Years ago
NBL Looney Tunes jerseys
love the phoenix one!
Years ago
love the phoenix one!
Perths, Taipans and Kings are not good -Barely see the characters. Rest look good.
Years ago
SEM is pretty cool and the Breakers & Hawks are ok.
Awesome stuff,
Hawks, nz, sem are the best looking jerseys.
Everyone needs to get them for their kids for Christmas.
Years ago
Kind of ironic that our City Jersey is the 'City of Churches', and our Looney Tune is the Tassy Devil
Not enough thought has gone into these.
They should have matched character colours with team colours - not character animals.
Phoenix is by far the coolest, because it makes sense visually. The rest are just thrown together.
Road Runner is almost like for like with Adelaide's colours - that should have been a match.
These will look better in person, but once again.... A grade for concept. C- for execution, vintage First Ever.
Years ago
Bullets' jerseys really should've featured Wiley Coyote blowing himself up with TNT.
SEM far and away the best, with the rest ranging from meh to OK. If you didn't tell me it was a Looney Tunes round I'm not sure I'd have even noticed some of these on TV until a guy shot FTs.
Road Runner also a good choice for Adelaide's run and gun game style
Years ago
SEM easily the best and not to mention Marvin the Martian is a boss.
Melb united getting Bugs Bunny shows you were the priorities lie for First Ever/NBL.
Considering Bugs Bunny usually carries an orange carrot would have been a good fit for Cairns, but because Bugs Bunny is the top tier character, it goes to to united.
2/9 is not good enough.
Most are terribly designed.
Years ago
"Considering Bugs Bunny usually carries an orange carrot would have been a good fit for Cairns, but because Bugs Bunny is the top tier character, it goes to to united."
Daffy the 2nd tier guy goes to Kings too. To be fair though, no character really fits with any team.
Daffy suits Sydney, coz he dribbles a lot of crap... like Paul Smith
No Character fitting matching with a team means you just match team colours with character colours.
I quite like them though the colours could be better, kings would have looked better on yellow jerseys.
Another Justin Kesselman special!
Wonder if they will last after one wash?
Years ago
I got a bit excited when I saw they were doing Looney Tunes jerseys. Been a fan of the show since forever and have a lot of great memories of it. Plus there is the whole Space Jam thing. Looney Tunes is a property that can logically be combined with basketball because of this.
But what did the jersey designers do with this potentially exciting idea? Literally nothing. Three or four are okay. The South East Melbourne Phoenix jersey is literally good. But outside of that, you have weird designs you can barely see and that make no sense. A completely wasted opportunity.
Larry Kestleman in the press release said: "We believe this line will lead the way in First Ever becoming a pioneer in the pop culture basketball apparel space."
I think it had the potential to do a little something like that. Looney Tunes resonates with a lot of people, especially Generations X and Y. But the execution left a bit to be desired. If they made a halfway decent one for Adelaide I would've bought it, but they didn't, so I wont.
Years ago
Love the original Merry Melodies and Looney Tunes.
But WTF are these? Horrible execution. The Wildcats one I can't even tell which character it is? LOL
Years ago
A grade for concept. C- for execution
Years ago
I do suspect the Wildcats jersey looking almost entirely identical to the regular jersey is completely intentional.
Years ago
"I do suspect the Wildcats jersey looking almost entirely identical to the regular jersey is completely intentional."
Yeah, I don't think Perth overly liked the gimmick. They were just like "okay, we'll do it, but you'll only see the design through infra red and heat seeking binoculars."
Years ago
Every gimmick Wildacts jersey is trash, yet every time I'm at the game people are wearing them, some people have too much disposable income on their hands...
Mostly agree although I dig the recent sunset city ones
Cat Chat are a crazy bunch. It's good that there's die hards and fanatics burning cash on crap apparel. The problem is, much like Cat Chat, the bar is set very low, and as long as Cat Chatter's eat up that low hanging fruit the quality won't improve.
Years ago
Perth are clearly invested in the "red army" and making sure the uniform is predominantly red. It frustrates me as a Perth fan, our jerseys are often bland. However I still like looney tunes, the actual perth one available in perth is a slightly different design, check catsgear. Some people like a jersey each year, we can only purchase the options we receive.
Jerseys are meant to represent the team, not be a platform for juvenile fashion
J the Wildcats jerseys are all exactly the same. The ones available on the First Ever website are the same as the ones released in stores today. Picture can be a bit deceiving when you look at the blank jerseys compared to the player numbered jersey. Just don't spend your money buying the blank ones from the Wildcats for $110. You pay $20 more than the retail price for no reason.
Years ago
I honestly don't like the fit of the jerseys in the past few years every time I've tried one on, more like tank tops and a bit restrictive, I still wear my Ennis jersey to games because it is actually comfortable in the hot summer months. Sometimes my #23 Muo jersey gets a run too. :P
Years ago
The worst thing about NBL being played in summer is having to endure every bogan out there showing off their fat non-defined Wortho-like girl arms in player jerseys. Yuck.
Years ago
"The worst thing about NBL being played in summer is having to endure every bogan out there showing off their fat non-defined Wortho-like girl arms in player jerseys"
You forgot exposure of overgrown arm hair.
I agree with Perthworld. 80% of dudes don't take enough care of their bodies to be sexually attractive to me.
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