Jack Toft
Years ago
SEM v SYD Nov 23
It's 1 v 4 on the ladder and a big SEM loss could see the Brisbane 18ers snatch 4th spot.
The Honeymoon is over for the Phoenix who have lost their last two games. Whether they go for the Hat Trick is up to them. The Green Machine faces a Stern Sydney who are top of the table for a reason. It's Sydeney's year, but there's still plenty of season left for the old violet crumble. Not today, but. It's down the Hume Highway to Australia's most liveable city where the Kings will not only enjoy the four seasons in one day, but four quarters of glorious dominance over the latest boys on the block, and just like a trip to Little Saint James Island, you know they will come back satisfied.
These games are the entree to finals and while close, I just think the physical aspect of the Harbour Boy's game will be enough to coax a win. No need to panic for the boys in green, Sydney are just a step above you.
Sydeney by 3