But even so they should take care of business tonight. The Bogieman will do enough to get the job done. The Bogieman is not the messiah, he's just a naughty boy.
Kings by (pick a number)