Alfonso Ball
Years ago
NBL Cheerleaders
I was watching some NBL on TV at my parents house recently and my dad was sitting with me - he doesn't like basketball but occasionally he will make some quick basketball small talk with me to be polite because he knows I like it - so he is looking at the TV and the second quarter has just ended - they are going to a break and they show a couple of seconds of some hot cheerleaders before going to commercials and my dad asks me " Why don't they show the cheerleaders?" I told him I didn't know but that when I was a kid in the 90s they seemed to show a lot more of them. It did seem like years you got to see a lot more of our NBL cheerleaders in the 90s hey. I used to hate the Melbourne Tigers but I always thought they had the hottest cheerleaders no contest. Oh my God the 90s Melbourne Tigers cheerleaders were hot. Remember the 90s Melbourne Tigers cheerleaders? Anyway my dad is right - you don't see much of the NBL cheerleaders these days - a few seconds if you are lucky. Now in the case of the Adelaide 36ers or New Zealand Breakers cheerleaders I'm fine with that ( what are you feeding your cheerleaders in Adelaide anyway ) but a lot of NBL teams have some seriously hot cheerleaders from what I can tell of the few seconds I get to see of them.
So would you guys agree with me that the NBL needs to show our NBL cheerleaders a lot more respect for all the hard work they are putting in and leave the cameras on them for a lot longer from time to time?
And in your opinion which NBL team has the hottest cheerleaders now that there are no Melbourne Tigers cheerleaders? I'm going to have to go with the Cairns Taipan's cheerleaders for hottest. I would say that Perth Wildcats cheerleaders are the most athletic cheerleaders. And the Adelaide 36ers cheerleaders are the most well fed cheerleaders.