Years ago

Hoops Racism

Sick and tired of the racism that keeps coming out in this forum.
Sometimes its subtle and hard to notice because of anonymity. But if you read enough, and wait patiently, the rock-spiders come crawling out.

It could just be the demographics of the posters, but it seems to be most prevalent when discussing elite/international/Boomers players.

When Bogut, Baynes, Creek, or even Kay is discussed, the sentiments are mostly positive. But Talk about Simmons, Bolden, Maker, Jawai, etc, and the balance substantially shifts towards the negative.
Suggest a Naturalised Cotton might one day play for Australia, and watch the forum melt down.
Plus its not just criticisms of their play. Look at all the things they get accused of; being spoiled, lazy, prima donas, whingers, back-stabbers. If only you could accuse them of dole-bludging and roaming the streets in gangs, you'd have the perfect racist recipe.

Lemanis gets the sack and immediately blame is place on Bolden and Simmons. Why not Motum, or Creek, or Broekhoff.

Obviously the racists will defend themselves, by pointing out that they aren't racist, they just don't like lazy spoiled whinging prim donas, who all just happen to be black.

Topic #46365 | Report this topic

Years ago

Australia is a very racist country. Just look at the racial discrimination Ben Simmons copped at Crown earlier this year.

Reply #776025 | Report this post

Years ago

I was going to put forth a response... but this is likely just a well thought-out attempt at trolling by OP.

Hope you catch a few fish.

Reply #776027 | Report this post

Years ago


I mean sure you might get the odd racist or two on here, but overall i think you're overreacting a bit. All players have a lot of positives and negatives said about them, nothing to do with race. Plenty of white players have copped it on here in recent months.

"Obviously the racists will defend themselves, by pointing out that they aren't racist, they just don't like lazy spoiled whinging prim donas, who all just happen to be black."

Well uhh yeah pretty much. That's basically where a lot of the hate for Simmons and Bolden has come from the last couple of months with the WC. Nothing to do with their race but how they acted.

You conveniently left out any mention of Patty Mills who is probably the most loved player on this forum.

Reply #776028 | Report this post

Years ago

One could write an identical thread arguing you cant criticize certain people based on their skin colour

There are morons everywhere. Hoops brings out more than most.

Get on with your day Liv!

Reply #776029 | Report this post

Years ago

Delete this shit

Reply #776030 | Report this post

Years ago

How many people of colour get scholarships into the AIS?

Reply #776031 | Report this post

Years ago

This OP take is terrible. The last post about omitting Patty is absolutely spot on. Taking selective offense.

Reply #776032 | Report this post

Yinka Dare  
Years ago

Poster doesn't seem to know what a rock spider is.

Reply #776033 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

"You conveniently left out any mention of Patty Mills who is probably the most loved player on this forum."

He probably is actually. If you look at the guys who cop it the most, Teys gets a flogging and Spud gets a ribbing too. Bogut gets called a sook from time to time. When you think about, I think most Hoopsters hate everyone, equally.

"Poster doesn't seem to know what a rock spider is."

Aren't they found under rocks? In the ocean?

Reply #776034 | Report this post

twenty four  
Years ago

Any chance we can just ban any Boomer-related discussion involving Lemanis, Simmons and Bolden? Easily some of the worst threads this site has seen.

Reply #776035 | Report this post

Years ago

Well, sorry, but the labels used accurately describe the players they're attributed to. Don't blame me if they so happen to be black. I doubt if Jonah Bolden were white and walked out on the team that everyone would be singing his praises. And Ben Simmons is a primadonna no matter what colour he is. He wants personal team chefs and personal massage therapists. I mean how removed from the real world can a person be that things like this are actually precluding him from being involved in a basketball tournament? Bet he demands every glass of water he drinks is unearthed from the purist glaciers from some unreachable part of the Himalayan mountains as well.

"Lemanis gets the sack and immediately blame is place on Bolden and Simmons. Why not Motum, or Creek, or Broekhoff."

Because thinking people know that none of those players have the cache to actually cause Basketball Australia to move a finger. Are you blind to how much bigger stars Bolden and Simmons are compared to them?

"Australia is a very racist country. Just look at the racial discrimination Ben Simmons copped at Crown earlier this year."

You mean by people calling out how ridiculous his claim was? He wasn't dressed to their dress code, and the liquor licensing laws stipulate anyone who looks under 25 is asked for ID. He was asked for ID, refused to show it, and he is under 25. No racist story to be found.

