Alfonso Ball
Years ago
Have any of you guys noticed that NBL play-by-play commentator Dwayno Russell says hassle instead of hustle? At least once a game Dwayno will say something like "Martin chases down the rebound with great hassle." Surely he means hustle right? I don't watch AFL - do you have hassle in the AFL or something? What the hell Dwayno talking about? Hassle? Every single game I have watched this year with Dwayno as play-by-play guy he has used the word hassle - sometimes multiple times. Tonight he used it on a Martin rebound - last week when he did it Homicide semi-corrected him by basically repeating what Dwayno had said but with the word hustle in place of hassle and I was hoping Dwayno got Homicides hint but apparently not because like I said he did it again tonight. Its really annoying me. Someone needs to tell him. Its hustle not hassle you weirdo.
Has Dwayno been watching NBA games for research and has heard hustle said in an American accent? Even Americans don't sound like they are saying hassle when they say hustle though do they? What the hell? Hassle?
Oh my God I hate Dwayno. And do we really need to hear the life stories of every import when Dwayno is calling? Fine tell us what college they went to or whatever but not their life story - especially if they found their father murdered when they were a kid or something. Dwayno gave me nightmares with his import life stories last year. I don't need to know stuff like that - Jesus Christ.
And "Young Talent Time"? "Top of the pops" - who is supposed to understand these ancient references? I'm old as hell and I barely remember Young Talent Time. Top of the Pops? What?
But yeah hassle. Hassle? Does anyone know what Dwayno is talking about? He means hustle right?