Years ago
Damian Martin 300 games with Perth
Never having attended an interstate game, I can't really say if other teams have players as beloved as Martin is in Perth.
It's something you just can't judge from the telecast.
If you really want to start a fight with a Wildcat fan, try pointing out that Damo isn't originally from Perth.
As far as we're concerned, he's been here long enough, he's become naturalised.
He really should be held up as an example for aspiring players everywhere.
By rights, he just shouldn't be playing NBL. For whatever reason he is, on average a terrible shot.
But he has worked his ass off to develop the other aspects of his game.
He is a great leader and oncourt general, he has been for most of his career, an exceptional rebounder, and easily the greatest defensive player.
Maybe some of that comes down to reflexes, but a lot is owed to just plain hard work.
Congratulations Damo, hope you have quite a few more left in you.