"When Bogut, Baynes, Creek, or even Kay is discussed, the sentiments are mostly positive. But Talk about Simmons, Bolden, Maker, Jawai, etc, and the balance substantially shifts towards the negative."

Yeah, sure. If you step away from the specifics of what each player does on court or in their lives, you might see 'race'. But to the rest of us, we see players with different attributes who can be judged on those different attributes. Shocking, I know. But not everyone sees in black and white the way you do. In fact the first person to draw any link to race on any of this is you.

Reply #776036 | Report this post

Years ago

Spot on OP. Then you have coward edgelords like Manu Feildel using the N word.

Reply #776037 | Report this post

Years ago

THe most mocked guy on this board is probably Brendan Teys. He's about as white as it gets.

Reply #776038 | Report this post

Years ago

The worst topic I have ever seen.

Reply #776042 | Report this post

Years ago

If manu has obviously been racist, then that individual has to be dear with. Starting a topic stating everyone who dislikes a player and their antics is racist simply won't cut it. Same goes for commentary, I find homicides commentary unbearable unprofessional and no longer needed for the league to grow. I don’t like Dwayne Russell either, so I guess I hate Black and white races?

Reply #776044 | Report this post

Years ago

I see plenty of hate for all types on the forum.

All look white to me.

Simmons and Bolden cop shit for their attitude not skin colour.

Can't imagine many people have a problem with Cotton playing for Australia. Weren't issues with Grace or Loggins.

OP is a shit stirring moron.

Reply #776045 | Report this post

Years ago

OP have you seen the abuse this forum gives :

- Cadee
- Gliddon
- Braun.
- Singler.
- Sobey
- Bairstow
- Goulding
- Teys.
- White.
- Scott Christopherson.
- Marty Clarke.
- Djeric.
- Kenney.
- Matt Flynn.
- Gleeson.
- Demopolous
- Gaze
- Brett Rainbow

Reply #776046 | Report this post

Years ago

Abusing other posters is probably one of the funniest/ fucked up things you see on the forum as we don't really know each other personally LoL.

Reply #776049 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Marty Clarke, now that's a name I haven't heard for a while.

Reply #776050 | Report this post

Years ago

Jack, don't, just don't wake the dead like that lol

Reply #776051 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Don't mention his name 3 times

Reply #776052 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't know you Jack, but I really feel id dig you in the real world my man!

Reply #776053 | Report this post

Years ago

Now that Lemanis has been sacked the OP needed to find new material related to the Boomers. He went to the absolute bottom and it's working - it has already triggered ME to write yet another essay. Too easy. Keep replying and it will continue.

Any chance we can just ban any Boomer-related discussion involving Lemanis, Simmons and Bolden? Easily some of the worst threads this site has seen.

Someone gets it. It's too easy for the Boomers troll because the same people can't help but reply over and over again. Slow learners.

Reply #776057 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah nice one "Me" and Lovewanker, "I can't possibly be racist because I hate white people too"
That's really original.
Next you'll tell us "some of my best friends are _____rs"

I especially like the bit where "Me" claims he's not racist, then points out how racist he is, but says its not racism, because if a white person behaved like those pesky blacks he'd hate them too. Text-book racism right there.

Claiming to not be racist because you love Mills (or Eddy Murphy, or Aretha Franklin, or some other token black who doesn't offend you) is also straight out of the Nazi hand-book.

To be honest, I had previously just attributed your attacks on Simmons and Bolden to your being a dickhead, but reading the way you defend yourself, its clear you are also a Racist Dickhead.

Reply #776058 | Report this post

Years ago

'058 what on earth is wrong with you? Find another hobby, ME, although I don't always agree with him/hers opinions or long essays, is spot on here.

You've been wrapped into much cotton wool if you're this sensitive and can dissect a pretty reasonable response, to read it as racist. Tread lightly with some very sensitive issues, and who you label as such a disgusting form of humanity.

Reply #776060 | Report this post

Years ago

When all else fails, call them a Nazi. Like, literallllllyyyyyy a Nazi!

What a moron

Grow up Liv Alice Simmons

Reply #776066 | Report this post

Years ago

Ok. I'm racist then. So what?

Seems everyone is so obsessed with everyone else being racist these days, and so scared to be labelled it.

