Years ago
should joey wright get the sack?
this is a very harsh topic but there is reasoning behind this.
1. last year they had a good enough roster to play in the playoffs. moore, sobey, wiley, DJ might be missing someone.
2. joey wright has been coaching at adelaide for how long now 7 or so years.
3. if he doesnt get to the playoffs this year there has to be massive ??? surrounding his future at this team. having griffin, DJ, Moore and randle should be at least top 6 in the league very close to playoff contention.
4. but the way they played against sydney DIDI didnt play and bogut was injured for a good half of the game and still lost by 21 points yes they came back from america and had to play sydney away but randle and DJ were the only shining lighst there bench is terrible.
5. the management of adelaide needs to be looked at and who they sign because they have DJ whos a very good player they lost wiley they now have randle i dont think moore is up too being a import in this league anymore but maby hes only playing because hes cheap.
6. this adelaide team has potential but maybe its the coaching staff if they go 0 and 3 the has to be concerns over the coach and the GM on what imports they sign and what aussie players they sign for there bench.