Years ago

Gold+ Seating @ AEC

Gold plus member with 4 tickets(family), pretty frustrated with seating/view, have contacted club 4 times - initial contact was prior to first game and advised to see what we think after the first game. I then contacted to say no good only to be advised others have had similar issues and I would be contacted by membership specialist but no follow up call has occurred.
I called prior to second games and was offered seating in the upper corner section a fair way back or row 1 on the baseline as obviously no other seats are available.
Sad parts is kids can't see a thing and no longer want to go, i don't want them on my lap for 2 hours either. Just frustrated as had membership for 20 years +

currently investigating corporate box at AEC to see if that is a viable option.

Otherwise thinking of cancelling membership and just getting tix from ticketex to the games i can go to.

Anyone else in similar position?

Topic #46246 | Report this topic

Years ago

Same here mate, I don't want to sit on your lap for two hours either.

Reply #772172 | Report this post

Sixers Fan  
Years ago

At the open day I looked at that level of seating and thought that they wouldn't be any good and got 4 x mezzanine. A costly exercise but we can see everything

Reply #772174 | Report this post

Years ago

Sixers staffers deserve a pay rise for the amount of whingers and sooks they have to endure from this fan base. Nothing but complaints.

Reply #772175 | Report this post

Years ago

The sixers staff are doing it for free tickets and exposure though?

Reply #772178 | Report this post

Years ago

I understand it's not easy as no great alternatives but just frustrating when spending 1500 plus and kids can't see the court at all.

Reply #772180 | Report this post

Years ago

Sixers staffers deserve a pay rise for the amount of whingers and sooks they have to endure from this fan base. Nothing but complaints.

You don't think spending hundreds of dollars for a family of four season membership and not being able to see a thing is not a legitimate gripe?

Reply #772184 | Report this post

Years ago

We attended the members day and the AEC have booster seats for kids in the lower section not sure if they are openly offering these or you have to request them but that is what we were told.

Most of the seats available now have what they call restricted views ie the southern mezzanine all have the bar deck in the way hence why they are vacant.

I moved my seats to the gold section took me a visit to the office to organise, but have asked to be relocated as we spend a lot of time getting up and down for people entering/exiting row at quarter / half time and end of game.

I have requested mezzanine seats and happy to pay the difference they are looking into seeing if they can accomodate but am not holding my breath as I have to get four seats and anything that is left has restricted views...........after 27 years as a member this has been pretty poor considering they were sprouting its the club supporters who are important on Sunday.

Reply #772185 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah not a lot of options for staff to offer now. I wish i was offered an alternate on my first contact as may have had a seat suitable or at least better than current options

I think it's a fair question, Yes I'm a bit frustrated but I'm not yelling and screaming just seeing if others in similar position and what they have done.

Reply #772192 | Report this post

Just interested  
Years ago

So does the over all seating cost more than the perevious venue?

Why are the loyal fans being treated so poorly as the examples here seem to indicate?

Reply #772201 | Report this post

Years ago

i'm sure you can see the court. stop it.

Reply #772383 | Report this post

Years ago

Actually that's a lot of the issue for most patrons is you do not get a clear view of the court the southern side is impacted by the height of the bar they installed, a good idea would be better if they removed the back to allow viewing for the patrons behind the bar who lose site of the southern side of the court.

Tiers court side are too low and for a premium seat you do not get a clear view of the court.

Even the mezzanine seats have impacted views with the safety bar running around the stadium.

The AEC as a venue is great for entertainment events but for basketball the court is bigger than a stage event and this impacts patrons viewing in both the lower and higher tiers and you just have to concede it is not great for basketball viewing other than comfortable seating plus air conditioning and proximity to the city.

Reply #772449 | Report this post

Double Clutch  
Years ago

Not sure why some people on here are so hostile to the experience of paying customers.

I gave up my seats this year as I could tell from the open day that I would have to crane my neck from the Gold plus seats allocated to me and my wife would have it even worse. I then had the option of silver seats behind the baseline or general admission but after experiencing multiple price hikes for my seating category over the last couple of seasons I decided the value wasnt there.

Next season will be the real test of the move, how many will not renew due to these issues. I hope for the sake of the club that whoever they lose is made up by new customers plus some.

There is some losers out of the move by the club. I don't see what is wrong in acknowleding that.

Reply #772501 | Report this post

Almost the exact same issue as the OP. We had previously just had two memberships for my wife and I and tried to offload the kids to babysitters, but my eldest in particular likes going so we upgraded to a family membership this season so all four of us could go.

At Titanium Arena we had worked our way into our ideal position over the last 10 years, Aisle seating, first row of Gold+. We had a good group of members around us that we became friends with, and those next to us had even said they'd move their seats a couple down so our kids could come this season, but then the venue changed.

We could tell at the open day that the tiers weren't going to be steep enough in Gold+ so we requested to go up to the mezzanine, but even at that early stage, they couldn't find us 4 seats together. We decided to "give it a go" this season, but so far it has been as expected. Even I, at 6'3" struggle to see past the punters in front, and there are lots of "dead spots" on court where no matter what, i just can't see what is happening there. We're also now buried in the middle of a row, which is far from ideal with two youngsters who need to get out for the toilet, or just get ratty and need to get out to the concourse and burn some energy.

My parents are also members and have been going for 15 years. They are in a different section of Gold+ but are experiencing the exact same problems with sighting what is happening on the court. The old man is a grumpy bastard at the best of times so he's been going pretty hard at the Member team about the problems. He even had a meeting last week down at the AEC and they made it fairly clear that they're aware the vision in the lower sections is shit but they can't and won't do anything about it so they're just trying to appease the loudest complainers as best they can. They have offered my olds new seats higher up, but Dad's not convinced that the position is going offer a better vantage. If they last out this season I'm fairly sure they won't be back next year.

From the group of Members we used to sit with, probably 50% saw their seats at the open day and decided not to renew, so that probably says it all really. I won't be renewing next year for our family unless they can get us a spot where we can all see. Plenty of people on here, and also apparently at the club, think that having a bigger venue, bigger score cube, better food options outweighs the ability of patrons to see the game of basketball. I think that's a mistake. They are clearly pushing the "event" model. They are forgetting that a lot of people actually are paying money to see their team, not just socialise. If you can't see your team then why pay the money? They're really walking a fine line when the NBL is so accessible via streaming services and TV. Because at least on my TV i can see the whole damn court and I don't feel disconnected from the game.

Reply #772640 | Report this post

Years ago

We had a couple issues with our seats, so contacted the club who were great. Took the time to meet us personally and we love the seats we now have. Same price as last year and AEC is 10x better than the old hot box. Now we just want to see some wins!

Reply #774527 | Report this post

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