But fuck it, according to your backwards and ridiculous logic, I'm a racist.

So fine. I'm a racist. What next?

"I especially like the bit where "Me" claims he's not racist, then points out how racist he is, but says its not racism, because if a white person behaved like those pesky blacks he'd hate them too. Text-book racism right there."

Call me ableist too, but are you literally retarded?

Reply #776070 | Report this post

Years ago

Did someone just call Aretha Franklin a token black. And really used blank spaces to imply they had american coloured friends. Fxzc@wit.

Reply #776073 | Report this post

Years ago

Daniel Joyce says hi..!

Reply #776074 | Report this post

Years ago

when did so many snowflakes join this site

Reply #776075 | Report this post

Years ago

Me is out of his cotton picking mind.

Reply #776076 | Report this post

Years ago

They joined because one is the owner and moderator!

Reply #776079 | Report this post

I've updated my name for you

Reply #776080 | Report this post

Years ago


just asking to get sued

Reply #776083 | Report this post

The Ibek-Way  
Years ago

Well, not going to deny that there is no racism on this forum (you only have to go look back at the Australia day/ indigenous round threads) but this is a bit of cherry picking by the OP here.

Bogut, Baynes, Creek AND Mills got a fair amount of love from posters. Initially Bolden and Landale also got some support but that quickly turned after Bolden dropped out (rather late) and Landale got exposed on D. Simmons also copped a bit of a flogging for dropping out but I think we are all quite disappointed that we are yet to see Australia's all time greatest player actually play for us.

But the reality is, the players who got the most hate over the last world cup would be Bolden (after leaving), Kay (before people, including myself, realised he could compete at this level) and AL's favourites, Sobey, Gliddon and Cadee

It seems that if you look at everything rather than cherry picking certain players, race was not the primary motivator for most posters

Reply #776085 | Report this post

The Ibek-Way  
Years ago

And of course Deng Adel could be added to that list, it seems quite a lot of people agreed with his exclusion

Reply #776086 | Report this post

Years ago

There is only one Race - The Human Race. Build a bridge and get over it!

Reply #776087 | Report this post

Race wasn't a motivating factor in the least and it's ridiculous that anyone believes it was. It's like, you can acknowledge that white guys are shit. That's fine. Acknowledged a few black guys are shit? That's racist. Hold black guys to the standards you hold white guys to? That's racist. It's absolutely ridiculous. But then again, I'm apparently a racist so I suppose I would find that ridiculous.

Reply #776088 | Report this post

Years ago

Any chance we can just ban any Boomer-related discussion involving Lemanis, Simmons and Bolden? Easily some of the worst threads this site has seen.

best suggestion yet

its behaviour not skin colour that gets people off side

Reply #776090 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

My skin is brown. My manner is tough. My life has been too rough.
I'm awfully bitter these days, because my parents were slaves.

Reply #776092 | Report this post

Years ago

There's plenty of racism on the forum by the OP's case is crap. Exum is generally well-regarded, too, because despite the injuries he's worked his tail off and shown a consistent desire to be a part of the Boomers. Making an effort to contribute in Melbourne when he could have been in Utah worrying about $$.

The guy who most consistently makes arguments about players on the basis of race is the Dave/Maker nutter who is firmly of the opinion that white guys can't ball.

Other posters might be racist, but the fact that they don't like Ben Simmons' attitude isn't your evidence.

Reply #776093 | Report this post

Years ago

Is the person that started this thread for real?
Bogut is the most bagged player on here.
I think this poster is looking through rose coloured glasses

Reply #776094 | Report this post

Years ago

There are definitely racists on this forum, prominent ones too. Anytime a social or political issue is discussed, they don't really try and hide it.

But the criticism of Simmons and Bolden ain't it. Simmons was a distraction leading up to the tournament and cast a bad light over the warm-ups matches. I don't care that he didn't play, but to commit, then withdraw, then re-commit then ultimately withdraw again, speaks to his lack of maturity and that he was probably influenced by others.

Bolden is a different kettle of fish. He completely let the team down and its fair to call him a primadonna because he didn't get his own way so he threw his toys out of the cot. Sorry but it doesn't matter what his ethnicity is, that is extremely poor form and its not just Hoops users that were pissed off, it was his teammates too.

Reply #776098 | Report this post

Years ago

The most protected person on this forum is Phil Smyth, remind me what colour he is again?

