Years ago
More bad news at the Breakers.
The Breakers can't seem to get a break this season with news that their Team Manager Fata Letoa has passed away.
Fata is also the father of Junior Tall Blacks player Isaac Letoa who currently plays for the Ivy League University, Dartmouth in New Hampshire.
Doctors had diagnosed the Breakers manager with bronchiectasis and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and had given him only 14months to live before receiving an apparent life saving Lung Transplant.
It has been reported that such was his reputation he was offered a position with the Milwaukee
but due to his condition he was unable to attain Health Insurance and therefore unable to accept the role. Sacramento also reportedly approached him at the Blitz.
The NZ Herald understands that the Breakers offered to pay pay for his service & funeral costs and will be dedicating their match against the SE Melbourne Phoenix to him.
Rest In Peace.