Reply #776102 | Report this post

Years ago

some of the biggest racists i know have skin colour that isnt white

Reply #776103 | Report this post

Dave Q  
Years ago

I feel like everyone has copped it on this forum, although it does ebb and flow.

For example, after the Philippines debacle Chris Goulding was lambasted as a flopping cry-baby. Some of the criticism was deserved, some not. Then came the WC, and after some very solid performances in the green and gold he was largely praised for his efforts.

Was it racist that he copped a pasting after some poor behaviour? Was it equally racist he got some plaudits after some very good games?

I think not.

Reply #776104 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone who thinks there's subtle racism on this forum may have a point but try posting with a female name and check out the sexist crap thrown at you to disprove your opinions.

Reply #776108 | Report this post

Years ago

People forget to mention that dark people are more racist to white people than the other way around it's just you dont hear about because white people couldn't really care less. If someone called me white trash or whatever I'd think it's funny

Reply #776110 | Report this post

Years ago

Racism comes in all different shapes and sizes.

I should also point out that it's not restricted to skin colour or ethnicity.

Branding all English Migrants as "Whinging Poms" is racist.
Saying that all (white) Americans are Obese and Ignorant is racist.

So a person can be racist against somebody of Black American heritage, or indeed all Americans, without necessarily being racist against all Black People.

I'd also point out that racism isn't confined to beliefs of Superiority & Inferiority. If you judge or prejudge somebody differently, based on race, that is racism.

Just something to think about.

Reply #776112 | Report this post

I just hate that racism has become the easy way out of a debate for idiotic people. Say a person who happens to be black is not good for X, Y, Z reason, the reply is "you're racist!" It's a comment made to stymie any kind of critique of anyone from the chosen victim group. Aand it's a little bit sad, pathetic, and intellectually lazy.

I mean I was called racist earlier for treating black people the same as I treat white people basically. It takes a special kind of idiot to do that, but our anonymous group are definitely that, so it continues.

Reply #776117 | Report this post

Years ago

ME, lets not kid ourselves, you are racist. But in this case, which is criticising Simmons and Bolden for their petulance, there is no racism.

Reply #776120 | Report this post

Why thank you. Glad you noticed.

Reply #776123 | Report this post

Years ago

I guess I'm sort of racist because I don't like anybody

Reply #776125 | Report this post

Bill Beaver  
Years ago

This thread needs an animated Bill Beaver losing his shit at the refs GIF.

Reply #776126 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry but racism comes down to an uneven distribution of resources and power.

Only groups of people with inherent access to resources and power can be racist to those who have historically been denied access to resources and power and continue to feel the effects of this inequity.

There's sweeping statements and closed-mindedness coming the other way, but you can't call it racism as it is not embedded in societal hierarchy.

Reply #776128 | Report this post

Years ago

Of course this forum is racist. It's initially subtle and hard to notice, but when you open your eyes to it, you realise it's right in front of your face, every time. This forum couldn't get any more white, in page background. All the important content is black, in text colour, doing all the unpaid hard work. The forum just expects the black text to vectorize itself, voluntarily. Then when you point this out, and reload the page, what happens? There it is, an all white page, white supremacy, again. Then if you want to post a message, you have to press (assault) an orange button, which is blatant gingerism if ever I've seen it.

Reply #776129 | Report this post

Years ago

Curtley is the most racist person here.

If you hate a group of people based upon their race, you're racist.


Reply #776130 | Report this post

Years ago

I can't believe rjd used the g-word so flippantly!

Reply #776132 | Report this post

Years ago

This reminds me of the time where in a Corey Webster thread I posted an image from the 80s sitcom Webster and was labelled a racist for doing so by a whole bunch of people. Even after others explained to them what it meant they still didn't get it. It must be far easier for most to use the word racist rather than do a simple web search on a pop culture reference they've failed to understand. Classic.

Reply #776154 | Report this post

Years ago

ME says he's not racist but when ever a black person steps out of line he goes off like a two bob watch. In the past he's been all over the Ben Simmons, Liz Cambage and Adam Goodes threads like a rash he's not racist though just black people need to know their place, to be seen and not heard.

Reply #776156 | Report this post

Years ago

Were they also threads about people *claiming racism* when arguably there was none?

As perfectly illustrated by the OP, there are many instances of confirmation bias, selective memory, or spurious correlations. It's not uncommon to have an initial belief be consolidated by a screw up in your pattern recognition system.

(You can use a similar argument to help explain people's strong belief in god, so it's not like this is only specific to this kind of topic)

If there are other reasonable explanations that don't involve racism, why is it wrong to point them out? Unfortunately, we are getting to a stage among some of the ideological extremists where merely denying an alleged instance of racism, or suggesting it is unlikely, is deemed to exhibit racism itself. It's an absurd argument.

"She is a witch!"
"No, she is not."
"Only a witch would defend another witch. Burn her!"

"I can't be a witch; I like Pastor Eddy and his wife Aretha very much."
"Claiming to not be a witch because you love Pastor Tim or his wife Aretha, or some other token pious person who doesn't offend you, is also straight out of the witch handbook!"

Reply #776166 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh god. Isaac can this whole thread please be purged from the internet?

Reply #776178 | Report this post

Anonymous (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

"ME says he's not racist but when ever a black person steps out of line he goes off like a two bob watch. In the past he's been all over the Ben Simmons, Liz Cambage and Adam Goodes threads like a rash he's not racist though just black people need to know their place, to be seen and not heard."

Well, you'll take this the wrong way I'm sure, but can you name some white players as divisive as Ben Simmons, Liz Cambage or Adam Goodes? If you can't, you have no real way to say how I'd react if there were white players making as big- a- bell end of themselves as those guys.

And by the way, when talking basketball, generally the most notable players are going to be black. Most of the NBA is also black. So when a basketball player does something a bit obnoxious, black people are going to be overrepresented in that because they make up the most of the NBA, and the NBA is where primadonnas live.

Really you're just seeking to blame me for noticing that those particular black gentlemen are dickheads. I'm not going to sugarcoat that because they're black. And I go as hard after shit white players as well and anyone who actually knows me could attest to that. But it just so happens that Ben Simmons, Liz Cambage and Adam Goodes are half wits. I can rattle off a whole range of white half wits if it makes you feel more secure?

But anyway, you can call me racist. I'll sleep just fine if people who don't know me but see words on a screen have come to a completely wrong opinion of me. That's your problem, not mine.

Reply #776183 | Report this post

Years ago

I think this thread has run its course.

Reply #776185 | Report this post

Years ago

Sad that I have to point out the bleeding obvious, but claiming you are "not a racist" doesn't make you not a racist.
Plus making a joke out of a serious issue just shows what a racist dickhead you truly are.

Unlike 100 years ago, most racists claim to not be. Plus there favourite defence just like "Me" is to say "I'm not racist, I just hate black people because they deserve it.

If your attacks on Simmons were based in any way on his ability, that might escape notice, but they're not. You have attacked this kid from day one. With Bolden it has been more varies, but still the Vitriole is disproportionate.

As somebody pointed out, when the news about the new coach first broke, there were three groups posting. Those agreeing & attacking Lemanis, those disagreeing and defending Lemanis, and the racists who immediately blamed the nearest Black scapegoat.
When the utter stupidity of your attacks was pointed out, you immediately switched to blaming the next Black target.
Then your defence "well I haven't blamed Mills so I can't be racist", just classic.

I should also point out, and its almost comical, that the OP didn't out anyone in particular. The racists have outed themselves with responses.

Reply #776188 | Report this post

Years ago

Well, you'll take this the wrong way I'm sure, but can you name some white players as divisive as Ben Simmons, Liz Cambage or Adam Goodes? If you can't, you have no real way to say how I'd react if there were white players making as big- a- bell end of themselves as those guys.

Divisive? How are these players divisive? Shane Heal is a bigger tosser than all three of those people combined he's frittered away hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions of other people's money on top of all the other things he's done and I don't remember you ever arking up about him.

But an Aboriginal dare say anything about race and you go ballistic. It doesn't matter if what they say are an example of racism or not the fact you go so crazy over it speaks volumes.

Reply #776190 | Report this post

Years ago

Again, everyone is going to agree with disagreeing on the various labels they are receiving.

IF there is some clear racially motivated hatred posted on this forum, I suggest you flag it for the powers that be to isolate it and the individual.

How many more posts will there be about who's right who's wrong and who's this and that? If its clear, then FLAG IT at the time!!!

Reply #776191 | Report this post

Anonymous (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

"Divisive? How are these players divisive? Shane Heal is a bigger tosser than all three of those people combined he's frittered away hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions of other people's money on top of all the other things he's done and I don't remember you ever arking up about him."

And how relevant is Shane Heal? Is he an active player? Is he in any way prominent? Is he making big claims that deserve debate or scorn? No. So shut the fuck up you dickhead.

Reply #776198 | Report this post

Me (the proud racist) (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

"If your attacks on Simmons were based in any way on his ability, that might escape notice, but they're not. You have attacked this kid from day one. With Bolden it has been more varies, but still the Vitriole is disproportionate."

Well there isn't much to debate on his ability. But he's been going around saying ridiculous shit and acting like a fuckwit, so there's my vitriol. I had not a single bad thing to say about him until he played his little hokey pokey with the Boomers team.

"Those agreeing & attacking Lemanis, those disagreeing and defending Lemanis, and the racists who immediately blamed the nearest Black scapegoat."

For what it is worth I never said Simmons was the reason and I never said Bolden was the reason. I have defended that Lemanis did a decent job with the team and people have reacted bizarrely to it.

"I should also point out, and its almost comical, that the OP didn't out anyone in particular. The racists have outed themselves with responses."

Yeah, because if you don't think something is racist, and if you say as much, you MUST be a racist. You people are brain dead.

Reply #776199 | Report this post

Years ago

If the new coach were anyone other than Brett Brown people wouldn't have immediately jumped to Simmons and Bolden.

Reply #776200 | Report this post

Me (the proud racist) (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

"If the new coach were anyone other than Brett Brown people wouldn't have immediately jumped to Simmons and Bolden."

Sorry, but did you just see an obvious and undeniable link?


Reply #776220 | Report this post

Years ago

"But an Aboriginal dare say anything about race and you go ballistic. It doesn't matter if what they say are an example of racism or not the fact you go so crazy over it speaks volumes." - Zodiac

Sorry, Zodiac, this is another spurious correlation. The discussion on Heal was short and quick, not because he's white, but because there was a lack of contrasting opinions. Notice the threads that get the most discussion occur when there are multiple opinions. Also notice in the media in general the wide discussion generated by accusations of racism. It is mostly not a racists vs non-racists debate, although I'm sure there are some racists out there. Racism is treated with disdain in our culture by, it seems, the vast majority. A large amount of discussion comes from the grey area in what constitutes racism. A large amount comes from simply disagreeing with the interpretation of events, disagreeing what others' motives might be for their actions. That leaves a lot of room for discussion. Take this thread as an example. I actually don't recall people arguing *for* racism.

"Plus there favourite defence just like "Me" is to say "I'm not racist, I just hate black people because they deserve it." - anonotroll

This is when we need registration on this forum, so we immediately know who is a troll and/or already lost credibility, so we don't have to waste time reading their nonsense. At least Zodiac puts his name to his comments. I respect him/her holding a consistent opinion, but disagree with the interpretation, so ultimately believe Zodiac's points are most likely invalid. All the others (if there really is more than one) claiming racism have taken pot shots from their anonymous bunker(s), without having the guts to lay claim to a defined posting history. It's cowardly and/or demonstrates a lack of strength in their own stance, avoiding scrutiny.

Reply #776293 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot that one "I'm not racist I just hate Black People because they are so 'Divisive'!" Where by "divisive" you mean they dare to have opinions and stand up for themselves.

As I said, nobody has specifically named anybody, but the racists have outed themselves. Because yes, somewhat transparently, nothing gets a racist more fired up than a discussion about racism.

Then to defend themselves, they remind us about their racism towards other people such as Goodes and Cambage.
"See, I'm not racist, because I hate more Black people because they're divisive." Mmm great, yeah, thanks.

The Goodes excuse "I'm not racist because I only boo the Black people I don't like" was another classic.

So basically your defence is that it's ok to call a Black person a "Filthy _____r crackhead" because as long as you don't call every Black person in the world the same thing, its not racist. Beautiful.

Reply #776329 | Report this post

Years ago

"IF there is some clear racially motivated hatred posted on this forum, I suggest you flag it for the powers that be to isolate it and the individual.
How many more posts will there be about who's right who's wrong and who's this and that? If its clear, then FLAG IT at the time!!!"

Really? That's your take on racism?

Ok, next time somebody uses the n word, I'll flag it.

Reply #776330 | Report this post

"Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot that one "I'm not racist I just hate Black People because they are so 'Divisive'!" Where by "divisive" you mean they dare to have opinions and stand up for themselves.

I never said they can't have opinions, but I don't have to pander to those opinions and agree with them just because they're black. And yes, divisive. When you randomly leave a team because you don't like the minutes you get despite not earning more, that's divisive. When you cry racism because a casino has the gall to subject you to the same ID checks they give normal civilians, and then you post on instagran about it whinging, that's divisive. When you pretend to throw a speer at opposition fans then wonder why they don't cheer for you, then have a documentary made about it trying to paint people as racist, THAT IS DIVISIVE.

You seem to think unless you immediately agree on everything a black person says any time they say it, about anything, you have to be racist. Black person: "The sky is green". Me: "The sky is blue". You: "The sky is racist and Me, you're racist for noticing."

"As I said, nobody has specifically named anybody, but the racists have outed themselves. Because yes, somewhat transparently, nothing gets a racist more fired up than a discussion about racism."

You sound pretty fired up yourself. Or could it be that people are just sick of constantly hearing about racism when it comes to things that aren't actually racist, just maybe?

"Then to defend themselves, they remind us about their racism towards other people such as Goodes and Cambage.
"See, I'm not racist, because I hate more Black people because they're divisive." Mmm great, yeah, thanks."

Who even said they hate black people more? If you're talking about divisive characters currently in basketball, they happen to be black. What do you want people to do about that? If I didnt generally agree with the things Andrew Bogut said I'd also call him divisive and to some people he is. So to those who feel Andrew Bogut is divisive, are they being racist to him?

"So basically your defence is that it's ok to call a Black person a "Filthy _____r crackhead" because as long as you don't call every Black person in the world the same thing, its not racist. Beautiful."

Literally no one on this board has ever said that, so your want to boil it down to something no one is saying is "beautiful". As someone who likes to behold the illogical idiocy of human beings, your entire debate thus far has been a thing of beauty.

Reply #776341 | Report this post

Years ago


Well, you'll take this the wrong way I'm sure, but can you name some white players as divisive as Ben Simmons, Liz Cambage or Adam Goodes? If you can't, you have no real way to say how I'd react if there were white players making as big- a- bell end of themselves as those guys.

Divisive? How are these players divisive? Shane Heal is a bigger tosser than all three of those people combined he's frittered away hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions of other people's money on top of all the other things he's done and I don't remember you ever arking up about him.

But an Aboriginal dare say anything about race and you go ballistic. It doesn't matter if what they say are an example of racism or not the fact you go so crazy over it speaks volumes.

love this LOL, you obviously cant remember the threads lambasting Heal all over this forum and everywhere else, did anyone shout 'thats racist'' they didn't because it was all about his behavior, but hell if anyone of colour behaves that way and they are given the same treatment , it HAS to be racists, couldn't possibly be because their behavior is appalling.
Same for Bogout, hes been blasted many time, Brendan Joyce, christ at one time hisd name was total mud here, and Lemanis, so its OK to dish out on anyone just so long as they are white, because any person of colour who has a bad attitude is justified ??????

Simmons is a prima donna and Cambage is his female equilvilant....may I remind everyone, that BOTH of these people also have a WHITE parent.

Reply #776352 | Report this post

Years ago

Both of their parents are oppressors.

Which makes them half oppressors!

Reply #776362 | Report this post

Years ago

"Because yes, somewhat transparently, nothing gets a racist more fired up than a discussion about racism"

Ironically, it is you that has a racial obsession, studying each issue for any racial connection, judging people's responses by whether the subject of criticism is a particular race, desperately trying to correlate behaviour with race.

Have you considered that many of those that dismiss such claims are the least racially obsessive, least likely to be racist by the mere fact that race doesn't feature in their judgment of a person.

Some of the highest incidences of 'accidental'racism occurs from those most passionately obsessive with race.

My objection comes from whether I believe the claims are false. The OP has made some false connections, with probably the same anon making even more wild claims later. Same as when I explained the reasons for Lemanis's decision to choose Gliddon and Sobey (false claim = Brisbane bias). To claim racism from finding reasonable explanations that don't involve race is akin to claiming I endorse cronyism by suggeating that Gliddon and Sobey were reasonable selections for the World Cup.

Who in this thread is most obsessed with the race of people being discussed?

Reply #776370 | Report this post

Years ago

This forum jumps at trolls so easily.

Reply #776371 | Report this post

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